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Congratulations! When do you start?

3 What responses do you associate the following phrases with (facts and information, opinions, examples and experiences,picking up a dropped topic or starting a new round)?

Not in the least. Really? Is it possible? That reminds me of…Is it? Did you? When I was in … I saw… That’s fantastic! Referring back to the problem… It’s exciting! In my opinion smoking should be forbidden. There’s something I wanted to share with you… You mentioned you’re interested in… It doesn’t seem fair to me. Until I started to learn English I thought it was quite easy to do it. Oh, I just remembered. I wanted to ask you about…

4 Read the following short dialogues and say which words and expressions are odd ones; change it and act it out:

a) “I’m sorry that I didn’t phone you “Really? No problem. Don’t worry.”

earlier. I have been busy”.

b) “I finally got the job I wanted.” “Congratulations! Well done! When

do you start?”

c) “I won’t take this class any “That’s terrific! What’s the

more.” problem? As far as I know you

liked the class.”

d) “The teacher said that the “Oh, it’s nothing for you.

report I had written is great.” Congratulations! Where did you

find such interesting information?”

e) “My friend failed the math “Was it difficult? That’s disgraceful!”



5 Change the short answers to longer ones to show that both speakers are interested in the conversation. Note: You will have to change some of the original sentences to go with your new sentences.

Situation: Two students are standing near the door to a classroom. it is almost time for class to start.

Lily: Hi. Are you in this class?

Mara: Yes.

Lily: My name is Lily. You are…?

Mara: Mara.

Lily: Where are you from?

Mara: India.

Lily: Did you come to this country to study?

Mara: Yes.

Lily: What are you studying?

Mara: Engineering.

Lily: How long do you plan to stay here?

Mara: I’m not sure yet.


6 Expand the following statements giving some more facts and information or expressing your opinion:

For example: “That was a difficult test.” “I know what you mean. I had a hard time too.”


If someone says: You could respond:

“I’ve just gotten some bad news.” ______________

“I finally got the job I was waiting for.” ______________

“I heard some great news today.” ______________

“Could I talk to you a minute? I have

a problem that I think you could help me with.”______________

“I really don’t understand the lesson we’re

studying.” ______________

“My sister just had a baby.” _______________

“I feel really angry at the boss today.” _______________

“Did I tell you the good news?” _______________


7 Fill in the following dialogue with suitable phrases (used for keeping the conversation going):

Nancy: What’s your name?

Anna: Anna Maria Cassini, but…. And …?

Nancy: I’m Nancy Anderson. So, where are you from?

Anna: From Italy.

Nancy: Aha. And, how long have you been here?

Anna: Just three weeks.

Nancy: Really? Your…

Anna: Thanks. That’s because my family used to come here every summer when I was little. I can speak pretty well.

Nancy: Mmm – hmm. …

Anna: …but now I want to go to college here, so I need to improve my skills, especially grammar and writing. That’s why I signed up for this English program.


8 Work in pairs. Start a conversation with a teacher or another student. Choose topics from the following list or think of your own. Try to keep the conversation going as long as possible (for at least five minutes):

- Tell something about your own culture.

- Talk about family, jobs, work or school / university.

- The difficulties of taking exams.

- Give an opinion on a topic.

- Your choice of topics.


Unit 3 Choosing Conversation Topics


Culture Learning Questions

1 When people meet each other for the first time, what kinds of things do they talk about? (Talk about your own language and culture).

2 What topics or questions do people usually avoid when they first meet each other?

3 Are there topics of conversation that Americans / English frequently talk about with people from your culture? If so, give examples.

4 In your culture, do people commonly talk about their salaries and otherthings that are related to money (for example, the price of things)? Is it acceptable to ask someone, “How much money do you make?”

5 If someone asked you a question that you felt was too personal, what would you say?


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 517. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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