1 000 000 000 =109 a/ one billion a/ one thousand million(s) [ə/ wΛn ¢biliən] [ə/ wΛn ¢θauznd ¢miliən(z)] [ə/ wΛn ¢biljən] [ə/ wΛn ¢θauzənd ¢miljən(z)] 1 000 000 000 000 = 1012 a/ one trillion a/ one billion [ə/ wΛn ¢triliən] [ə/ wΛn ¢biliən] [ə/ wΛn ¢triljən] [ə/ wΛn ¢biljən] 1 000 000 000 000 000 =1015 a/ one quadrillion a/ one thousand billion(s) [ə/ wΛn kwɔ¢driliən] [ə/ wΛn ¢θauznd ¢biliən(z)] [ə/ wΛn kwɔ¢driljən] [ə/ wΛn ¢θauznd ¢biljən(z)] 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 1018 a/ one quintillion a/ one trillion [ə/ wΛn kwin¢tiliən] [ə/ wΛn ¢triliən] [ə/ wΛn kwin¢tiljən] [ə/ wΛn ¢triljən]
8 [(ِnɔ:t) pɔint, wΛn tu: ¢faiv]
4 [(nɔ:t) pɔint,tu: ¢faiv]
Notes. 1. In the spoken forms of vulgar fractions, the versions ‘and a half/ quarter/ third’ are preferred to ‘ and one half/ quarter/ third’ whether the measurement is approximate or precise. With more obviously precise fractions like 1/8, 1/16, ‘ and one eighth/ sixteenth’ is normal. Complex fractions like 3/462, 20/83 are spoken as ‘three over four-six-two; twenty over eighty-three’, especially in mathematical expressions, e g ‘ twenty-two over seven’ for 22/7. 2. When speaking ordinary numbers we can use ‘ zero’, ‘nought’ or ‘oh’ [əu] for the number 0; ‘zero’ is the most common US usage and the most technical or precise form, ‘oh’ is the least technical or precise. In using decimals, to say ‘ nought point five’ for 0∙5 is a more precise usage than ‘ point five’. 1. In most continental European countries a comma is used in place of the GB/US decimal point. Thus 6∙014 is written 6, 014 in France. A space is used to separate off the thousands in numbers larger than 9999, e g 10 000 or 875 380. GB/US usage can also have a comma in this place, e g 7,500,000. This comma is replaced by a full point in continental European countries, eg 7.500.000. Thus 23,500∙75 (GB/US) will be written 23.500,75 in France.