The Irish Music
Ireland is strong and rich in music. The Irish people love to sing, to dance and to make music of all kinds. The harp has always been a very important musical instrument in Ireland. In the wars between the Irish and the English, it was like a national flag for the Irish. In the seventeenth century it became more than that. One very famous harper was O'Carloan. He was born in Westmeath in about 1670. When O'Carloan was about sixteen years old his eyes failed and he became blind. With the help of a kind, rich lady he learned to play the harp. He also wrote poetry and music for the harp. People have saved a lot of his music and harpers still play O'Carloan's beautiful songs. When they hear the word "nocturne", people usually think of Chopin. Chopin's nocturnes are famous but the first nocturnes came from an Irishman. He was John Field. He was a pupil in London of the great piano player, composer and teacher Clementi. He was one of the really great pianists. We can't hear him today because there were no record of music in his time. Ireland also has its great pop and rock musicians. A very successful group is U2. It started in Dublin in 1979. U2 is a rock group. It knows the young people of Ireland and the things that they feel and want. They speak for young Irish people but they are famous all over the world. Today there are many Irish musicians. A lot of them are internationally famous, and that is wonderful for a country with only five million people.
Ex. 1. Read and translate the text. Prepare fo ra discussion. Граматичний матеріал: The Present Perfect Tense.
Study this example situation:
When we say that 'something has happened', this is usually new information: You can use the present perfect with just, already and yet. Note the difference between gone (to) and been (to): Ex. 1. Complete B's sentences. Use the verb in brackets + just/already/yet. Ex. 2. Put in been or gone. Домашнє завдання: 1.Опрацювати текст за професійним спрямуванням. 2.Опрацювати граматичний матеріал, виконати запропоновані вправи. Практичне заняття № 4
Тема заняття: Сервіс у літаку (у потязі, на судні) Хід заняття 1. Підготовка до обговорення теми. Вивчення нових слів. Читання, переклад діалогів. AT THE BOOKING OFFICE - What trains are there to Leeds? - There are two through trains at 9 a.m. and at 3.20 p.m. - How much is a one-way ticket there? - 30 pounds. - And a return one? - 55 pounds. - Fine. Please give me a return ticket for a 9 o'clocktrain. - All right. What berth would you prefer? - Upper one, please. - That's unusual. Everybody asks for the lower berth. - Of course, it is much more convenient, but there is always a lady or a child who needs a lower berth so I prefer an upper one. AT THE STATION - Here you are at last! I've been waiting for half an hour for you. - I'm sorry, I'm late. But I was stuck in a traffic jam. - Here's your ticket. - Oh, thank you. Is it a through train? - Yes. I'm glad we shan't have to change. - Fine. When is it due in Edinburgh? - According to the timetable we are due there at 9.15 a.m. - And when is it leaving, by the way? - Oh, in ten minutes. Come on or we'll miss it. IN THE COMPARTMENT - Well, we are moving at last. The train doesn't seem to be very crowded. - Not as overcrowded as at the peak tourist time in summer. What berth do you prefer? - The lower one, if it is O.K. with you. - Sure. Shall I open the window? It's rather stuffy in here. - Do, please. Ex.1. Fill in the spaces. 1. Where is the inquiry office?-................................................... 2. Is it a fast train? -..................................................................... 3. When is the train due in Boston? -.......................................... 4. Oh, I'm afraid it is not very convenient. -................................ 5. What berth would you prefer? -............................................. 6. Did you check our luggage? Where is the receipt? -............... 7. We still have half an hour before the train. Shall we go to the waiting room? - Ex.2. Write down the questions. 1..........................? - 50 pounds. 2............................? - Yes, let's have our luggage registered. 3.........................?- Sorry, but there are no available compartments. 4............................? - No, I'm going to Glasgow. 5............................? - Yes, I have to change. Ex.3. Answer the following questions, using given phrases. As far as I know...I'm not sure, but...I think... 1. What's more convenient: to travel by plane or by train? 2. Do you often travel by train? 3. Do you take a lot of luggage with you? 4. Is it difficult to get a ticket? 5. What berth do you prefer? 6. Will you agree to change your berth if you are asked to? 7. What are the duties of the guard? 8. Do you take food with you or do you like to have meals in the dining car? 9. What was your longest trip by train? Was it boring and tiresome? 10. What platform does the train for Kyiv leave from? What about Moscow? 11.Where is the nearest ticket office? 12.Have you ever had to change trains? When was it? 13.How long does the trip to Kyiv last? 14.Is it convenient to use left-luggage room? Do you use it often? 15.Do you come to the railway station beforehand or just a few minutes before the train is leaving? 16.Have you ever been late for your train? Ex.4. Translate into English. - Я збираюся їхати до Києва у відрядження. - Коли? - У понеділок. - Є прямий поїзд. Він відходить о дев'ятій вечора. - Чудово. А коли він прибуває до Києва? - О восьмій ранку. - Це мені підходить. - Я можу замовити вам квиток. - Дякую. Я хотів би купейне місце, нижню лаву. - Добре. Постараюся зробити все можливе. - Дякую. Ви мені дуже допомогли. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням. Arts One can distinguish two branches of human work: the arts and the sciences. The sciences require knowledge, observation, identification, description, experimentation and theoretical explanation. The arts on the contrary require skill. That means the ability to work well with a part of his or her body. It is the combination of talent and technique. An artist is a man who can do something well with his own hands and tools. Some time ago everything that was made with tools was «artificial», not natural. The word «manufacture», for example, once meant «to make by hand» Everything is a bit different nowadays. The word «art» has a special meaning. It means something beautiful. The paintings of skilled painters are appreciated and admired by millions of people today, by those who can see the beauty. Art comprises weaving rugs, tapestries, ceramic work. So there are a lot of types of art. Nevertheless one can trace basic principles in art. All kinds of it require the same characteristics. The separate parts of a work of art should be arranged in pattern. The form itself, a pleasing shape and balance are extremely important. Art inspires the human spirit. Painters, sculptors, musicians, writers, weavers - they all contribute to a better life for us. The Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in my life. From dance and music to abstract art our concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. We use the Arts as a means of touching that part of us that we cannot reach with Physical Science, Social Science, or any of the Humanities. The arts allow us to be as specific or as abstract as we please. It helps us become closer to ourselves and to others around us. Though there has been a lot of confusion as to what the true definition of “good art” is, how we show others what is going on in our minds and inner souls cannot be judged, graded, criticized or revised by anyone other than ourselves. The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. The arts
teach us how to communicate through creative expression. Show us how to understand human experiences, past and present. Prepare us to adapt to and respect the ways others think, work, and express themselves. Music, singing, dancing, poetry, and sketching are just a few of the different forms of art that I use to express myself in a way that I enjoy. Because each art discipline appeals to different senses and expresses itself through different media, each adds a special richness to the learning environment. Arts help people Learn to identify, appreciate, and participate in the traditional and non-traditional art forms of their own communities and the communities of others. Art teaches us how to be imaginative, creative, and reflective. Different art forms help us develop the verbal and nonverbal abilities necessary for lifelong learning. The intellectual demands of the arts help us develop problem-solving abilities and such powerful thinking skills as analyzing and evaluating. Numerous studies point toward a consistent and positive comparison between concrete education in the arts and student achievement in other subjects. A program in arts education would engage students in a process that helps them develop the self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, and self-motivation necessary for success in life. Most important, the arts should be experienced and studied for their own true value. If art was not present in my life, I know that I would be missing so much. I would not be able to do the things that I love to do each day. The only way to express yourself is through art, and the presence of art in the lives of today’s society plays a big role. People listen to music every day, they dance, and sing. For many people’s art is a way of life, and without it they would be lost. Art is the only way to express one’s true feelings. Without art the world would be a dull and sad place. People would not be able to communicate in the same sense that art allows them to. Art shows people’s individualism. Without art wouldn’t we all be the same?
Ex.1. Read and translate the text. Prepare for a discussion.
Граматичний матеріал: The Past Perfect Tense.
Compare the past simple (left, was etc.) and the past perfect (had left, had been etc.):