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Words you need to know. 1. the police n (=the organization and the people whose job is to catch criminals and make sure that people obey the law) He was stopped by the police and

1. the police n (=the organization and the people whose job is to catch criminals and make sure that people obey the law) He was stopped by the police and arrested for dangerous driving. local police. police authority

the police force n (= the police organization in a country or large area) Jason joined the police force when he was 19.

to police v (= to control a place) The army policed the riot-torn city.

policeman/woman n (a male or female police officer) policemen and women

2. detective n (=a police officer whose job is to discover information that will result in criminals being caught.

3. law enforcement n (=the act of causing (a rule or law) to be obeyed or carried out effectively) The police are responsible for law enforcement.

4. constable n (a British police officer of the lowest rank) Send Constable Timms. Please could you help me, Constable?

chief constable n (= a British police officer in charge of the police in a large area)

5. chief superintendent n (a British police officer of high rank)

6. chief inspector n (a British police officer of middle rank)

inspector n (a police officer of middle rank) Can I have a word with you, Inspector?

7. sergeant n (a police officer of next to the lowest rank)

8. sue v (to make a legal claim against) He was sued for breach of contract.

9. prosecute v (to bring a criminal against someone in a court of law) The police have decided not to prosecute him.

10. investigation n (when the police try to find out who committed a crime, for example by asking questions and looking for evidence) Los Angeles county police are continuing their investigation into a series of armed robberies in a shopping mall. in the interests of the investigation

11. patrol n (=the act of patrolling or a period of patrolling) During the night, security guards make regular patrols of the factory premises.

12. riot n (= a scene of noisy, uncontrolled, often violent behaviour by a large disorderly crowd of people). The riot police used teargas to control the mob.


Reading notes:


the Metropolitan Police – The main London police force. The City of London (=the central business area) has its own separate police, but the Metropolitan Police are responsible for all other areas of London. The Metropolitan Police’s Detective department is based in Scotland Yard.


Scotland Yard – the headquarters (=main offices) of the London police, which is officially called New Scotland Yard, and informally called ‘the Yard’. Scotland Yard is known especially for its department of detectives, called the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), whose job is to solve very serious or complicated crimes.


Home Secretary – the British politician who is in charge of the home office, one of the most important positions in the British government. In the US there is a similar politician called the Secretary of the Interior, and in many other countries the politician who has this position is called the Minister of the Interior.


riot-control programmesthe riot police – a group of police officers with special equipment and special training whose job it is to control large crowds of people who have become violent: The riot police killed a student protester who was taking part in an anti-government demonstration.


Exercise 1. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian words and expressions.

преследовать судебным порядком, расследование, начальник полиции (в городе, графстве), столичные полицейские силы, констебль (низший полицейский чин в Великобритании и США); полицейский; старший полицейский офицер, сержант полиции (в США - полицейский чин рангом ниже капитана; в Британии - рангом выше констебля, но ниже инспектора), полицейские силы, полиция; полицейское подразделение, обеспечение правопорядка (деятельность правоохранительных органов), преследовать судом; подавать в суд(возбуждать иск), патрулирование; бороться с преступлением, вооруженные силы страны, отвечать за, патрулировать, королевские констебли Ольстера (североирландская полиция), подлежать, неприкосновенность, недостойное поведение, полицейская власть, жалоба, бесстрастность, неподкупность, до некоторой степени (в известной мере), нарушение общественной тишины и порядка, обвинять, правопорядок, придавать законную силу, вмешиваться, иметь основания, иметь полномочия, возбуждать судебное дело, нарушать закон, министр внутренних дел Великобритании, отделение полиции по рассмотрению жалоб, Департамент уголовного розыска полиции.


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