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‘Leave Truth to the police and us; we know the Good;

We build the Perfect City time shall never alter;

Our Law shall guard you always like a cirque of


W.H. Auden 1907-1973


The maintenance of law and order is a matter for the civilian police. The oldest police force in Britain is the Metropolitan Police, which was founded by Sir Robert Peel to combat crime in London, and from which the modern forces have grown. In 1663 the city of London began paying watchmen (generally old men who were unable to find other work) to guard the streets at night. Until the end of the 18th century, the watchmen – as inefficient as they were – long with a few constables, remained the only form of policingin the city. The inability of watchmen and constables to curb lawlessness, particularly in London, led to a demand for a more effective force to deal with criminals and to protect the population. After much deliberation in Parliament, the British statesman Sir Robert Peel in 1829 established the London Metropolitan Police, which became the world’s first modern organised police force.

Most countries, have a national police force which is controlled by central Government. Britain has no national police force. There is a separate police force for each of 52 areas into which the country is divided. The regional forces which are charged with law enforcement in their areas are usually under the control of a local police committee composed of local politicians. The forces co-operate with each other, but it is unusual for members of one force to operate in another’s area unless they are asked to give assistance. This sometimes happens when there has been a very serious crime.

The Metropolitan Police is responsible for the policing of London, while theRoyal Ulster Constabulary is the police force in Northern Ireland. The professional head of each regional force is the Chief Constable, who is responsible for the actions and organization of the force. However, the Home Secretary is directly responsible for the Metropolitan Police, which is centred on Scotland Yard in London.

Each police force has its own Criminal Investigation Department (CID). Members of CIDs are detectives, and they do not wear uniforms.

Like in the army, there are a number of police ranks: Chief Constable, the Assistant Chief Constable, Chief Superintendent, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant and Constable. Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force. The police are helped by a number of Special Constables – members of the public who work for the police voluntarily for a few hours a week.

There are about 130,000 policemen and women in England and Wales, with only some 800 from the ethnic communities. Many people in these communities used to be hostile to or sceptical of the police, and react negatively when any of their numbers join the police. However, nowadays most people have a positive attitude to the police.

The police are subject to the law, and can be sued or prosecuted for any wrongdoing in the course of their work. They cannot claim immunity on grounds of duty from such requirements. The public is protected against improper police conduct by special procedures, which were established in 1985 by the creation of the Police Complaints Authority. The authority does have a greater civilian component than in the past, and improves upon the situation where the police tended to be their own judge and jury in the investigation of complaints against them.

Members of the police force are not allowed to join trade unions or to go on strike. But they do have staff associations and spokesmen in Parliament to represent their interests. The British policeman, with his peculiar helmet and lack of firearms, has been traditionally regarded as a very British institution. He has tended to embody a presence in the local community, fairness, a certain stolidity, friendliness, helpfulness, and incorruptibility. These virtues still exist to some degree, and there is a desire in some forces to return more strongly to them.

But, in recent years, the police have been taken offfoot patrols, and put into cars in order to increase mobility and effectiveness. Increasing numbers are armed and trained in riot-control programmes. They have been criticized by some sections of the public, and accused of racism, discrimination, corruption and brutality. Some of these accusations have been proved in a relatively small number of cases. However, reforms have been made in recent years, particularly in the Metropolitan Police Force. The problems of a rising crime rate, relations with the ethnic communities, and an increasingly complex society have made the policeman's job more difficult. The police are currently trying to find ways of adequately and fairly assisting a changing society. They are concerned about their image, but maintain that their first duty is to maintain law and order and to protect persons and property. It is their job to enforce the law, that is, to make sure we obey it. To do their work effectively they need the necessary powers. If the police see that the law is about to be broken, they have the power to intervene to prevent that happening. If their orders are not obeyed, they may arrest the people involved. If the police have reason to believe that someone has broken the law, they have the power to arrest the suspect and bring him before the courts.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 359. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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