Глаголы- заместители значимой части сказуемого
При повторении составного сказуемого, состоящего из глагола связки be и именной части, выраженной существительным или прилагательным, повторяется только глагол-связка, а именная часть опускается. При повторении сказуемого, состоящего из вспомогательного глагола и значимого, повторяется только вспомогательный глагол (be, have, shall, will, should, would); при повторении модального сказуемого повторяется только модальный глагол (can,could,may,might). В русском переводе сказуемое или повторяется, или опускается:
Предложения с вводящим there, конструкция there is (there are) Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения: 1. There is no need to “hunt and peck” for entry keys or memorize the keyboard configuration. 2. However, up to now there has been little effective standartisation of systems techniques. 3. There has been an interest in language translation and, in particular, in the prospects for automatic translation by computer. 4. There is a solar-powered talking watch that not only literally “tells” the time but also but also wakes you up with such alarm messages as “Time to get up, go, go, go”. 5. There are also programs for other types of computers. 6. In this type of application, therefore, there are microprocessor-based surface measurement instruments and also “add-on” systems. 7. When there are many items to be printed, the printing is usually done on a high-speed line printer. 8. If the computer were to print on paper eighty characters wide, there would be eighty hammers in use on the printer. 9. Although chain printers and band printers are very fast, there has been considerable concern about their sloppy printing. 10. There are believed to exist some other species of the same type. 11. There is another similarity between trying to learn to play a musical instrument and trying to learn to use a computer. 12. There seems to be a considerable disagreement between observations of the same phenomenon by different authors. 13. There is another memory cell located in the instruction decoder called the current-address register. 14. In practice there is absolutely no need for this. 15. There were more flexible and mobile devices which could squeeze into narrow openings, move on flat vertical walls, and even on the ceiling.
Местоимение it Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения. Укажите, где местоимение it заменяет предшествующее существительное, а где – целое высказывание: 1. The CD has one major drawback, however: once the manufacturer stores information on a disc, it cannot be erased or changed. 2. Julia’s word stock includes about 100 sentences and it selects the required reaction after “hearing” the key word, such as, for example, “to have dinner” or “to play”. 3. The electronic meter begins tabulating distance and cost internally, and it also displays its calculations on a digital screen upon push-button command. 4. If you yourself try these experiments, you can verify everything we have described. It will take patience, however. 5. The equipment can also incorporate anti-passback features to avoid more than one person using the same card by passing it back from one person to another. 6. The capabilities of the computer ABC-book do not strike only children. It can “speak” three male and two female voices. 7. Children from village and town schools are thus learning to operate computers. It is one of the forms of implementing the countrywide programme for computer knowledge among students. 8. Since the standard routines of manufacturing this or that component will be put into computer’s memory in advance, the designer will not have to rack his brains for the way to make it. 9. Do you think that if a robot does not justify itself economically, using it would be a scientific and technological step backward rather than forward? 10. Depending on the task it is to perform, a robot can have any of these built into it. 11. Robot hearing is possible because sound is a form of energy. It comes in waves. 12. Once set up to do a job they perform it repeatedly. 13. In this case, the more complex the process, the more suitable it is for microcomputer control. 14. You may find the “bugs” in your program by initiating a trace through it during execution. 15. Once the computer has the desired input, it will process the stored information and produce its output (a picture of what the doctor requested), which can also be stored by the computer to be used in the future if necessary. Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения с местоимением it, предваряющим последующее высказывание: 1. It appears that even a super-computer is powerless in translating, say, an English text into Russian with one-to-one correspondence accuracy. 2. Consequently, it is no wonder that this is an area which is expected to make qualitatively fresh gains. 3. However, as with many other areas of computing technology, it has been much more recently that software developments have made significant changes in the principles of computer functioning. 4. But it would be ideal to store lengthy reference works such as an unabridged dictionary, telephone directories for several cities or dozens of income-tax forms. 5. It seems to function like the five human senses. 6. It is possible to change the void/valid status of a card immediately at the control unit. 7. It is also able to produce an audio-text containing up to 400 characters, punctuate a text and do the simplest arithmetic operations. 8. It is noteworthy that the appropriate programs are designed for the Polish-made microcomputers with which many of the countries schools are equipped. 9. The introduction of the new course in schools made it imperative to reorient the higher educational establishments, too; over a hundred faculties and departments were opened to provide training in information science and computer technology. 10. Many think it will not be too long before robots like these take over from human musicians and artists. 11. It turned out to be that electrons obtained and controlled in the new device have demonstrated a volumetric character, i.e., they moved in three directions. 12. You will find it useful to include the following sections in your documentation: Identification, Contents Page, Summary, Description of the Problem, etc. 13. Having decided what is to be output, it is then necessary to consider the format and general layout. 14. On occasions it becomes apparent from the flowchart or analysis of the problem that a similar calculation will be repeated several times in the program. 15. If a large amount of data is to be processed, it may be advisable to read it from a data file.
Местоимение one Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения. Укажите, где местоимение one заменяет существительное, а где оно является обобщенно-личным местоимением: 1. Like many of the newest pocket-size electronic calculators, this one can do more than simple arithmetic. 2. A designer will enter all the initial data in a computer which will help him try out all possible versions of the unit he is devising and select the best one. 3. One doesn’t have to prepare a new program each time you set a new function to a microprocessor-equipped robot. 4. There are two rational ways in the field of robotics. The first one is to build standardized modules – unified elements on the basis of which it will be easy to assemble robots for the most varied of purpose. 5. One may not be the only person using the program and this is the factor to be considered. 6. The first class comprises radio receivers, TV sets and computers. The second one includes microwave devices such as radars, for example. 7. One believes that the procedure described above will simplify the experiment. 8. One is to make a lot of experiments to make sure that his observation is adequate. 9. The steady state of the gas is supposed to be one which gives no one direction preference over another. 10. Several standard programs can be stored in the computer, and the one required summoned by the push of a button (if this is not done automatically). 11. A moment’s reflection is enough to convince one that the speeds found are not only possible, but reasonable. 12. The procedure is straight-forward and is the one followed throughout the experiment. 13. A one-cell eye isn’t able to do much more then tell the difference between light and dark, while some of the more complex ones are able to see colour and detect movement. 14. The computer is not another human being with whom one can speak easily and clearly in common English. 15. The computer allows one to make calculations in a short time.
Слова-заместители that (those), this (these) Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие предложения, выделив предварительно местоимения-заместители и те существительные, которые они заменяют: 1. Stereo buffs are quickly discovering that compact discs (CD’s) can produce music that is clearer and crisper than that of any phonograph record. 2. There are two methods of measuring the conductivity of semiconductors. The first of these, which is used more commonly, has a number of advantages. 3. There are many kinds of potential energy besides that due to the force of energy. 4. The electron temperature is much greater than that of the gas as a whole. 5. The logic part of the solution takes very little time. With computer equipment, this can be done efficiently and with the entire class participation. 6. The chief use of diffusion and thermal diffusion results is to determine the forces between unlike molecules. These can also be determined by methods like those used earlier for like molecules. 7. Certain U.S., Japanese and West European companies spend much money on building robots of no practical value at all. This is done for the sake of publicity so as to secure a foothold on a competitive market. 8. Two other very suitable temperatures are always generally available, those of melting ice and of boiling water – The former, constant under all conditions, the letter depending on the atmospheric pressure. 9. A human being has to have eyes and ears, a nose, a mouth and a sense of feel. Depending on the task it is to perform, a robot can have any of these built into it. 10. Once set up to do a job they perform it repeatedly. To perform another sequence they need re-programming. This is often done by the operator moving the robot’s “hand” through the desired sequence, the sequence being recorded in computer memory. 11. If the original avalanch (лавина) is a strong one, it leaves behind it a large number of positive charges; these may be enough to attract the electrons of some of the new avalanches into their tube. 12. The individual readings can be conveniently stored to allow trends, etc. to be identified. This often enables a situation to be altered before faulty work is produced. 13. But early computer-assisted classes used cassette tapes that were prerecorded and more rigidly programmed than those of the new course. 14. As an example of how programs are written in a computer’s own code (machine code), it will be assumed that two numbers are held in memory cells 5 and 6, that these are to be added together, and the result stored in memory cell. 15. The laser printer combines laser technology with that of the office copying machine.
Глагол do -заместитель сказуемого и глаголы-заместители значимой части сказуемого. Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Robots feel in the same way that humans do. 2. The velocity of a falling body increases exactly as does the time as it has been falling. 3. The pressure didn’t change, nor did the temperature. 4. And even when the cab driver is not working, the meter is: the unit also functions as a digital clock. 5. Complete description in quantum theory does not imply precise knowledge of all measurable quantities at all instants of time as it does in classical mechanics. 6. If a body is at rest and starts to move, its velocity is changed. So is its speed. 7. About 1834, Macedonio Melloni showed that infrared rays behave as light does in reflection, refraction, and absorption experiments. 8. Since a visor is meant for bright, sunny days, so is the radio; it is powered by a solar-charged nickel-cadmium battery. 9. There is no certainty that molecules in a gas must behave in the same way as in a liquid; but if they do, the forces between two molecules must be attractive at sufficiently great distances, but violently repulsive at small. 10. The familiar law of the lever is a special case as is Archimedes’ principal. 11. A thin liquid film, such as a soap-bubble, tries to pull itself together and reduce its area, much as a stretched elastic sheet would. 12. The molecules of a liquid, at any given temperature, do not all have the same speed. If they did, no evaporation would take place below a definite temperature.