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Instructions as above.

Main article: Henry Cow discography

The complete works of Henry Cow is obtained by combining the two Henry Cow box sets released by Recommended Records, the Henry Cow Box (2006) and The 40th Anniversary Henry Cow Box Set (2009).

  • Box 1: The Road: Volumes 1-5
    • Volume 1: Beginnings
    • Volume 2: 1974-5
    • Volume 3: Hamburg
    • Volume 4-5: Trondheim (double CD)
    • Henry Cow Concerts (double CD)
  • Box 2: The Road: Volumes 6-10
    • Volume 6: Stockholm & Göteborg
    • Volume 7: Later and Post-Virgin
    • Volume 8: Bremen
    • Volume 9: Late
    • Volume 10: Vevey (DVD)
  • Box 3: The Studio: Volumes 1-5
    • Legend
    • Unrest
    • Desperate Straights
    • In Praise of Learning
    • Western Culture
  • Bonus CDs
    • "Unreleased Orckestra Extract" – a 3-inch CD-single by The Orckestra given to subscribers of the Henry Cow Box.
    • A Cow Cabinet of Curiosities – a CD given to subscribers of The 40th Anniversary Henry Cow Box Set.

1. External links

  • Henry Cow at Allmusic.
  • Perfect Sound Forever. Henry Cow biography.
  • The Canterbury Website. Henry Cow biography.
  • The Canterbury Website. Henry Cow lyrics.
  • Collapso–Canterbury Music Family Tree. Henry Cow family tree.
  • The Canterbury Website. Interview with Henry Cow (April 1975).
  • Perfect Sound Forever. Interview with Chris Cutler (March 1997).
  • BBC Radio 1. John Peel sessions.
  • Chris Cutler homepage.
  • Fred Frith homepage.
  • Tim Hodgkinson homepage.
  • Tim Hodgkinson myspace.
  • Unofficial Henry Cow Site at the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
  • PUNKCAST#1086 Video clip of Frith-Cutler-Hodgkinson performance, NYC December 16, 2006. (Realplayer) (mp4).
  • "On Chris Cutler". Article by Patrick Wright published in The Guardian, November 1995 – includes an in-depth look at Henry Cow.


Rd Year



Mozyr, 2012


1. Musical genres (styles): classical music (instrumental, vocal, chamber, symphony), opera, operetta, musical, ballet, blues, ragtime, jazz, pop, rock, folk (country) music, electronique music, background music, incidental music.

2. Musical forms: piece, movement, sonata, aria, fantasy, suite, rapsody, concerto, solo, duet, trio, quartet, quintet, sixtet (etc.), chorus.

3. Musical rhythms: polka, waltz, march, blues, ragtime, swing, bassanova, sambo, disco, rock.

4. Musical instruments: (string group): violin, viola, celo, bass, harp; (wind group): flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon; (brass group): saxophone, trombone, trumpet, French horn, tuba; percussion instruments: cymbals, drum, triangle, tamburine, piano, accordion, guitar, saxophone, synthesizer, acoustic, electronique, electric instruments.

5. Music makers: composer, conductor, musician, soloist, virtuoso, minstreller group, team, band, orchestra.

6. Music making: to write authentically Russian, Afro-American, etc. music, to compose, to arrange, to transcribe, to make music, to perform, to improvise, to interpret, to accompany, to complete.

7. Musical equipment: tape-recorder, video cassette-recorder, tuner, amplifier, player, equalizer, (loud) speaker, turn-table.

8. Musical events: (made up) concert, recital, jam session, festival, competition.

9. Voice: bass, baritone, contralto, soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor; chest, hoarse, low, sweet.

10. Miscellany: major, flat, baton, bow, drum sticks, under the baton, single, album, track, record jacket (sleeve), score, spiritual, beat, video-clip, syncopation, harmony.


1) Put each of the following words and phrases in the correct place in the passage below.

musicians bow bows string conductor instruments score keys baton audience concert hall

While the (a) ——— was filling up and the (b) ———were taking their seats, the (c) ————were tuning their (d) ———. The famous (e)————entered. He gave the audience a low (f) —————, picked up his (g) ————, looked briefly at the (h) ———— which lay open in front of him, and raised his hands. The pianist placed her fingers ready over the (i) ———— of her piano. The (j) ———— section of the orchestra (violinists, cellists, etc.) brought their (k) ———— up, ready to play. The concert was about to begin.


Instructions as above.

group vocalist live stage number one fans concert lyrics top ten recording studio

After the Beatles, the Rolling Stones have probably been the most successful (a) ———— in Britain. Most of their records have gone into the (b) ———— and they've had many at (c) ————. But their records have usually been made in a (d) ———— and I always wanted to hear them (e) ——— at a (f) ————. I wanted to see them perform on (g) ————— in front of thousands of excited (h) ————. And I did, at Earls Court in 1983. It was great. And Mick Jagger, the (i) ————,sang all the old favourites. I couldn't hear the (j) ————— very well because of the noise, but somehow it didn't matter.


3) How many musical instruments do you know? Describe them. Which ones do you specially like?


4) Which musician could use these words to talk about his musical activities?

music stand the stage tube

conductor the score to improvise

to practise notes brass to rehearse the baton to blow

5) Which of these words could also be used by a violinist to describe his/her activities?

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