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  meaning use example
1. necessity (circumstantial) + / - You have to follow a number of rules when entering these commands.


1. Have to can be used in all forms (present, past, future).

2. The difference between must and have to is that with must the speaker is giving his own feelings, while with have to he is just giving facts.

3. Mustn’t and don’t have to are completely different. “You mustn’t do something” means “it’s necessary that you do not do it”. When “you don’t have to do something” means “it is not necessary to do it; you don’t need to do it”.

Упражнение 6. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение модального глагола have to и форму инфинитива после него:

1. You don’t have to push buttons; these actions occur under the direction of the program you are using. 2. If the program is designed to be sold commercially, the documentation will have to include directions for the user to install the program and begin working with it. 3. You have to remember which entity (set of fields) you described as “left” and which ones as “right”. 4. You won’t have to compete with other users to gain access to the system. 5. Because of its cost, new information had to be stored in appropriate archives and libraries for use by others.



  meaning use example
1. planned action or agreement + /? Old PCs are to be replaced next month.
2. prohibition - You are not to start working without antivirus prescan.
3. necessity (the result of orders or instructions) + /? You are to turn off the device at the end of work.
4. unavoidable events + /? What is to happen to the system?


Perfect infinitive after be to can express a planned or agreed action which didn’t happen.


Упражнение 7. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение модального глагола beto и форму инфинитива после него:

1. An alternative way of expressing the instructions is to use mnemonic codes. 2. In industrial situations, the ability to inspect and, if necessary, reject quickly is desirable if further errors are to be prevented. 3. One of the main objectives of research and development in this field was to provide techniques and equipment capable of helping to control this “information explosion”. 4. An alternative to bit slice microprocessors for complex systems is to use several microprocessors together. 5. Zip drives are not to be confused with zip files.



  meaning use example
1. willingness, intention, volition + It will only use the Toolbar buttons and popup menus for Insert, Change and Delete actions.
2. possibility + Sometimes the escape or altmode key will modify the actions of the next few keys pressed after the escape or the altmode key.
3. request ? Would you help me with the installation procedure.
4. persistence - This program won’t work in this operating system.


Упражнение 8. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение модальных глаголов will/would и форму инфинитива после них:

1. During POST, DMI/ESCD would not be updated. 2. There will not be any warning message in this situation. 3. The system boot would not stop for a disk error. 4. Quick Load pops up a dialog telling you it will create the file. 5. You would then add the procedure to the Application Tree with the Insert Procedure Command.



  meaning use example
1. promise, warning (for all the persons) + He shall have problems if he starts this program.
2. suggestion ? Shall I carry out these calculations for you?
3. asking for instructions ? Shall we format these disks?


Modal verb shall is rarely used in technical language.

Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на модаль­ные глаголы и формы инфинитивов после них:

1. This must have given rise to the development of this type of motherboards. 2. Usually the computer’s instruction book will fully describe the effect of pressing the control or escape keys. 3. The device might have been added to the list. 4. The starting point of designing a program should be the output. 5. The re­quirement may have been met in the previous experiment. 6. Sometimes you may need to use the plastic springs to isolate the screw from the motherboard surface. 7. Whether your system can run under these specific bus frequencies properly will depend on your hardware configurations. 8. Before you can use you new disk for storing information, you must format them. 9. You should never alter or delete a configuration file. 10. The system boot would not stop for any error that might be detected.

Упражнение 10. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и следующие за ними инфинитивы:

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