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Ex. 5. Combine or paraphrase the following sentences using non-finite forms of the verb (give several variants where possible).

1. He tore the envelope open and took out the enclosed letter. He turned it several times in his hand and put it back unread. 2. When Andrew was reinforced by this information he immedi­ately went down to the hall and rang up his wife. 3. We took a cab; we wished to be among the first who would greet the guests. 4. We came to the party; we found everybody gathered. 5. He wanted me to speak in public; he insisted on it. 6. He had examined every little exhibit in the museum. He now had a complete idea of the poet's life. 7. Martin poured out the wine clumsily and spilt some of it on the table cloth. 8. I did not stay in the country long enough. I don't know the customs of the people. 9. I hope you will remember this once and for all. You won't make me remind you of it. 10. They did not wish to meet anybody; they went round the house and entered it from the back lest they should be observed. 11. Every other minute he would push up his sleeve and look at the watch. 12. He reads into the early hours of the morning. This habit of his will have its say on his health one fine day. 13. When he saw me in this dress he burst into laughter. He couldn't help it. 14. If such machines are applied in agriculture, they will save farmers much time and labour. 15. He kept on reading; he did not answer. It seemed that he did not hear my question. 16. The man registered the newcomers, that was his job. 17. They made the garden shady; they had planted more trees in it. 18. He did not suspect a trap. He readily accepted the offer. 19. When I was examining the post mark, I noted that the communication had been sent Thursday last. 20. You will not recover soon if you don't take regular treatment.


Ex. 6. State whether the -ing-form is the gerund, the par­ticiple or the verbal noun. Give your reasons.

1. Now... you stop crying, like a good girl, and powder your nose and all that. (P. W.) 2. Strickland was indifferent to his surroundings, and he had lived in the other's studio without thinking of altering a thing. (S. M.) 3. Because of the skating she began to be easier as she walked.... (Bates) 4. "Where is Ogilvy Street?" "Up the road, first turning to the left." (P. W.) 5. The poor woman lay quite still, refusing to speak, with her eyes intent, as though she watched for the coming of death. (S. M.) 6. And so absorbed was she in this pursuit that a knocking on the outer door did not pene­trate to her consciousness. (S. M.) 7. The longing in his voice was very sad. (Cron.) 8. He discovered... one morning that an idea had come to him for making a series of water-colour drawings of London. (Galsw.) 9. There was a great deal of excited coming and going. (Cron.) 10. Then there was a rattl­ing of plates and cups. (Cron.) 11. He was interrupted in this task by the opening of the door, and looking up, was surprised to see his niece. (P. W.) 12. I mustn't keep you standing here for another instant. (P. W.) 13. Liza was able to make her own living by working at the factory. (S. M.) 14. Mr. Braddock greatly disliked being called brother, but he made no comment. (P. W.)


Ex. 7. Define the non-finite form of the verb and its func­tion.

1. Liza set about getting her tea. She thought it would be rather lonely eating it alone, so pouring out a cup of tea and putting a little condensed milk into it, she cut a huge piece of bread-and-butter, and sat herself down outside on the doorstep. Another woman came downstairs, and, seeing Liza, sat down beside her and began to talk. (S. M.) 2. He had to contend with the work of his practice, he had only the long nights in which to study. Sustained by black coffee and a wet towel round his head he battled on, sitting into the early hours of the morning. When he fell into bed, exhaust­ed, often he could not sleep and sometimes when he slept he would awake, sweating from a nightmare. (Cron.) 3. There were little knots of women talking at their open doorways, and as he passed they stopped talking to smile and give him a friendly "Good morning". Approaching Number 12 he fan­cied he saw a face at the window. And it was so. They had been waiting on him. The instant he placed his foot on the newly pipeclayed doorstep, the door was swung open and the old woman, beaming unbelievably all over her wrinkled face, made him welcome to the house. (Cron.) 4. Surrounded by difficulties and uncertainty, he longed for Christine. Let­ters were no use; he had no talent for expressing himself on paper.... Yet she was not returning to Blaenelly until the first week in September. He turned a fretful, hungry eyes upon the calendar, counting the days that intervened. There were still twelve of them to run. He felt, with growing des­pondency, that they might as well be past, for all the prospect which they held for him. (Cron.)


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