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Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных.

Fly, ox, sheep, leaf, month, eye, bush, factory, photo, class, place, company, toy, potato, radio, kangaroo, man, foot, mouse, basis, radius, datum, bridge, dish, passer by, kerchief, postman, family-name.

Выпишите существительные, которые употребляются только во множественном числе (25 существительных).

economics, police, news, means, goods, pants, subjects, billiards, darts, outskirts, premises, athletics, cattle, scissors, taxes, pyjamas, mechanics, spectacles, clothes, stairs, maths, electronics, eyes, trousers, shorts, tights, gymnastics, congratulations, crossroads, patience, scales, lodgings, authorities, soap, foundations, equipment, research, contents, looks, countryside, traffic-lights, tongs, toothpaste, headphones, delays, binoculars.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. ___Great American Lakes are ___Lake Huron, ___Lake Superior, ___Lake Ontario, ___Lake Michigan and ___Lake Erie.

2. ___boy said that he wanted two candies.

3. It was twelve o'clock but Andrew was still in ___bed.

4. Could you open ___door, please?

5 In summer they seldom go to ___college.

6. ___ north of ___Scotland is known for its wild beauty.

7. At ___night I had ___terrible headache after I had drunk ___lot of ___wine in ___evening.

8. ___America consists of two parts, ___South and North America, doesn't it?

9. Look at this man. Can you imagine that he was in ___prison five years ago?

10. When___ father came home, he had ___dinner and then watched ___TV.


Раскройте скобки, употребив сравнительную или превосходную степень прилагательного или наречия.

1. This is (beautiful) house in the city.

2. January is (cold) than Mach.

3. There were (many) students at the lecture today than yesterday.

4. That is (incredible) story I have ever heard.

5. The world's (expensive) perfume costs $550 per bottle.

6. February is (snowy) and (cold) month of the year here.

7. Table tennis is _______ than tennis but badminton is the________. (easy)

8. Motor-cycles are (noisy) than cars, aren't they?

9. This matter is (urgent) than that one.

10. The Beatles were (successful) pop group.


Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму местоимения.

1. Look at (me/ mine/my) new watch. Do you like (it/them/its)?

2. Do you like (you/your/yours) new car? — Oh, (it's/it/its) has never let me down yet.

3. Why are (you/your/yours) sitting here? It is not (you/your/yours) desk, it is (me/ mine/my).

4. The clock has stopped. Something may be wrong with (it's/it/its) spring.

5. If these gloves are neither (she/her/hers) nor (you/your/yours), then they should be (me/my/mine).


Употребите глаголы to have или to be в нужной форме.

1. My mother... three children.

2. The U.S. A... one of the richest countries in the world.

3. Your glasses... on the table.

4. I … at school yesterday.

5. They … a pleasant voyage last summer.

6. Our city... twenty libraries.

7. They... a small cottage. It... far away.

8. It was summer. I … a lot of free time.

9. My friends and I … at work yesterday.

10. I am happy because I … a lot of friends.


Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. There is no milk in the glass.

2. There is some bread on the plate.

3. Are there any books on your desk? - Yes, there are some.

4. Is there a bookcase in her room? - Yes, there is.

5. Was there a telegram on the table?

6. Were there very many mistakes in your dictation?

7. What is there on the writing table? - There is a telephone and a radio set on it.

8. There were a lot of mistakes in your dictation.

9. There is also a kitchen and a bath-room in her flat.

10. How many rooms are there in her flat?


Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму глагола.

1. What children (do) when you (come) home yesterday? - They (play) in their room.

2. He (spend) last week in a hospital. He (be) ill.

3. My husband (be) in his room now. He (sit) in the armchair and (read) an interesting book. I (want) read this book, too.

4. As a rule he (translate) two articles a week. But he (translate) three articles last week.

5. Somebody (talk) in the text room? – No, nobody (talk). My son (watch) television now.

6. Yesterday (be) a typical summer day, the sun (to beat) down, the sky (be) cloudless.

7. We (wait) for them at two o’clock tomorrow. We (be) sure they (come) in time.

8. What you (do) at three o’clock yesterday? – I (have) dinner.

9. Nowadays cars (get) more and more expensive.

10. We (finish) all the work by 5 o’clock tomorrow.

11. It is the most beautiful place I ever (visit).

12. Yesterday the students (watch) an educational film from 9.00 till 9.30. They (like) it.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 1059. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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