Listen to track №1 (Chapter 1)
Assignment I
2) Study the following words and word combinations and translate them into Russian:
Use these words in sentences of your own. Find synonyms to the words below using exercise 2. a) front lamps – b) reform, mend one's ways, turn over a new leaf – c) moist, moistened, wettish, humid – d) brutal, vicious, savage, rough, aggressive, abusive – e) lane – f) monotonous, repetitive, unrelieved, unvaried, uneventful; characterless, colorless, boring – (2 words) g) programs - 4) Discuss the following questions: a) What is Colin’ profession? b) Why was Colin in Brentwood? c) Why was he shocked when he met the man at the bar? d) Did Colin like that man and his wife? Why? e) What can you say about the relationship between John and Linda Bentley? Who was John? f) Why could Colin be useful for the Bentleys? Write a summary of track №1 using at least 5 words from ex. 2.
Assignment II 1) Listen to tracks №2 – 3 (Chapters 2 and 3) 2) Study the following words and word combinations and translate them into Russian:
Use these words in sentences of your own. Find synonyms to the words below using exercise 2. a) burglary, robbery, theft, raid, forced entry – b) become bankrupt, get insolvent, go / be broke – c) catch off guard, take unawares, astonish – d) bookkeeper – e) dungeon, lockup – f) contact – g) resolve, settle, solve, fix, work out, rectify, fathom – h) binder, portfolio, envelope – i) salver – j) clinging, skin-tight – k) previous conviction, prior conviction, former conviction – Questions and points for discussion. a) Colin and Julie’s work routine. b) Why did Colin need large orders? c) Who did Colin receive the letter from? What did it run? What did he do to that letter? d) Describe the Bentleys’ background. e) What was Linda and Colin’s phone conversation about? f) What were Linda and Colin doing at her house? g) Describe Linda’s plan in detail. What was Colin’s reaction to that plan? 5) Write a summary of tracks №2 – 3 using at least 8 words from ex. 2.
Assignment III 1) Listen to tracks №4 – 5 (Chapters 4 and 5). 2) Study the following words and word combinations and translate them into Russian:
Use these words in sentences of your own. 3) Translate the following sentences from Russian into English: a) Он был просто в ярости из-за её отказа. b) Умирающая женщина со стоном произнесла свои последние слова. c) Я не позволю этому человеку вести следствие по делу моего мужа. d) На днях мистер Смит открыл багажник своего автомобиля и обнаружил там огромный беспорядок. e) Парамедики попытались сделать искусственное дыхание, но это не помогло. f) Некоторые люди чрезвычайно привередливы в еде. g) Им пришлось остановиться на придорожной площадке, поскольку одному из пассажиров стало плохо. h) Он знал, где продать краденую книгу. i) Мои слёзы смоют эти кровавые пятна. j) Он видел, как её машина перевернулась и врезалась в дуб у дороги. k) Тебе лучше приняться за это дело немедленно. 4) Answer the following questions: a) When John learned about Linda’s plan what did he do? Did he eventually agree to rob the shop? b) Why didn’t Colin want Julie to go with him to Manchester? c) Why did Linda ask Colin to give his driving license to them? d) Why was Colin supposed to phone Linda and John at eleven-thirty when he got to the hotel? e) Why did the accident happen? Who was the witness? f) What did Colin say to Mark Ashwood? g) What was Mark Ashwood about to do? 5) Write a summary of tracks №4 – 5 using at least 8 words from ex. 2. 6) Learn the words from Assignments I, II, III and revise the content of tracks 1 – 5. Be ready for the test.