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Put the verbs in brackets into a correct form.

1. When the painter felt the ladder (begin) (slip) he grabbed the gutter (save) himself from (fall).

2. The snow kept (fall) and the workmen grew tired of (try) (keep) the roads clear.

3. He offered (lend) me the money. I didn’t like (take) it but I had no alternative.

4. What was in the letter? - I don’t know. I didn’t like (open) it as it wasn’t addressed to me.

5. Do you remember (read) about it? - No, at that time I was too young (read) newspapers.

6. Did you remember (book) seats for the theatre tomorrow? - Yes, I have the tickets here. Would you like (keep) them? I am inclined (lose) theatre tickets.

7. Try (avoid) be late. He hates (be) kept (wait).

8. I didn’t know how (get) to your house so I stopped (ask) the way.

9. I wish my refrigerator would stop (make) that horrible noise. You can’t hear anyone (speak).

10. This book tells you how (win) at games without actually (cheat).

11. The gunman began (fire). He felt a bullet (graze) his cheek.

12. He heard the clock (strike) six and knew that it was time for him (get) up.

13. I can hear the bell (ring) but nobody seems (be coming) (open) the door.

14. Did you advise him (go) to the police? – No, I didn’t like (give) any advice on such a difficult matter.

15. He wanted (put) my chameleon on a tartan rug and (watch) it (change) colour.

16. It is easy (see) animals on the road in daylight but sometimes at night it is very difficult (avoid) (hit) them.

17. The fire seems (be) out. – It can’t be quite out. I can here the wood (crackle).

18. I caught him (climb) over my wall. I asked him (explain) but he refused (say) anything, so in the end I had (let) him (go).

19. When at last I succeeded in (convince) him that I wanted (get) home quickly he put his foot on the accelerator and I felt the car (leap) forward.

20. I’m not used to (drive) on the left. – When you see everyone else (do) it you’ll find it quite easy (do) yourself.

21. It is pleasant (sit) by the fire at night and (hear) the wind (howl) outside.

22. There was no way of (get) out of the building except by (climb) down a rope and Ann was too terrified (do) this.

23. We heard the engines (roar) as the plane began (move) and we saw the people on the ground (wave) good-bye.

24. It’s no good (write) to him; he never answers the letters. The only thing (do) is (go) and (see) him.

25. Why did you go all around the field instead of (walk) across it? – I didn’t like (cross) it because of the bull. I never see a bull without (think) that it wants (chase) me.

26. The people in the flat below seem (be having) a party. You can hear the champagne corks (thud) against their ceiling.

27. I don’t like (get) bills but when I do get them I like (pay) them promptly.

28. Ask him (come) in. Don’t keep him (stand) at the door.

29. The boys next door used (like) (make) and (fly) model aeroplanes, but they seem to have stopped (do) that now.

30. I knew I wasn’t the first (arrive), for I saw smoke (rise) from the chimney.

31. We watched the men (saw) the tree and as we were walking away heard it (fall) with a tremendous crash.

32. I hate (see) a child (cry).

33. We watched the children (jump) from a window and (fall) into a blanket held by the people below.

34. It is very unpleasant (wake) up and (hear) the rain (beat) on the windows.

35. He saw the lorry (begin) (roll) forwards but he was too far away (do) anything (stop) it.

36. There are people who can’t help (laugh) when they see someone (slip) on a banana skin.

37. After (discuss) the matter for an hour the committee adjourned without (have reached) any decision.

38. It’s not much use (have) a bicycle if you don’t how (ride) it.

39. He didn’t dare (leave) the house because he was afraid of (meet) someone who might (recognize) him.

40. I distinctly remember (pay) him. I gave him $2.

41. Did you remember (give) him the key of the safe? – No, I didn’t. I’ll go and do it now.

42. Please forgive me for (interrupt) you but would you mind (repeat) that last sentence?

43. I know my hair wants (cut) but I never have time (go) to the hairdresser’s.

44. He made a lot of money by (buy) tickets in advance and (sell) them for twice the price on the day of the match.

45. She rushed out of the room without (give) me a chance (explain).

46. He keeps (ask) me the time and I keep (tell) him (buy) himself a watch.

47. He has a theory that it is possible (tell) the time in daylight by (look) into a cat’s eyes.

48. I’d hate (be) beside a volcano when it started (erupt).


Here is a story from a newspaper with a number of gaps where verbs are needed. The base forms of the verbs required are provided in brackets. Put each verb into the most appropriate form. Some of the verbs are in a full tense form (mainly one of the past tenses) whereas others are infinitives or gerunds and several others are past participles.


Police (1) ______________ (hunt) Loch Neuss Monster

Police (2) ______________ (hunt) Sammy, a fugitive alligator roaming a West German lake, (3) ______________ (decide) yesterday to bow to pressure and stop (4) ______________ (try) (5) ______________ (shoot) it.

The 34-foot-long Cayman (6) ______________ (gain) a fan club since it (7) ______________ (slip) its leash on a hot Saturday and (8) ______________(slither) into the lake at a bathing resort not far from the town of Neuss. The police who (9)______________ (hunt) Sammy with rifles from pedal-boats and dinghies, (10) ______________(use) blood-stained steak as bait, (11) ______________(say) yesterday that they (12) ______________(try) (13) ______________(catch) it alive. ‘We (14) ______________(overwhelm) by sympathy for Sammy.’

Last week, hundreds of bathers (15) ______________(enjoy) the waters of the

Lake when Sammy (16) ______________(flee) from his owner, 21-year-old Jorg Zars, and (17) ______________(slide) into the cooling water (18) ______________ (escape) a searing heatwave. ‘It (19) ______________(be) really tame,’ (20) ______________(say) Herr Zars. ‘It (21) ______________(sleep) in my bed at night before it (22) ______________(grow) so large.’ But experts say the Cayman – (23) ______________ (dub) the Loch Neuss Monster by the media-can rip through flesh like a shark with his razor-sharp teeth. The resort, (24) ______________ (force) (25) ______________ (shut down) during the heatwave while police (26) ______________(search) for Sammy (27) ______________ (lose) thousands of pounds. If it (28) ______________ (not to be) for Sammy’s escape the waters of the lake (29) ______________(be) crowded with bathers on these boiling days.

By yesterday the alligator (30) ______________ (became) a hero with its own fan club, (31) ______________(set up) by the Saarland radio station whose switchboard (32) ______________(jam) by listeners (33) ______________ (call) in with messages of sympathy. ‘By ten o’clock last night we (34) ______________ (receive) over thousand calls.’


4. Put the verbs in brackets into the –ing form or the infinitive. Act out the dialogue.

Kim: I’ll never forget (1) ___ (go) to America for the first time. I was incredibly excited although I was trying (2)___(act) cool and casual.

Tom: I know. I remember (3) ___(be) quite envious because I wanted (4) ___(go) there too.

Kim: Yes, I know. I was a bit over the top, wasn’t I? I’m sorry for (5) ___(behave) so badly.

Tom: Yes, you were! You just went on (6) ____(talk) about America constantly. It was quite funny though when I think back. You hardly let me (7) ___(say) a word.

Kim: I’m sorry, but you know that in my excitement I nearly left a lot of things behind like my camera and my money.

Tom: I didn’t know you had such a bad memory.

Kim: I’m not usually so forgetful. I had a lot on my mind. Anyway, I don’t remember actually (8) ___(leave) anything behind in the end.

Tom: How did you feel when you first arrived there?

Kim: I remember (9) ____(worry) about what to do and where to go. I wanted (10) ____(see) everything but I didn’t know where (11) ___(begin).

Tom: So where did you go first?

Kim: Well, we started in New York. At first, the traffic was so bad that I was afraid (12) ____(cross) the road. But it got easier, I saw the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty and lots of other things. It was incredible! I love New York!


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 3174. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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