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Reuters.com 13:20 вчера Pope says world's many conflicts amount to piecemeal World War Three перевод статьи http://feeds.reuters.com/… Washington Post 07:09 вчера Pope urges world to shed apathy toward new threats - The Washington Post перевод статьи http://www.washingtonpost.com/… BBC Online 17:50 вчера Pope decries 'piecemeal WWIII' перевод статьи http://www.bbc.co.uk/… Yahoo 13:57 вчера Pope Francis marks 100 years from start of WWI перевод статьи http://news.yahoo.com/… Wall Street Journal 18:00 12.09 Pope Francis to Visit Turkey перевод статьи http://online.wsj.com/… Telegraph.co.uk 14:45 вчера Pope warns of a 'third World War' перевод статьи http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/… ABCnews 07:09 вчера Pope Urges World to Shed Apathy Toward New Threats перевод статьи http://abcnews.go.com/… Mail Online 14:21 вчера Pope Francis calls for peace on earth after visiting Italy's Redipuglia monument перевод статьи http://www.dailymail.co.uk/… MiamiHerald.com 13:58 10.09 Pope makes key sex abuse appointments перевод статьи http://www.miamiherald.com/… FOXNews.com 07:05 вчера Pope travels to former battlefields where grandfather fought WWI in tribute to all war victims перевод статьи http://feeds.foxnews.com/…