Глава третья - Политические события
50Light Years - By Gary Kinder - Viking Press ISBN-10: 06708188S0 51 http://www-mipl.jpl.nasa.gov/iplhistary.htrnl 52The Monuments of Mars. p. 405. 53 http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/jplhistory/the80/mars-observer-t.php 54 The Monuments of Mars. p. 423, 55 В 1991 году, после запуска телескопа «Хаббл», инженеры НАСА обнаружили, что шлифовка зеркала рефлектора 56 http://wmv.jndibrary.org/Historical+Resources/Archives/Reference+Desk/Speeches/JFK/ 57 http://www.pbs.org/redhles/moon/deep/interv/ni_int_sergei_khiushchev.htm 58 SP-4209 The Partnership: A History of the Apoilo-Soyuz Test Project http://Wstory.nasa.gov/SP-4209/ch2-4.htm 59 http://www.jfklibrary.org/Historical+Resources/Archives/Reference+Desk/Speeches/JFK/003POF03^18thGener alAssembly09201 963.htm 60 http://history.nasa.gOv/SP-4209/ch2-4.htm#source72 61 Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Lyndon B, Johnson, 1963-1964 I (Washington, 1964), pp. 72-73 62 SP-4209 The Partnership: A History of the Apoilo-Soyuz Test Project http://history.nasa,gov/SP-4209/ch2-4.htm 63 http://www.jfkiibrary,org/Asset+Tree/Asset+Viewers/Image+Asset+VIewer.htm?guid=%7BBFF5BEE4-D3FC-422D- 64 65 http://www.spacewar.com/news/russia-97h.html 66 http://www.pbs.org/rednles/moon/deep/interv/m_int_sergei_khrushchev.htm 67 htrp;//mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/jffdnfo/j fk8/sound 1.htm 68 Houston Chronicle coverage, Nov. 22,1963 Edition: Blue Streak, By STAN REDDING and WALTERMANSELL, Chronicle 69 Public Law 88-215, An act making appropriations... for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964 88th Cong., 1st sess., 1963, p. 16 Глава четвертая - Кристальные башни Луны 70 http://www.mufor.org/tlp/lunar.html 71 E-mail переписка между Кеном Джонстоном-младшим и авторами. 2 июля 2004. 72 http://www.hq.nasa.gOv/office/pao/History/apl5fj/15solo_ops3.htm#produs2 73 http://discovermagazine.com/1994/jul/rememberingapoll39 74 http://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/emj.htmJ 75 http://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/kipp.html 76 http://www.apolloarchive.com/ 77 http://www.alanbeangallery.com/ 78 http://www.lunaranomaiies.com/fake-moon.htm; http://www.bnaranomalies.com/fake-moon2.htm; http://www. lunaranomahes.com/rad.htm; http://www.lunaranomalies.com/c^rock.htm; http://www.knaranomalies.com/coffin.htm 79 Mechanical Properties of Lunar Materials Under Anhydrous, Hard Vacuum Conditions: Applications of Lunar Glass Structural Components. Blade, J. D. In: Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century. Houston, TX, Lunar and Planetary Institute, edited by W. W. Mendel], 1985, p.487 19851bsa.conf..487B 80 The Gold Bulletin 81 http://www.salon.com/news/feature/1999/07/20/aldrin/ 82 http://books,guardian.co.uk/reviews/biography/0,6121,1468768,00.html Глава пятая - Раскрытие заговора 83 All We Did Was Fly to the Moon. p. 41. 84 Wallis Budge, E. A. Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, 1911. 85 Bauval and Gilbert. The Orion Mystery, 1994. 86 Temple, Robert K. G. The Sirius Mystery, 1976. 87 Bauval and Hancock. The Keeper of Genesis, 1996. 88 All We Did Was Fly to the Moon. p. 77. 89 Men From Earth, p. 248. 90 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris 91 Czarnik, Marvin. «The 'Where' and 'When' of Each Apollo Landing was Carefully Planned.» 92 http://www.bu. edu/remotesensing/Faculty/El-Baz/FEBbio.html 93 Knight, Christopher and Robert Lomas. The Hiram Key. 94 «The New Age,» Scottish Rite Journal, Volume LXXVI1. Number 12. 95 http://www.tranquilitylodge2000.org/ 96 Hunt, Linda. Secret Agenda. 97 http://www.majesticdocuments.com/personnel/vonkarman.php 98 http://www.enterprisemission.com/spaceact.htmI 99 http://www.spacepolitics.com/2006/08/23/griffin-fires-back-at-advisors 100 http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4209/chl-4.htm 101 «CNN Breaking News,» live broadcast, July 4,1997. 102 http://www.enterprisemission.com/plariet.htm 103 Bauval and Gilbert. The Orion Mystery, 1994. 104 Graham Hancock, The Mars Mystery, p. 50, Глава шестая - Новые изображения Сидонии с «Марс Глобал Сервейор» 105 http://www.anomalies.net/archive/cni-news/CNI.0843.html 106 http://www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/1998/mar/m06-016.shtml 107 http://www.metaresearch.org/solar%20system/cydania/proof_files/proof.asp