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Английский язык с Оскаром Уайльдом 7 страница


"I shall take the heart (а я возьму сердце)," returned the Tin Woodman; "for brains do not make one happy (потому что мозги не делают человека счастливым), and happiness is the best thing in the world (а счастье — это самая лучшая вещь в мире)."

Dorothy did not say anything (Дороти ничего не сказала), for she was puzzled to know which of her two friends was right (так как она была озадачена и не знала, кто из двух ее друзей был прав), and she decided if she could only get back to Kansas and Aunt Em (и она решила, что если бы ей только удалось: «она смогла бы» вернуться назад в Канзас, к Тетушке Эм), it did not matter so much whether the Woodman had no brains and the Scarecrow no heart (то было бы не столь важно, были ли у Дровосека мозги, а у Страшилы сердце), or each got what he wanted (или получит ли каждый /из них/ то, что хотел; whether — ли /вводит косвенный вопрос и некоторые виды придаточных предложений, выражающих неуверенность, предполагающих выбор из нескольких альтернатив/).

What worried her most was that the bread was nearly gone (что беспокоило ее больше всего, так это то, что хлеб почти закончился), and another meal for herself and Toto would empty the basket (и что следующий прием пищи ею и Тото опустошит корзину). To be sure neither the Woodman nor the Scarecrow ever ate anything (конечно, ни Дровосек, ни Страшила ничего не ели; sure — уверенный; to be sure — конечно: «быть уверенным»), but she was not made of tin nor straw (но она-то не была сделана ни из железа, ни из соломы), and could not live unless she was fed (и не могла жить без еды: «если/пока она не была накормлена»; to feed — кормить, давать пищу /кому-либо/; unless — если не; пока не).


happy ['hxpI], happiness ['hxpInIs], puzzle [pAzl], unless [qn'les]


"I shall take the heart," returned the Tin Woodman; "for brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world." Dorothy did not say anything, for she was puzzled to know which of her two friends was right, and she decided if she could only get back to Kansas and Aunt Em, it did not matter so much whether the Woodman had no brains and the Scarecrow no heart, or each got what he wanted.

What worried her most was that the bread was nearly gone, and another meal for herself and Toto would empty the basket. To be sure neither the Woodman nor the Scarecrow ever ate anything, but she was not made of tin nor straw, and could not live unless she was fed.


6. The Cowardly Lion (трусливый Лев)


All this time Dorothy and her companions had been walking through the thick woods (все это время Дороти и ее спутники шли через густой лес; thick — толстый; частый, густой). The road was still paved with yellow brick (дорога была все еще вымощена желтым кирпичом), but these were much covered by dried branches and dead leaves from the trees (но они /кирпичи/ были обильно покрыты сухими ветками и опавшими листьями с деревьев; dead — мертвый; увядший, погибший), and the walking was not at all good (и прогулка вовсе не была приятной; good — хороший; приятный).

There were few birds in this part of the forest (в этой части леса было мало птиц), for birds love the open country where there is plenty of sunshine (потому что птицы любят открытую местность, где много солнечного света; plenty — изобилие, достаток; множество, большое количество). But now and then there came a deep growl from some wild animal hidden among the trees (время от времени: «теперь и тогда» раздавалось глухое рычание какого-то дикого животного, которое пряталось среди деревьев). These sounds made the little girl's heart beat fast (эти звуки заставляли сердце маленькой девочки биться быстрее), for she did not know what made them (ведь она не знала, кто их издавал); but Toto knew, and he walked close to Dorothy's side (зато Тото знал, и шел совсем рядом с Дороти; side — стенка; место рядом; at smb.’s side — рядом с кем-либо; close — близко), and did not even bark in return (и даже не лаял в ответ; return — возвращение; отдача, возврат; in return — взамен, в ответ).


companion [kqm'pxnIqn], covered ['kAvqd], plenty ['plentI], sunshine ['sAnSaIn], growl [graul], animal ['xnIm(q)l]


All this time Dorothy and her companions had been walking through the thick woods. The road was still paved with yellow brick, but these were much covered by dried branches and dead leaves from the trees, and the walking was not at all good.

There were few birds in this part of the forest, for birds love the open country where there is plenty of sunshine. But now and then there came a deep growl from some wild animal hidden among the trees. These sounds made the little girl's heart beat fast, for she did not know what made them; but Toto knew, and he walked close to Dorothy's side, and did not even bark in return.


"How long will it be (как долго это будет /продолжаться/)," the child asked of the Tin Woodman, "before we are out of the forest (прежде чем мы выйдем из этого леса)?"

"I cannot tell (не могу сказать)," was the answer (последовал ответ), "for I have never been to the Emerald City (ведь я никогда не бывал в Изумрудном Городе). But my father went there once, when I was a boy (но мой отец ходил туда однажды, когда я был мальчиком), and he said it was a long journey through a dangerous country (он говорил, что это было долгое путешествие через опасную страну; danger — опасность), although nearer to the city where Oz dwells the country is beautiful (хотя ближе к городу, где обитает сам Оз, страна прекрасна). But I am not afraid so long as I have my oil-can (но я не боюсь, пока у меня есть моя масленка), and nothing can hurt the Scarecrow (и ничто не может причинить вреда Страшиле), while you bear upon your forehead the mark of the Good Witch's kiss (пока ты носишь на своем лбу знак поцелуя Доброй Ведьмы), and that will protect you from harm (он защитит тебя от беды)."

"But Toto (но Тото)!" said the girl anxiously (сказала девочка беспокойно). "What will protect him (что защитит его)?"

"We must protect him ourselves if he is in danger (мы должны будем защитить его сами, если он окажется в опасности)," replied the Tin Woodman (ответил Железный Дровосек).


dangerous ['deIndZqrqs], forehead ['fOrId], protect [prq'tekt], harm [hQ:m]


"How long will it be," the child asked of the Tin Woodman, "before we are out of the forest?"

"I cannot tell," was the answer, "for I have never been to the Emerald City. But my father went there once, when I was a boy, and he said it was a long journey through a dangerous country, although nearer to the city where Oz dwells the country is beautiful. But I am not afraid so long as I have my oil-can, and nothing can hurt the Scarecrow, while you bear upon your forehead the mark of the Good Witch's kiss, and that will protect you from harm."

"But Toto!" said the girl anxiously. "What will protect him?"

"We must protect him ourselves if he is in danger," replied the Tin Woodman.


Just as he spoke there came from the forest a terrible roar (не успел он закончить это говорить: «как раз когда он говорил», из леса послышался ужасный рык), and the next moment a great Lion bounded into the road (и в следующее мгновение на дорогу выпрыгнул огромный Лев; to bound — прыгать, скакать). With one blow of his paw (одним ударом своей лапы) he sent the Scarecrow spinning over and over to the edge of the road (он смел Страшилу с дороги: «он отправил Страшилу крутиться вокруг и вокруг к краю дороги»; to send — посылать, отправлять; приводить в какое-либо состояние; to spin — прясть, сучить /шерсть/; крутить/ся/, вертеть/ся/), and then he struck at the Tin Woodman with his sharp claws (и затем напал на Железного Дровосека своими острыми когтями; to strike — ударять, бить). But, to the Lion's surprise, he could make no impression on the tin (но, к удивлению Льва, он не смог ничего сделать с железом; impression — эффект; впечатление; оттиск, отпечаток, след), although the Woodman fell over in the road and lay still (хотя Дровосек упал на дорогу и лежал неподвижно; to fall over — свалиться).


lion ['laIqn], terrible ['terqbl], roar [rO:], paw [pO:], sharp [SQ:p], claw [klO:], impression [Im'preS(q)n]


Just as he spoke there came from the forest a terrible roar, and the next moment a great Lion bounded into the road. With one blow of his paw he sent the Scarecrow spinning over and over to the edge of the road, and then he struck at the Tin Woodman with his sharp claws. But, to the Lion's surprise, he could make no impression on the tin, although the Woodman fell over in the road and lay still.


Little Toto, now that he had an enemy to face (маленький Тото, теперь, когда ему пришлось встретиться лицом к лицу с врагом), ran barking toward the Lion (побежал, лая, ко Льву), and the great beast had opened his mouth to bite the dog (и огромный зверь /уже/ открыл свою пасть, чтобы укусить собаку), when Dorothy, fearing Toto would be killed (когда Дороти, опасаясь, что Тото будет убит), and heedless of danger (невзирая на опасность; heed — внимание, забота; heedless — не обращающий внимания), rushed forward and slapped the Lion upon his nose as hard as she could (бросилась вперед и шлепнула Льва по носу так сильно, как только смогла), while she cried out (и выкрикнула): "Don't you dare to bite Toto (не смей кусать Тото)! You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a big beast like you (тебе должно быть стыдно, такой большой зверь как ты; ashamed — пристыженный), to bite a poor little dog (а кусаешь бедную маленькую собачку; poor — бедный, неимущий; бедный, несчастный)!"


enemy ['enqmI], beast [bi:st], heedless ['hi:dlIs], ought [O:t], ashamed [q'SeImd]


Little Toto, now that he had an enemy to face, ran barking toward the Lion, and the great beast had opened his mouth to bite the dog, when Dorothy, fearing Toto would be killed, and heedless of danger, rushed forward and slapped the Lion upon his nose as hard as she could, while she cried out: "Don't you dare to bite Toto! You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a big beast like you, to bite a poor little dog!"


"I didn't bite him (я его не кусал)," said the Lion, as he rubbed his nose with his paw (сказал Лев, потирая свой нос лапой) where Dorothy had hit it (/в том месте/, где Дороти ударила его).

"No, but you tried to (нет, но ты пытался /укусить/)," she retorted (возразила она). "You are nothing but a big coward (ты не кто иной, как большой трус)."

"I know it (я знаю это)," said the Lion, hanging his head in shame (сказал Лев, пристыженно опустив: «повесив» голову; shame — стыд). "I've always known it (я всегда это знал). But how can I help it (но что я могу с этим поделать)?"

"I don't know, I'm sure (я уверена, что не знаю). To think of your striking a stuffed man, like the poor Scarecrow (подумать только, ты ударил набитого /соломой/ человека, такого, как бедный Страшила)!"

"Is he stuffed (а он набит /соломой/)?" asked the Lion in surprise (удивленно: «в удивлении» спросил Лев), as he watched her pick up the Scarecrow and set him upon his feet (пока он наблюдал, как она поднимает Страшилу и ставит его на ноги), while she patted him into shape again (и, хлопает его ладошкой, возвращая ему форму; to pat — похлопывать /кого-либо/, шлепать, погладить /кого-либо/).

"Of course he's stuffed (конечно, он набит /соломой/)," replied Dorothy, who was still angry (ответила Дороти, которая все еще сердилась: «была сердитой»).

"That's why he went over so easily (вот почему он так легко отлетел)," remarked the Lion.


retort [rI'tO:t], coward ['kauqd], shame [SeIm], poor [puq], angry ['xNgrI], easily ['i:zIlI]


"I didn't bite him," said the Lion, as he rubbed his nose with his paw where Dorothy had hit it.

"No, but you tried to," she retorted. "You are nothing but a big coward."

"I know it," said the Lion, hanging his head in shame. "I've always known it. But how can I help it?"

"I don't know, I'm sure. To think of your striking a stuffed man, like the poor Scarecrow!"

"Is he stuffed?" asked the Lion in surprise, as he watched her pick up the Scarecrow and set him upon his feet, while she patted him into shape again.

"Of course he's stuffed," replied Dorothy, who was still angry.

"That's why he went over so easily," remarked the Lion.


"It astonished me to see him whirl around so (меня удивило, когда я увидел, что он так крутится). Is the other one stuffed also (а другой тоже набит /соломой/)?"

"No," said Dorothy, "he's made of tin (он сделан из железа; tin — олово; белая жесть /луженое листовое железо/)." And she helped the Woodman up again (и теперь она помогла подняться Дровосеку).

"That's why he nearly blunted my claws (вот почему он чуть не затупил мои когти; to blunt — притуплять, затупить)," said the Lion.

"When they scratched against the tin (когда они заскрежетали по железу; to scratch — царапать) it made a cold shiver run down my back (холодные мурашки побежали /вниз/ по спине; shiver — дрожь, трепет). What is that little animal you are so tender of (что это за маленькое животное, о котором ты столь заботишься; tender — нежный, ласковый; заботливый, заботящийся)?"

"He is my dog, Toto (это мой песик, Тото)," answered Dorothy.

"Is he made of tin, or stuffed (а он сделан из железа, или набит соломой)?" asked the Lion.

"Neither (ни то и ни другое). He's a — a — a meat dog (он из мяса = из плоти)," said the girl.


astonish [q'stOnIS], whirl [wq:l], blunt [blAnt], scratch [skrxtS], tender ['tendq]


"It astonished me to see him whirl around so. Is the other one stuffed also?"

"No," said Dorothy, "he's made of tin." And she helped the Woodman up again.

"That's why he nearly blunted my claws," said the Lion.

"When they scratched against the tin it made a cold shiver run down my back. What is that little animal you are so tender of?"

"He is my dog, Toto," answered Dorothy.

"Is he made of tin, or stuffed?" asked the Lion.

"Neither. He's a — a — a meat dog," said the girl.


"Oh! He's a curious animal and seems remarkably small (а он любопытное животное, и кажется удивительно маленьким), now that I look at him (сейчас, когда я смотрю на него). No one would think of biting such a little thing (никто бы и не подумал кусать такое маленькое существо; to bite), except a coward like me (за исключением такого труса, как я)," continued the Lion sadly (продолжил Лев печально).

"What makes you a coward (а что делает тебя трусом)?" asked Dorothy, looking at the great beast in wonder (спросила Дороти, в изумлении глядя на огромного зверя), for he was as big as a small horse (ведь он был такой же большой, как маленькая лошадь).


remarkably [rI'mQ:kqblI], except [Ik'sept], sadly ['sxdlI], horse [hO:s]


"Oh! He's a curious animal and seems remarkably small, now that I look at him. No one would think of biting such a little thing, except a coward like me," continued the Lion sadly.

"What makes you a coward?" asked Dorothy, looking at the great beast in wonder, for he was as big as a small horse.


"It's a mystery (мне это непонятно; mystery — тайна)," replied the Lion. "I suppose I was born that way (полагаю, что я был рожден таким: «таким образом»). All the other animals in the forest naturally expect me to be brave (все остальные животные в лесу, естественно, ожидают от меня, что я буду храбрым), for the Lion is everywhere thought to be the King of Beasts (поскольку Лев повсеместно считается Царем Зверей). I learned that if I roared very loudly every living thing was frightened (я научился = понял, что если я очень громко рычал, все живые твари были испуганы; to learn — изучать, учить /что-либо/; узнавать) and got out of my way (и убирались с моей дороги). Whenever I've met a man I've been awfully scared (каждый раз, когда я встречал человека, я был ужасно напуган); but I just roared at him, and he has always run away as fast as he could go (но я просто рычал на него, и тот всегда убегал так быстро, как только мог). If the elephants and the tigers and the bears had ever tried to fight me (если бы слоны, и тигры, и медведи когда-либо попытались сразиться со мной), I should have run myself (я бы сам убежал) — I'm such a coward (я такой трус); but just as soon as they hear me roar they all try to get away from me (но, как только они слышат, как я рычу, они все пытаются убежать от меня; to get away — удрать, ускользнуть), and of course I let them go (и, конечно же, я позволяю им убежать)."


mystery ['mIst(q)rI], naturally ['nxtS(q)rqlI], scared [skeqd], elephant ['elIfqnt], tiger ['taIgq], bear [beq], fight [faIt]


"It's a mystery," replied the Lion. "I suppose I was born that way. All the other animals in the forest naturally expect me to be brave, for the Lion is everywhere thought to be the King of Beasts. I learned that if I roared very loudly every living thing was frightened and got out of my way. Whenever I've met a man I've been awfully scared; but I just roared at him, and he has always run away as fast as he could go. If the elephants and the tigers and the bears had ever tried to fight me, I should have run myself — I'm such a coward; but just as soon as they hear me roar they all try to get away from me, and of course I let them go."


"But that isn't right (но это неправильно; right — правый, справедливый; верный, правильный). The King of Beasts shouldn't be a coward (Царь Зверей не должен быть трусом)," said the Scarecrow.

"I know it (я знаю)," returned the Lion, wiping a tear from his eye with the tip of his tail (вытирая слезу в глазу кончиком хвоста; to wipe — вытирать, утирать; tip — /верхний/ конец, верхушка; кончик). "It is my great sorrow (это моя большая печаль), and makes my life very unhappy (и она делает мою жизнь очень несчастной). But whenever there is danger, my heart begins to beat fast (но, всякий раз, когда /поблизости/ опасность, мое сердце начинает быстро стучать = колотиться)."

"Perhaps you have heart disease (возможно, у тебя сердечная болезнь)," said the Tin Woodman.

"It may be (может быть)," said the Lion.

"If you have (если это так: «если у тебя /сердечная болезнь/»)," continued the Tin Woodman (продолжил Железный Дровосек), "you ought to be glad (то тебе следует быть довольным), for it proves you have a heart (ведь это доказывает, что у тебя есть сердце). For my part, I have no heart; so I cannot have heart disease (что касается меня, у меня нет сердца, поэтому у меня не может быть болезни сердца; part — часть, доля; сторона; for my part — с моей стороны, что касается меня)."

"Perhaps (возможно)," said the Lion thoughtfully (сказал Лев задумчиво), "if I had no heart I should not be a coward (если бы у меня не было сердца, я бы не был трусом)."


king [kIN], sorrow ['sOrqu], unhappy [An'hxpI], disease [dI'zi:z], perhaps [pq'hxps]


"But that isn't right. The King of Beasts shouldn't be a coward," said the Scarecrow.

"I know it," returned the Lion, wiping a tear from his eye with the tip of his tail. "It is my great sorrow, and makes my life very unhappy. But whenever there is danger, my heart begins to beat fast."

"Perhaps you have heart disease," said the Tin Woodman.

"It may be," said the Lion.

"If you have," continued the Tin Woodman, "you ought to be glad, for it proves you have a heart. For my part, I have no heart; so I cannot have heart disease."

"Perhaps," said the Lion thoughtfully, "if I had no heart I should not be a coward."


"Have you brains (а мозги у тебя есть)?" asked the Scarecrow.

"I suppose so (полагаю так = думаю, да). I've never looked to see (я никогда не проверял)," replied the Lion.

"I am going to the Great Oz to ask him to give me some (я иду к Великому /Волшебнику/ Озу, чтобы попросить его дать мне немного /мозгов/)," remarked the Scarecrow, "for my head is stuffed with straw (так как моя голова набита соломой)."

"And I am going to ask him to give me a heart (а я собираюсь попросить его дать мне сердце)," said the Woodman.

"And I am going to ask him to send Toto and me back to Kansas (а я собираюсь попросить его отправить Тото и меня обратно в Канзас)," added Dorothy (добавила Дороти).

"Do you think Oz could give me courage (как вы думаете, сможет ли Оз дать мне /немного/ смелости)?" asked the Cowardly Lion (спросил Трусливый Лев).


suppose [sq'pquz], remark [rI'mQ:k], courage ['kArIdZ]


"Have you brains?" asked the Scarecrow.

"I suppose so. I've never looked to see," replied the Lion.

"I am going to the Great Oz to ask him to give me some," remarked the Scarecrow, "for my head is stuffed with straw."

"And I am going to ask him to give me a heart," said the Woodman.

"And I am going to ask him to send Toto and me back to Kansas," added Dorothy.

"Do you think Oz could give me courage?" asked the Cowardly Lion.


"Just as easily as he could give me brains (так же легко, как, он сможет дать мне мозги)," said the Scarecrow.

"Or give me a heart (или дать мне сердце)," said the Tin Woodman.

"Or send me back to Kansas (или вернуть меня в Канзас: «отправить меня обратно в Канзас»)," said Dorothy.

"Then, if you don't mind, I'll go with you (тогда, если вы не возражаете, я пойду с вами)," said the Lion, "for my life is simply unbearable without a bit of courage (а то моя жизнь просто невыносима без толики смелости)."

"You will be very welcome (милости просим)," answered Dorothy, "for you will help to keep away the other wild beasts (ведь ты поможешь /нам/ отпугивать других диких зверей: «держать подальше /от нас/ других диких зверей»). It seems to me they must be more cowardly than you are (мне кажется, что они, должно быть, еще более трусливы, чем ты) if they allow you to scare them so easily (если они позволяют тебе пугать себя так легко)."


easily ['i:zIlI], mind [maInd], simply ['sImplI], unbearable [An'be(q)rqbl], cowardly ['kauqdlI]


"Just as easily as he could give me brains," said the Scarecrow.

"Or give me a heart," said the Tin Woodman.

"Or send me back to Kansas," said Dorothy.

"Then, if you don't mind, I'll go with you," said the Lion, "for my life is simply unbearable without a bit of courage."

"You will be very welcome," answered Dorothy, "for you will help to keep away the other wild beasts. It seems to me they must be more cowardly than you are if they allow you to scare them so easily."


"They really are (это действительно так: «они действительно /трусливее/»)," said the Lion, "but that doesn't make me any braver (но это не делает меня сколько-нибудь храбрее), and as long as I know myself to be a coward I shall be unhappy (и пока я знаю, что я трус, я буду несчастен)."

So once more the little company set off upon the journey (итак, снова маленькая компания отправилась в путь), the Lion walking with stately strides at Dorothy's side (/при этом/ Лев шагал величавыми большими шагами рядом с Дороти). Toto did not approve this new comrade at first (сперва Тото не одобрил этого нового товарища), for he could not forget (потому что он не мог забыть) how nearly he had been crushed between the Lion's great jaws (что он чуть не был раздавлен между огромными челюстями Льва). But after a time he became more at ease (но вскоре: «после определенного периода времени» он почувствовал себя более непринужденно; ease — свобода, непринужденность; to be at ease — чувствовать себя свободно, непринужденно), and presently Toto and the Cowardly Lion had grown to be good friends (и вскоре Тото и Трусливый Лев сделались хорошими друзьями; to grow — расти; становиться, делаться).


stately ['steItlI], stride [straId], approve [q'pru:v], jaw [dZO:], ease [i:z], presently ['prez(q)ntlI]


"They really are," said the Lion, "but that doesn't make me any braver, and as long as I know myself to be a coward I shall be unhappy." So once more the little company set off upon the journey, the Lion walking with stately strides at Dorothy's side. Toto did not approve this new comrade at first, for he could not forget how nearly he had been crushed between the Lion's great jaws. But after a time he became more at ease, and presently Toto and the Cowardly Lion had grown to be good friends.


During the rest of that day there was no other adventure to mar the peace of their journey (за оставшийся день: «в течение остатка дня» не произошло более ни одного приключения, способного испортить = нарушить спокойствие их путешествия; to mar — портить, повреждать; peace — мир; покой, спокойствие). Once, indeed, the Tin Woodman stepped upon a beetle (однажды, правда, Железный Дровосек наступил на жука) that was crawling along the road (который полз по дороге), and killed the poor little thing (и убил бедное маленькое существо; thing — вещь, предмет; существо, создание). This made the Tin Woodman very unhappy (что совершенно расстроило Железного Дровосека; unhappy — несчастливый, несчастный; грустный, подавленный), for he was always careful not to hurt any living creature (потому что он всегда был осторожен и старался не причинить вреда какому-либо живому существу); and as he walked along he wept several tears of sorrow and regret (и пока он шел, он выплакал несколько слез грусти и сожаления; to weep — плакать). These tears ran slowly down his face and over the hinges of his jaw (эти слезы медленно бежали по его лицу и по шарнирам его челюсти), and there they rusted (и в том месте они заржавели). When Dorothy presently asked him a question (когда вскоре Дороти задала ему вопрос) the Tin Woodman could not open his mouth (Железный Дровосек не смог открыть свой рот), for his jaws were tightly rusted together (потому что его челюсти плотно заржавели вместе = срослись из-за ржавчины). He became greatly frightened at this (из-за этого он сильно испугался) and made many motions to Dorothy to relieve him (и сделал много жестов Дороти, /призывая ее/ помочь ему; motion — движение; телодвижение, жест; to relieve — облегчать, ослаблять; освобождать /от чего-либо/), but she could not understand (но она не могла понять). The Lion was also puzzled to know what was wrong (Лев также был озадачен, и не понимал, что же случилось; to know — знать; иметь понятие, представление; wrong — неправильный, ошибочный; неисправный).


adventure [qd'ventSq], mar [mQ:], peace [pi:s], beetle [bi:tl], crawling ['krO:lIN], regret [rI'gret], hinge [hIndZ], question ['kwestS(q)n], motion ['mquS(q)n], relieve [rI'li:v]


During the rest of that day there was no other adventure to mar the peace of their journey. Once, indeed, the Tin Woodman stepped upon a beetle that was crawling along the road, and killed the poor little thing. This made the Tin Woodman very unhappy, for he was always careful not to hurt any living creature; and as he walked along he wept several tears of sorrow and regret. These tears ran slowly down his face and over the hinges of his jaw, and there they rusted. When Dorothy presently asked him a question the Tin Woodman could not open his mouth, for his jaws were tightly rusted together. He became greatly frightened at this and made many motions to Dorothy to relieve him, but she could not understand. The Lion was also puzzled to know what was wrong.


But the Scarecrow seized the oil-can from Dorothy's basket and oiled the Woodman's jaws (но Страшила выхватил масленку из корзины Дороти и смазал маслом челюсти Дровосека), so that after a few moments he could talk as well as before (так что после нескольких мгновений тот смог говорить так же хорошо, как и раньше).

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