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The family is recognised all over the world as the basic unit of any society. (1)Every state pays much attention to the family and provides it with all possible support. If we want to find an answer to the question why the state is so much concerned about the family we have to understand the role of it.

A family serves many functions. (2)One of the functions of the family is the up-bringing one. Both the country and the family are interested in having good citizens and good members of the family. Parents realize quite well that children should be brought up on the values of the society, otherwise they would never feel comfortable among people. The family is the place where people feel protected and comfortable. The family gets together in joys and sorrows, it possesses an ability to heal wounds and pains. It is the only place where people can feel really secure and relaxed in spite of all problems which exist in every family or in the majority of families.

* It is very easy to speak about happy families - kingdoms of love, respect, compassion and care. Leo Tolstoy wrote in his novel “Anna Karenina” - “All happy families are happy in the same way, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”. (3)Strong, happy families have some common features whether they are rich or poor, white or black. They spend much time together, talk about their problems and resolve them before they get too big. They show each other affection and appreciation. (4)These happy families do not draw much attention: no patrol cars arriving at nights, no quarrel, no interviews by probation officers or social workers. Unhappy families draw by far more attention of law enforcement and social structures. The reasons of conflicts in families may be very different - from alcoholism to arguments about family hierarchy.

Families today experience a number of problems. The number of single parent families increases, families are getting smaller (the overage household is between 2 and 3 people today). (5)About half of all marriages end in divorce. Violence in the family is one more serious problem. Children often learn violence from their parents and repeat it in their own families. One more problem is a “generation gap” - the difference in the views of teenagers and their parents. This is the most common problem even in so-called good families. The most common reasons for arguments between teenagers and parents are: the teenager’s attitude towards other members of the family; the help about the house; the quality of school work; curfew - time to come home at night; the teenager’s friends. The generation gap is really painful experience for both children and parents. (6)There is a medicine for it - patience and understanding from the both sides.


2. Translate the marked (*) paragraph from the text above in writing.


3. Using the underlined words and word combinations translate the following sentences into English:

а) Одна из главных задач правоохранительных органов - борьба с насилием на улицах.

б) Милиции сложно выполнять свои функции без помощи населения.

в) Общее собрание акционеров не смогло принять решение.

г) Комиссия имеет очень широкие полномочия.

д) Роль инспекторов по надзору в предупреждении правонарушений возрастает.

е) Необходимо создать срециальную программу защиты свидетелей.


4. Put questions to the numbered in the text sentences using prompts:

(1) General question.

(2) What...? Disjunctive question.

(3) What features...?

(4) Alternative question.

(5) How...?

(6) General question.


5. Use Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets:

1. Nick, answer the call, I (to take) a shower. 2. The telegram (to arrive) when John (to have) breakfast. 3. I can’t withdraw the money right now, the bank (to open) at 9 a.m. 4. While Mary (to amuse) the guests, her husband (to put) the children to bed. 5. The economic crisis in the country (to aggravate) at the moment. 6. This river (to flow) into the Baltic Sea. 7. We (to have) a picnic next Saturday. Would you like to join us? 8. Yesterday at 6 p.m. I (to consult) my client in my study. 9. They (to leave) for Heathrow half an hour ago. 10. He (to make) friends easily, because he (to be) very sociable. 11. Let me introduce my friend Jerrard. He (to be) a writer and he (to write) a new novel.


6. Use the verbs can and must in the correct forms:

1. The only evidence he... produce yesterday was a fibre from the victim’s coat. 2. You... remit the whole sum by 5 p.m. and not a minute later. 3. We... afford buying this house, we have enough money. 4. Sorry, but Mr Jacobs... talk to you today, he... see you tomorrow at 10 a.m. if the time suits you. 5. The senior partner is on holidays, so I... handle all cases myself. Yesterday I... consult a very annoying gentleman and I... visit him at his house on Friday, I’m afraid. 6. The passengers... cross the yellow line until they are called by the immigration officer.


7. Insert articles where necessary:

1. Pass me... folder from... shelf above you. 2.... Justices are appointed for life. 3.... Judge who will hear your case is not very experienced. 3.... Rich rule the law, which grinds... poor. 4. I heard... somebody playing... cello. 5.... Computer changed informational technologies dramatically. 6. Can you drop me at... hospital? 7.... cheque book is... best present. 8.... Suspect was described as... tall man with... long nose and... slit eyes. 9. Is there... gas station in... town? 10. Mike gave me... camera I dreamed of as... present for... my birthday.

8. Use the correct form of the adjectives:

1. Henry is one of (good) young lawyers in the agency. 2. This argument sounds (good) than the previous one. 3. This item will be discussed in (far) run of our conference. 4. We need (fresh) and (reliable) information available. 5. This book is (old) in our town library, it is (old) than the town itself. 6. We don’t have much money, so let’s go by train, it is (expensive) than by bus. 7. This is (acceptable) solution of the conflict under the circumstances. 8. It was the (lucky) chance in my life.



* * * * *


Вопросы к зачету (1 семестр):


1. What are the problems of a modern family?

2. What is the role of a family for a person?

3. What are the relationships in your family?

4. Tell about youryour family.

5. What is ‘the generation gap’?

6. What makes a good family?

7. What kind of specialists does Minsk department of BNJI train?

8. How does BNJI develop?

9. Where do the graduates of Grodno department of the BNJI work?

10.What does ‘non-state’ mean?

11.What is climate?

12.What is weather?

13.What is a season?

14.What determines the climate of a place?

15.What factors modify the climate of a place?

16. What is the climate of Belarus?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 427. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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