Студопедия — Disjunctive Question. Разделительный вопрос.
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Disjunctive Question. Разделительный вопрос.

Разделительный вопрос представляет собой утвердитель­ное или отрицательное повествовательное предложение, к ко­торому присоединен краткий общий вопрос, состоящий из мес­тоимения, заменяющего подлежащее, и того вспомогательного или модального глагола, который входит в состав сказуемого в утвердительной форме одного ив простых времен Present или Past Indefinite, в кратком вопросе употребляется соответ ствующая форма глагола to do (do, does, did).

You speak English, don't you?

Your friend doesn't speak German, does he?

She can swim, can't she?

You are the new secretary, aren't you?

He hasn't returned from Britain yet, has he?

Exercise 1. Express surprise.

Example: My friend speaks English. - Does he really speak English?

1. Up to 1959 there was only the Teachers Training Insti-
tute in Tyumen.

2. Today the 8 higher educational institutions enroll over

30.000 students.

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3. The network of the establishments of higher education is constantly growing.

4. Tyumen University is rather young.

5. It was founded on January 1, 1973.

6. It occupies several buildings.

7. They are situated not far from the centre of the town.

8. There are 14 faculties at the University nowadays.

9. Two departments train students in history, biology, ecology, etc.


10. He has passed entrance exams successfully.

11. She will do her best to become a good specialist.

12. Final exams are held at the end of the course of studi­es.

13. In a language laboratory everybody can listen to tape -recordings.

14. St. Petersburg University gave the world many outstan­ding public men, writers and scientists.

Exercise 2. Add tail-questions to these sentences.

1. The teaching staff of the University is over 500,....

2. Those who combine work and study take correspondence courses....

3. My friend studies at the day-time department,...

4. As a rule the students of every faculty are divided in­to groups,....

5. There are about 25 students in each group,...

6. The students of the University have at their disposal all kinds of labs and rooms,....

7. The course of studies at the University doesn't last for 4 years

8. There are two terms in the academic year,....

9. I never miss lectures,....


10. Only two re-examinations are usually allowed,....

11. She hasn't a great desire to ger higher education,...

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12. Students making good progress in studies get state grants

13. Professors and lecturers giye lectures to large numbers of students

14. In some Institutes the students need not come to the lab every day,....

15. The students were listening to the tape in the booths,


16. We can't go to the lab after class,....

17. He will have to join the library,..

Exercise 3. Make up alternative questions.

Example: There are 2 terms in the academic year (3).

- Are there 2 or 3 terms in the academic year?

1. There are 14 faculties at the University now (12).

2. Tyumen University is rather young (old).

3. On Mondays the library is open till 9 o'clock in the evening (7 o'clock).

4. Once a year every faculty gives an interview for candi­dates seeking admission (twice a year).

5. St. Petersburg University is one of the most important education and scientific centres in the country (Tyumen University).

6. In 1891 V.I. Lenin came up to St. Petersburg to take his degree at the faculty of Law (the faculty of Scien-ces).

7. The evening department holds classes only four times a week (every day).

8. The library is well-stocked with books (the laboratory).

9. There are many sports societies at the University (at school).

10. Peter is good at Spanish (German).

11. Nick is a graduate of the University (John).

12. Ann granduated from the University Last year (some years ago).

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Exercise 4. Put questions to the underlined words and word-combinations.

1. The classes begin at 8 o'clock in the morning.

2. The course of studies at the University lasts for 5 years.

3. The students take examinations twice a year.

4. There are two terms in the academic year.

5. Final exams are held at the end of the course of studi-es.

6. The University gives the highest type of education.

7. The University was founded by a decision of the go­vernment.

8. We must work systematically if we want to know English well.

9. He is eager to master English.


10. The students are trained for different fields of in­dustry and economy.

11. We have heard that there is a well - equipped language laboratory at the faculty of Philology.

12. Nelly claimed to be the best mathematician in her group.

13. Mrs. Parker told Mrs. Green joyfully that her daughter had entered the University.

14. He couldn't speak English last year.

Список литературы.

1. Бонк Н.А. Учебник английского языка. Минск. Высшая шко­ла. 1993.

2. Выборова Г.Е., Махмурян К.С. Easy English. М. Владос, 1994.

3. Eckersley С.Е. Essential English. Маркетинг - XXI, М.. 1992.

4. English for Beginners. Под ред. Пановой И.И. Минск. Вы-шэйшая школа, 1994.

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5. Жималенкова Т.М., Мыльцева Н.А. Универсальный справоч­ник по грамматике английского явыка. М. Глосса, 1995.

6. Каджаднуни Л. Dive and Swim. (Начальный курс разговор­ного английского языка). М. Линка - Пресс. ВЛАДОС, 1994

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