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Ukrainian Limited Liability Company

The Ukrainian limited liability company is the most common form of business organization established by entrepreneurs. It can be established by at least one person. The partners of such a company do not own shares, unlike the traditional limited liability company, but have a percentage of the company's capital that is specified in the charter of the firm. The members are able to transfer their participation to third parties, only with full consent of other members. If the company doesn't have a single shareholder, board and shareholder meetings are required. The members of a Ukrainian limited liability companies are liable to the company's name and obligations only to the extent of their contributions, as the entity's name suggests.
Ukrainian Open Joint Stock Company

An open joint stock company may be established by two or more natural persons or legal entities becoming partners that can be residents or not. The share capital of a Ukrainian joint stock company is divided into shares of equal nominal value, and the liability of the members is limited to each one's investment. The shares of an open joint stock company may be offered to the public, can be transferred freely and can ultimately be traded on a stock exchange.
Ukrainian Closed Joint Stock Company

The closed joint stock company can also be established by two or more natural persons or legal entities that can be residents or foreign and has a share capital divided into shares of equal nominal value. Another resemblance with the open joint stock company resides in the liability of the members which is also limited to the amount invested by each in the company's capital. Unlike the open one the closed joint stock company cannot be publicly offered and the shareholders have pre-emptive purchase rights for shares offered for sale by other shareholders.
Ukrainian General Partnership

A Ukrainian general partnership may be established by at least two members, natural persons or legal entities. All the participants of this company type are jointly engaged in company business activity and hold unlimited responsibility for the company's debts and obligations. In exchange they distribute the profit and are in charge with managing the partnership based on the foundation agreement.
Ukrainian Limited Partnership

Two members may establish a limited partnership in Ukraine, and they may be natural persons or legal entities, Ukrainian or foreign. Unlike a general partnership, a limited one has two types of partners. At least one is general, assuming all risks concerning the partnerships' debts and obligations and at least one partner is a limited partner, receiving profit proportionally with his contribution, being liable to the extent of his investment made in the partnership.


Граматичний матеріал: Повторення граматичного матеріалу.

Ex.1. Read the following word combinations. Mind your pronunciation.

Pepper pot, to buy a big bottle of beer, first floor, closed door, a black coffee cup, going to England again, at the same time, tomorrow morning, an apartment in the centre of London, sleeping and dreaming, in the front of the photograph, a lovely view, biscuits and ice-cream, to be chosen for the prize, a path through the thick woods, this thing is theirs, sheets and shirts, Helen’s husband, to read a rhyme, would you like?, a librarian in a public library, away from Washington, few years, chicken chops, a manager at the agency, three teas, English weather, let them, a sad man with a camera, a car-park, a doctor in the hospital, stop talking, naughty audience, a full pool, love it very much, to learn Turkish, another parasol, make a mistake, an awful joke, snow in October, quiet as mice, a town on the mountain, her boyfriend Roy, nearly in tears, upstairs and downstairs, for sure, curious tourists.


Ex. 2. Complete the sentences using given words. Follow the sentence structure.

Наприклад: goes / to school / every morning / Andy.

Andy goes to school every morning.

1. take / photos / they / every Monday.

2. goes / every day / she / to school.

3. football / Eric / after school / plays.

4. is making / he / at the moment / breakfast.

5. to the club / the girls / go / on Saturdays.


Ex. 3. Lots of sentences are wrong. Correct them.

1. Three years are a long time to be without a job. Three years is a long time.
2. The government wants to increase taxes. OK (wants is also correct)
3. Susan was wearing a black jeans.  
4. Brazil are playing Italy in a football match next week.  
5. I like Martin and Jane. They're very nice persons.  
6. I need more than ten pounds. Ten pounds aren't enough.  
7. I'm going to buy a new pyjama.  
8. The committee haven't made a decision yet.  
9. There was a police directing traffic in the street.  
10. What is the police going to do?  

Ex. 4. What is another way of saying these things? Use -'s.

1 a hat for a woman 2 a name for a boy 3 clothes for children 6 a school for girls 5 a nest for a bird a woman's hat __________________ __________________ __________________ _________________

Read each sentence and write a new sentence beginning with the underlined words.
1. The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled.
Tommorrow's meeting has been cancelled.
2. The storm last week caused a lot of damage.
Last ____________________________________
3. The only cinema in the town has closed down.
The ____________________________________
4. The weather in Britain is very changeable.
5. Tourism is the main industry in the region.

Домашнє завдання:

1. Опрацювати програмний матеріал.

2. Виконати граматичні завдання.

3. Робота з фаховим текстом.

Практичне заняття №2

Тема заняття: Партнерство. Співробітництво.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 426. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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