Студопедия — Ex. 9. Analyze the functions of PII. Read and translate these sentences.
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Ex. 9. Analyze the functions of PII. Read and translate these sentences.

  1. The findings studied demonstrated the better effectiveness of a combination of two drugs in the treatment of heart diseases.
  2. The experiments reported increased calcium absorption by the diabetic rats.
  3. Prescription is a written direction from a medical practitioner to a pharmacist.
  4. When followed by some side-effects, the medicine should be discontinued.
  5. Only some patients will mention aspirin if asked what treatment they have.
  6. Stomach cancer is still the major potentially lethal health problem, especially if detected late in its course.
  7. The findings reported gave basis for initiation of antibacterial therapy or infection control measures.
  8. Any medication taken in excess can result in serious side – effects.
  9. Kleptomania is a very serious mental health disorder and can destroy your life if not treated.
  10. Use the drug only for condition prescribed.
  11. Acetaminophen also can damage the kidneys when taken in large doses.
  12. The symptoms most commonly reported were unusual fatigue (70.6-percent), sleep disturbance (47.8-percent), and shortness of breath (42.1-percent).


Ex.10. Read and translate text A again and answer the questions. Do it in the simple way.

What does the term “muscle” mean?

What substance changes the size of the muscle cells?

What is the predominant function of the muscles?

What else are the muscles responsible for?

What are examples of unconscious and voluntary contractions?

What are two broad types of voluntary muscle fibers? What are their features?

How many groups are muscles divided into? What are they?


Class work.

11. Analyze ed – forms. Translate the sentences.

1. The prescribed mixture for cough improved the patient’s state.

2. The follow up patients were hospitalized and treated free of charge.

3. The operation for acute appendicitis was followed by pains in the lower part of the abdomen.

4. The findings obtained showed the improved survival rates in the field of cancer treatment.

5. Colds must not be treated with antibiotics.

6. Placebo treatment gave worse results compared with xenical

7. When readmitted the child died of peritonitis caused by stomach perforation

8. If repeated after the definite period of time T.B. vaccination will give good results.

9. The drug needed was a prescription one.

10. He was informed about the changes in his state.

11. Severe acute exacerbation of hepatitis was reported in patients who had discontinued anti- hepatic therapy.

A. Ex. 12. a) Look through text B. b) Find, read and translate the sentences with ed-forms.

Text B. General types of muscle.

Muscle is a contractile form of tissue. It is one of the four tissue types, the other three are epithelium, connective tissue and nervous tissue. Scientists studied and estimated all the muscle functions. Muscle contraction moves parts of the body and substances within the body.

There are three general types of muscle. The first two are "striated"; the third type is "smooth":

Striated muscles contain sarcomeres.

Skeletal muscle (or "voluntary") is attached to the skeleton and facilitate movement. Smooth muscles (or «involuntary») are located within structures such as the intestines, throat and blood vessels.

The differences in characteristics of the smooth muscles and the striated muscles include: the fibers of the smooth muscles are not arranged regularly as those of striated muscles; smooth muscles sustain longer contraction or even near permanent whereas the striated muscles are often used for short, burst activities. The three types of muscle have significant differences, but all produce contraction and relaxation.

Exercises when recommended as means of improving motor skills, fitness and muscle strength will make the muscles strong. Muscles, connective tissue and bones are greatly influenced by different exercises. Sometimes exercises are followed by pains. When admitted to the hospital, the patients are often advised to continue their exercises.

Ex.13. Read text C and entitle it. List the types of muscles and their functions. Do it in a simple way.


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