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Ex. 26. Define the type of predicative constructions with Participle I.

1. The car paused momentarily at the door of the commis­sary. Pat saw blank eyes staring at him and he stared back at them blankly from the rear seat. (F. F.) 2. Cokane and Sartorius are seen returning by the river gate. (B. Sh.) 3. I saw her going off in that direction about a quarter of an hour ago. (A. Chr.) 4. One Yankee businessman had been overheard asking the police why they didn't use tear-gas.... (Lind.) 5. In a moment I heard Stroeve's voice asking if I was in. (S. M.) 6. He braced himself against the slope and felt his feet moving within his swollen boots. (J. Aid.) 7. And in the slight pause young Nickolas was heard saying gently that Violet... was taking lessons in pastel.... (Galsw.) 8. He watched them eating, and decided that they ate like pigs. (J. L.) 9. My door happened to be ajar, and I heard her talking to someone in the passage. (A. Chr.) 10. Shut up in her room she could be heard chattering away hour after hour... (S. M.) 11.I don't feel their absence, I don't want them weep­ing around my deathbed and being polite about me afterwards, which I.believe is the general notion. (Forster) 12. Don't you remember, I said yesterday I'd overheard two people talking about a female called Jane Finn? (A. Chr.) 13. He felt his head trembling slightly with rage as he said this. (Amis.) 14. He could hear his wife breathing quietly, asleep. (E. H.) 15. She could hear him telephoning, stressing the gravity and urgency of the case. (Cron.) 16. I wondered if that was the reason I used to hear my father pacing up and down in his room long after the rest of the house had gone to bed. (H. R.) 17. It set her heart leaping …(Cus.) 18. The hot east wind drove the flames, whipped them up and sent them racing. (Vickers)


Ex. 27. Form objective predicative constructions with Par­ticiple I out of the elements in brackets.

1....he saw (a young girl, to be driven) away from the door in tears. (S. M.) 2. I turned my head over my shoulder and saw (she, to stand) in front of the house. (A. Chr.) 3. He felt (her eyes, to rest) on him with a strange, touching look. (Galsw.) 4. Renata watched (he, to smoke). (E. H.) 5. That set (one's heart, to thump). (J. Ch.) 6. It would never do for her to come out and see (he, to talk) there with them. (J. L.) 7. Why on earth didn't you send (Strickland, to pack). (S. M.) 8. And Michael saw (his father-in-law, to stare up) at the Lincoln statue. (Galsw.) 9. Jolly was anxious that they should see (he, to row) so they set forth to the river. (Galsw.) 10.June saw (Soames, to stand) just behind her. (Galsw.) 11. Wilkins had heard (we, to row), and looked at me, and motioned me on. (Cain) 12. Yet their conviction that they had that very moment heard (somebody, to move) in the room had amounted to a certainty. (H. W.) 13. She thought she heard (he, to groan). (S. M.) 14. You'd only to.see (she, to look) at him when she was off guard. (A. Chr.) 15. Giving a side glance at Betty, he saw (she, to watch) him with a warm look of admiration. (Lind.) 16. I could feel (my breath, to tremble) as we drove along and I could feel (she, to look) at me too. (Cain) 17. Even in that first meeting I felt (he, to give) me some of his own courage. (Vickers)

Ex. 28. Complete the following so as to use objective pre­dicative constructions with Participle I.

1. They watched the children.... 2. He didn't see her.... 3. I didn't notice you.... 4. He liked to watch his father.... 5. He found himself.... 6. I've never heard you.... 7. I didn't see anybody.... 8. The girl saw someone.... 9. The blow sent the boy.... 10. He watched the theatre crowd....11. The wind sent the leaves.... 12. She watched the car.... 13. She heard the footsteps.... 14. I saw the door.... 15. She heard the children.... 16. He felt her.... 17. Did you overhear them...? 18. We imagine them....


Ex. 29. Recast the following sentences so as to use objec­tive predicative constructions with Participle I.

1. I noticed that now his eyes were resting on me with a faint smile of amusement. 2. At the corner oi the street I now saw that a small crowd was collecting, attracted by the fire. 3. So as I strode now along Bake street I felt that I was doing something useful.... 4. Then Frank's eyes lit up, he saw that Martha was cutting a cake, cutting an enormous wedge of plum cake. 5. When I opened my eyes I saw the others were dozing so I sneaked out. 6. I noticed that Constance was sitting close against Freddy's chair, and that he broke across what he was saying. 7. I could see that Dave was still standing in the door-way. 8.1 felt I was getting hot under the collar, and all my romantic humour was gone. 9. When he got on the sand he saw that Arthur was looking at the boat. 10. He could see that a man was standing on the pavement, facing the swing doors. 11. When he opened the window he heard how the birds were singing in the garden. 12. In a minute or two I noticed that her eyes were stealthily peeping at me over the top of the book. 13. I could feel that the room was rocking under my feet.


Ex. 30. Point out predicative constructions with Parti­ciple II and define their structure.

1. Bart watched Chilla engulfed by his family and then saw them go, too, unchallenged. (Cus.) 2. They've got me cornered. (Cart.) 3. I had it all planned. (Vickers) 4. He dis­tinctly heard the Boers sympathized with, the British Gov­ernment blamed. (Galsw.) 5. She kept her eyes fastened upon her plate. (Cron.) 6. He kept his eyes fixed on mine till I had finished, and then he turned away. (S. M.) 7. I saw her stretched out beside in the dust, her eyes glittering, and she wrinkled her nose at me. (J. Ch.) 8....I even heard it suggested that he might get the Foreign Office. (S. M.) 9. But a week later, feeling himself betrayed, hysterical and in ter­ror, Norberd betrayed his wife. (Maltz) 10. As he ate the cot­tage pie that was his portion he felt Blodwen's eye fastened on him.... (Cron.) 11. We'll have supper sent up to the suite. (A. Chr.) 12. About ten minutes later he heard the frontdoor shut. (A. Chr.) 13. Perhaps she refused to have him sent for because she knew he would refuse to come. (S. M.)


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