Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык 2, 3, 6, 7-й абзацы из следующего текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 4 и 5-й абзацы.
MOSCOW I. Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, is the cradle of Russian statehood. It was founded in 1147 by Y.Dolgoruky. It is situated on the Moskva River. Moscow has a history full of heroism of its people who defended it against Napoleonic invasion and the nazi armies. II. Now Moscow is the centre of the political life of the country. Our parliament and government work here. III. Moscow is a leading industrial centre. Its numerous plants and factories produce electronics, different kinds of lorries, textile, food. Likhachev, Trekhgorka, Krasny Oktyabr are famous in our country as well as abroad. IV. Moscow is a great railway junction. Eleven railway lines link the city to all parts of the country. Moscow Metro is among the country’s largest transport systems. Everyday it carries nearly 6 mln. passengers. V. Moscow is a large science centre. There are many educational establishments and research institutes. The oldest educational establishment is Lomonosov State University. Our scientists achieved outstanding success in many spheres of life and had a great impact on world civilization. They were the first in space exploration, the first to build atomic power station, to manufacture synthetic diamonds and so on. The fact that many scientific congresses, conferences and symposia are held in Moscow is a sign of world recognition of our science. VI. The cultural life of Moscow is very rich. There are a lot of theatres, museums, art exhibitions. There are 60 museums in Moscow. A wonderful collection of world famous pictures by Repin, Levitan, Surikov and others is exhibited in the Tretyakov Art Gallery. It was founded by Pavel Tretyakov, a highly educated man. In 1892 P.Tretyakov presented his collection to the city of Moscow. At present the Tretyakov Gallery contains 55000 works of art. The Pushkin Art Museum possesses art works by foreign artists. We can see the best ballet performances and listen to Russian and foreign operas in the world famous Bolshoi Theatre. Our State Library played and plays a great role in the cultural life of the country. VII. Moscow offers many places of interest to a tourist. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. It is our history and our pride. The Kremlin is one of the oldest collections of historical and art treasures. A masterpiece of Russian architecture is St.Basil’s Cathedral. Moscow streets and parks are unforgettable. Gorkey Park and Alexandrovsky Park are the most favourite places of recreation for moscovites and visitors. The life and activity of many outstanding personalities: poets, writers, scientists, heroes of war and labour are closely connected with Moscow.
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Why is one of the most famous art galleries in Moscow called the Tretyakov Art Gallery? Вариант 2
1. Поставьте глагол to be в нужную форму (Present Simple, Past simple, Future Simple). Перепишите предложения и письменно переведите их на русский язык:
How old …… Bob when he went to school? Last year we …… given a lot of written homework in English, but this year we …… given few exercises to be done in writing. Tomorrow at noon I …… at home, you can call me and I will answer all your questions. There …… a very interesting film on at our club last night. …… this your watch? – Yes it ……. …… there …… a lecture tomorrow?
2. Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж (Possessive Case). Перепишите преобразованные предложения и переведите предложения на русский язык:
The room of my friend. I like the handwriting of this boy. The questions of my son. The children of my brother are at home. The wife of my brother. I heard the voices of the boys. The table of our teacher. Bring me the things of your children.
3. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием -s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно: А) показателем 3-его лица ед.ч. глагола в Present Simple;