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Identify the functions of infinitives and give Russian equivalents as shown in the following examples. Translate the sentences into Russian

1.1 Example: То explain this simple fact is not so very easy.

a) Объяснить этот простой факт не так легко.

b) Объяснение этого простого факта является не таким легким.

1. To give a true picture of the surrounding matter is the task of natural science.

2. To compare the theoretical data with the findings obtained in the series of experiments was necessary for further simulations of the process.

3. To consider the special properties of matter in the colloidal state would be outside the scope of this book.

4. To coordinate the work of many groups of scientists who do research in this field is a very difficult task.

5. To increase the amount of heat passing through the body is to increase the temperature difference.

6. It is impossible to say when electricity was first discovered.

7. To define the amplitude of a wave is to determine the maximum value of the displacement.

8. To heat a body is to bring it into a contact with a body at a higher temperature.

9. To make a choice between these two alternatives is not an easy task.

10. To make such a prognosis means to learn from the past experience and to extrapolate the knowledge into the future.

1.2 Example: To solve this problem you have to carry out a lot of experiments.

Для того чтобы решить эту проблему, вам придется провести много экспериментов.

1. To be able to forecast the future we must begin by a thorough analysis of the past course of events.

2. To understand the importance of this discovery we should know all the facts concerning the history of the problem.

3. It has become possible to modify the Periodic Table so as to bring out the structural features more clearly.

4. Experience shows that science can be put to many good uses, but also that it has been used to cause great harm.

5. To improve the accuracy of the device a number of investigations were made.


1.3 Example:The technique of collecting information will differ according to the problem to be solved.

a) Методика подбора информации будет различаться в зависимости от проблемы, которую надо решить.

b) Методика подбора информации будет различаться в зависимости от проблемы, которую будут решать.

1. The theory to account for these changes has not been developed yet.

2. An interesting distinction to be made here is between problems and techniques.

3. At that time the project, later to be taken over by another laboratory, was still in progress.

4. An important point to be dealt with in the next chapter is different techniques of data-processing.

5. There is not very much experimental data on which to base a decision between these two possibilities.

2. Identify the infinitive constructions with the "Complex Object" and give equivalents as shown in the example.

Example: Most scientists expect major developmentin the near future to take

place in biology.

Большинство ученых ожидает, что основные открытия в ближайшем будущем произойдут в биологии.

1. We expect a successful scientist to be full of curiosity – he wants to find out how and why the universe works.

2. One can expect the scope of research to expand steadily.

3. Most scientists regard biology, rather than physics, to become a central ground of scientific advance in the near future.

4. An efficient laboratory head always knows how to make his people do their work properly and on time.

5. Nowadays we see many new areas of research to come into being as a result of unexpected breakthroughs.

6. Scientists don’t consider this effect to be an experimental error of any kind.

7. We may assume the composition of the sun and stars to be similar to that of the earth.

8. They considered all water on the surface of this planet to have been liberated by volcanic action.

9. One can hardly expect a true scientist to keep within the limits of one narrow long-established field, leaving most fascinating problems out of the scope of his inquiry.

10. We expect entirely new properties to develop when these molecules or molecular aggregates interact with water, forming with it a new and unique system.


3. Identify the infinitive constructions with the “Complex Subject” and give equivalents as shown in the examples.


· Nowadaysscience is known to contribute to every aspect of man's life.

a) Известно, что в наши дни наука вносит свой вклад во все аспекты нашейжизни.

b) Как известно,в наши дни наука вносит свой вклад во все аспекты нашейжизни.

c) В наши дни наука, к ак известно, вносит свой вклад во все аспекты нашейжизни.

· With the advent of nuclear weapon some people seemed to be disappointed in science.

С появлением ядерного оружия некоторые люди, по-видимому, разочаровались в науке.

· Molecular biology is likely to dominate science in the years to come.

· Весьма вероятно, что молекулярная биология займет в будущемдоминирующее положение в пауке.

1. A yawning ozone hole is reported to have been identified over the Antarctic.

2. Harmful effects of pollution seem to have been in the news for a long time.

3. One more type of pollution proves to have appeared recently.

4. All of us are certain to know very well what environmental pollution is.

5. You seem to have taken advantage of the favourable conditions.

6. The research is supposed to lead to a better understanding of the progress.

7. Molecular biologists are known to borrow their techniques from other sciences, mainly from physics.

8. This phenomenon does not appear to be studied.

9. There does appear to be some correlations between these data.

10. This compound is sure to contain admixtures.


4. Identify the infinitive constructions with "for-phrases" and give equivalents as shown in the example.

Example: It is important for the model to be accurate but simple enough.

Важно, чтобы модель была точной, но достаточно простой.

1. For any scientific gathering to be a success, the organizing committee must be firm on more than one point.

2. For scientific development to be of benefit for man, scientists must study the problems that have direct bearing on our lives.

3. For an original idea to be a product of one man's genius is quite natural.

4. For an idea to be transformed into a product, many people's effort is required.

5. Some experiments prove that it is physically possible for the ground ice of Alaska to have been formed by a process of segregation.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 925. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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