Answer the following questions.
1) What is burglary? 2) What is the difference between burglary and robbery? 3) Why were the Saunders invited to Crime Check? 4) How do you understand the term “repeat victims”? 5) When were the Saunders first burgled? 6) How many times were the Saunders burgled? 7) Can the Saunders’ matter be settled? 8) What things were stolen? 9) What things are often stolen in our country? Is there any difference between stolen things in our country and abroad? 10) Who was invited to Crime Check to give a piece of advice? 11) What are the solutions of the Saunders’ problem? 12) Could they afford to have a burglary alarm? Why? 13) Is a burglary alarm a usual thing in our country? 14) What is burglary statistics in our country? 15) What prevention measures can you suggest to avoid burglary? Are they effective? Why? Match the following synonyms from the text.
Match the following phrases from the text (sometimes more than one combination is possible).
9. Write down different words you associate with the term ‘crime’. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories. Read the end of the text and finish it. Try to guess what else could be done to prevent a burglary. Well, there are several things here. Obviously it is easy to watch the house from the playing fields, and also burglars tend to talk amongst themselves. They tell each other which houses are easy to break in, and what things the houses still have in them. Also they wait a few months until they think the owners have replaced the things that were stolen. After all, burglars prefer to steal something that's brand new. And another thing you have to consider is... Roleplay the dialogue between a police officer and a burglary victim who is not sure that there are some measures which can prevent a crime. Search the Internet and find more information about burglaries in Russia. Talk about what you discover with your groupmates. If possible, try to make a presentation, because it will help you to present information in a way which contributes to better understanding and figures or different graphics which help to understand your report better. After presentations choose the best report. 13. Write a magazine article about burglaries. Include imaginary interviews with victims and police officers. Read what you wrote to your groupmates. Which article was best and why? 14. Write a letter to the crime prevention officer. Ask him/her three questions about burglary prevention measures. Give him/her three suggestions about how to prevent a burglary. Read your letter to your groupmates. Your groupmates will answer your questions.
A. BEFORE LISTENING Practice the pronunciation of the following words taken from the text which you are going to listen. License, registration, officer, huge, several, point, nobody, road, promise, to afford, insurance, also, notice, to wear, seatbelt, smell, bucks, arrest, to bribe, right, to remain, silent, court, law, around, to cuff. Give Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations. License and registration, to pull smb over, to do over 140 in an 80, a huge fine, several points, to promise, to afford the insurance, to notice, to wear a seatbelt, smell, to drink, bucks, to step out of the car, to be under arrest, to bribe an officer, to attempt, to have the right, to remain silent, in a court of law, to play around, to cuff smb.