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Give Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

Shares scam; to mete out a sentence; strangely lenient; tycoon; to be listed in Forbes magazine; insider trading; to falsify share records; presiding judge; impact on society; to proceed; to hand out a sentence; wholly incommensurate; gravity of the crime; summing up; to fine; paltry; chicken feed; to sentence; to suspend; fall from grace; swift; adage; light court sentencing; to send to prison; to be ostracized; former chairman; core firm; resorts; an industrialist; to have close connections to politicians; to lie about; a stake in the company; to fabricate non-existent shareholders; subsequent sale of shares; shady dealings; to line one’s pockets to the tune of.



3. Listen to the text “Tycoon avoids prison over shares scam”. Make notes about the numbers and dates which you might hear.

4. Agree or disagree to the following statements.

1) A business tycoon paid a gang to help him escape from a prison. (f)

2) The world’s former richest man has been found guilty of fraud. (t)

3) The tycoon received a hefty fine and prison sentence. (f)

4) The tycoon was sentenced to 5 years in prison. (f)

5) The tycoon apologized and says he now wants to feed chickens.(f)

6) The tycoon proves the adage “the bigger they are, the harder they fall”. (f)

7) He avoided prison because he had already been socially ostracized. (t)

8) He avoided prison because he had close connections to many leading politicians. (f)

9) His shady dealings helped him further line his own pockets. (t)

10) The tycoon made his fortune selling hamburgers. (f)

Listen to the text again and fill in the gaps using the following words.


Dealings; chairman; share records; meted out; fabricated; sentence; summing up; insider trading; gravity; resorts; prison; ostracized; construction; shareholders; fined.


Tycoon avoids prison over shares scam

Japanese courts have _____ a strangely lenient _____ to a business tycoon who was once listed in Forbes magazine as the world’s richest man. Yoshiaki Tsutsumi was found guilty of _____ _____ and falsifying his company’s _____ _____ by a court in Tokyo. Presiding judge Tsutomu Tochigi said: “The impact on society of crimes by such leading Japanese companies is very serious”. Judge Tochigi then proceeded to hand out a sentence wholly incommensurate with the _____ of the crime expressed in his _____. He _____ Mr. Tsutsumi a paltry $43,000 – chicken feed to someone of his vast wealth – and sentenced him to 30 months in _____, suspended for four years. It is highly unlikely Tsutsumi will serve any of that time.

Tsutsumi’s fall from grace has been swift, although he does not quite prove the adage “the bigger they are, the harder they fall,” judging from his light court sentencing. The judge said he was not sent to prison because he has already been socially _____. Tsutsumi is the former _____ of Kokudo Corporation, the core firm of the Seibu railway group, with holdings in _____, hotels, _____and a baseball team. He is one of Japan's most powerful industrialists and has close connections to many of the country’s leading politicians. In September 2004, Tsutsumi lied about his stake in his company and _____ hundreds of non-existent _____. The subsequent sale of shares from his shady _____ lined his own pockets to the tune of $180,000,000.



Answer the following questions.

1) What is Yoshiaki Tsutsumi?

2) What was he found guilty of?

3) What sentence did the presiding judge Tochigi hand out?

4) What kind of crime did Yoshiaki Tsutsumi commit?

5) Is Yoshiaki Tsutsumi a rich man or not?

6) How much money was he fined to pay for the crime?

7) Did the presiding judge Tochigi send Yoshiaki Tsutsumi to prison or not? Why?

8) What corporation was Yoshiaki Tsutsumi at the head of?

9) Who does he have close connections to?

10) What did Yoshiaki Tsutsumi lie about in September 2004?

11) What brought him $180,000,000?


Match the following synonyms from the article.

1) meted out 2) lenient 3) falsifying 4) incommensurate 5) chicken feed 6) fall from grace 7) adage 8) ostracized 9) non-existent 10) shady a) peanuts b) unethical c) at odds d) bogus e) light f) saying g) demise h) awarded i) snubbed j) fabricating


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 733. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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