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Cooperative systems

Cooperation, more formally speak is how the components of a system work together to achieve the global properties. In other words, individual components that appear to be “selfish” and independent work together to create a highly complex, greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts system. Examples can be found all around us. The components in a cell work together to keep it living. Cells work together and communicate to produce multicultural organisms. Organisms form food chains and ecosystems. People form families, gangs, cities and nations. Neurons create thought and consciousness. Atoms cooperate in a simple way, by combining to make up molecules. Understanding the mechanisms that create cooperating agents in a system is one of the most important and least well understood phenomena in nature, though there has not been a lack of effort. Individual action on behalf of a larger system may be coerced (forced), voluntary (freely chosen), or even unintentional, and consequently individuals and groups might act in concert even though they have almost nothing in common as regards interests or goals. Examples of that can be found in market trade, military wars, families, workplaces, schools and prisons, and more generally any institution or organization of which individuals are part (out of own choice, by law, or forced).

Граматичний матеріал: Повторення граматичного матеріалу.

Ex. 1. Fill in the missing articles (a, the, -), where it is necessary. Make it the next way: 1. a, 2. the, 3. -, 4. the і т.д.

(1)___little girl was sitting on (2) ___front porch when (3) ___stranger came up to the gate. He tried to open it but (4) ___gate wouldn’t open. “Is your mother at home, little one?” asked (5) ___stranger. “Yes, sir, she’s always at home,” said (6) ___child. (7)___stranger jumped over (8) ___gate and rang (9) ___ doorbell. There was no answer. He rang it several times more, and waited. (10)___ door remained closed. Somewhat angry, he turned to (11) ___ child and said: “Didn’t you say your mother was at home?” “Yes, and I’m sure she is,” replied (12) ___girl. “Then why doesn’t she answer my ring, I wonder!?” “I think she will, sir, when you reach our house,” replied (13) ___girl. We live (14) ___four doors down (15)___street”.

Ex. 2. Choose the right answer.
1. Two people were seriously injured in the accident. (serious / seriously)
2. The driver of the car had serious injuries. (serious / seriously)
3. I think you behaved very ____________. (selfish / selfishly)
4. Rose is ____________ upset about losing her job. (terrible / terribly)
5. There was a ____________ change in the weather. (sudden / suddenly)
6. Everybody at the party was ____________ dressed. (colourful / colourfully)
7. Linda likes wearing ____________ clothes. (colourful / colourfully)
8. Liz fell and hurt herself quite ____________. (bad / badly)
9. Joe says he didn't do well at school because he was ____________ taught. (bad / badly)
10. Don't go up that ladder. It doesn't look ____________. (safe / safely)

Ex. 3. Complete the given sentences using the proper comparison form (older/more important etc.).

1. It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere _quieter?_

2. This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit ---.

3. The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be ---.

4. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be ---.

5. The weather is too cold in this country. I'd like to live somewhere ---.

6. My job is a bit boring sometimes. I'd like to do something ---.

7. 1 was surprised how easy it was to use the computer. I thought it would be ---.

8. Your work isn't very good. I'm sure you can do ---.

9. Don't worry. The situation isn't so bad. It could be ---.

10. 1 was surprised we got here so quickly. I expected the journey to take ---.

Ex. 4. Insert the numeral (quantitative or ordinal).

1. There are ________ months in a year.

2. January is ________ month of the year.

3. May is ________ month of the year.

4. There are ________ months in winter.

5. December is ________ month of the year and ________ month of winter.

6. There are ________ days in a week: ________ one is Monday, ________ one is Tuesday, ________one is Wednesday, ________ one is Thursday, ________ one is Friday, ________ one is Saturday and ________ one is Sunday.

7. Sunday is ________ day of the week in England and ________ one in Russia.

8. Monday is ________ day in Russia and ________ in Great Britain.

9. There are ________ hours in a day, ________ minutes in an hour and ________ seconds in a minute. 10.September, April, June and November have ________ days. All the rest have ________ except February.

Домашнє завдання:

1. Опрацювати програмний матеріал.

2. Виконати граматичні завдання.

3. Робота з фаховим текстом.

Практичне заняття №3

Тема заняття:Планування діяльності підприємства. Планування власного бізнесу.

Хід заняття

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