– Mr Bukin, we thank you for your prompt settlement of our claim for damage to the equipment caused by insufficient packing.
– Да, г-н Ванг, я надеюсь, что этот неприятный инцидент не испортит наших плодотворных отношений.
– I’m quite sure of it, but I suppose, you should be more careful with packing, as rough handling in transport is inevitable.
– Мы рассмотрели этот вопрос и пришли к выводу, что, действительно, недостаточная упаковка может стать причиной серьезных поломок и дефектов. В дальнейшем мы будем использовать новую улучшенную упаковку при отправке оборудования в Китай.
– Goods should be packed in seaworthy materials so that they could withstand both overseas and overland transportation. And, of course, prompt replacement of defective equipment by new one is essential for the reputation of a company.
FOCUS 1. Read and discuss the letters.
Russia 112 143 Moscow, Svobodny pr., 34
Our ref. Your ref.
15 May 20__
Messrs. W.H.Strong and Co.
73 Crimea road
Warsaw SE25 3NF
Dear Sirs,
We have just received the consignment of 28 (twenty eight) Convection Heaters which we ordered from you, together with your invoice for $27,090.00.
Before sending you a cheque for this amount we, however, regret to inform you that examination of the goods shipped on RailWay Bill 567-987 dt 04 May 20__ under Contract 90-567 has shown that they are not in accordance with the contract specification. Therefore, we feel obliged to complain in the strongest terms about the careless way in which these goods were packed. Only thin cardboard packing was provided to protect the heaters from the rough handling which is bound to occur when parcels are sent by rail.
As a consequence, two of the heaters were badly dented and a third was seriously scratched thus the heaters have grave defects which make them useless for the purpose intended.
Continuation Sheet No. 2
We think that you will agree that it is unfair to expect us to pay the full price for the goods marred as a result of inadequate packing on your part. We suggest a reduction in the amount charged in your invoice by way of compensation, i.e. you grant us an allowance to the amount of 3 heaters in settlement of our claim.
As we have incurred the losses we are compelled to give you formal notice of claim for damages, as, no doubt, the damage was caused through fault of yours.
We cannot make use of the goods and are very sorry to have to place them at your disposal pending your instructions as to how they should be returned.
Alternatively, we could return the three damaged items, in which case we naturally expect the return costs to be deducted from your invoice. As the period of guarantee has not expired, we ask you to replace the defective heaters by new ones.
Failing your acceptance of our offer, our claim will be submitted to the Arbitration Court at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce.
We hope that this unfortunate situation will not repeat again and that our future orders will receive the same careful attention you gave them in the past.
Yours faithfully,
Semen Sidorov
Semen Sidorov
Our ref. Your ref.
27th May 20__
Russia 112 143
Svobodny pr. 34
Dear Mr Sidorov,
Thank you for your letter of 15th May acknowledging receipt of 28 (twenty eight) Convection Heaters.
We are extremely sorry to learn about the mishap concerning this order. The goods dispatched in execution of your contract have not met your approval and fully accept that this was caused by inadequate packing on our part, i.e. we admit your claim.
In fact, we have only recently changed the type of packing we use, finding the new cartons lighter and easier to handle. It is true that the new cartons are not shock-resistant but this is the first time we have had any trouble with them. In view of the misadventure, however, we shall certainly be reconsidering our packing methods. We have instructed our Forwarding Agents to appoint an expert to investigate the matter.
- 2 -
As we assume entire responsibility for the damage incurred we are ready to satisfy your claim in full. We agree to consider the settlement of the claim on the lines proposed by you, we are sending you by express freight 3 new Convection heaters to replace those which appeared to be damaged. They should arrive at your premises within 48 hours. As for the damaged items, please dispose of them as you see fit.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the trouble caused to you. We hope you will be satisfied with our actions and withdraw your claim. We trust that the error will in no way impair the good relations between our two companies,
Yours sincerely,
Steven King
Steven King
Sales Manager
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