A CD / A T-shirt / An iPod / A DVD / A record / A poster / A biography / Body jewellery / A key ring / Batteries / A CD case / Headphones / A concert ticket / A portable cd player / An action figure / A gift card / A sweatshirt 1) a long sleeved piece of casual clothing, usually made of cotton ("jumper" in British English). 2) a round piece of black plastic that music can be stored on. It plays on a record player. 3) a large picture you put on a wall that is used for advertising or has an image. 4) a pair of speakers that you wear over your ears to listen to music. 5) a pass that allows you entrance to a show or performance. 6) a miniature depiction of a celebrity or war hero. 7) a compact disk that contains music or audio. 8) a shirt with no buttons, and usually with short sleeves. 9) an electronic device that plays MP3s. 10) a high density compact disk that can store a lot of audio-visual material. A Blu Ray is the most modern version and can hold even more material. 11) a book about a famous person's life. 12) piercings or rings for the body. 13) a metal ring that holds your keys together. 14) small devices that you use to power electronics. 15) a plastic box to keep and organise your compact disks. 16) a machine that you take anywhere with you that plays compact disks. 17) a certificate that has credit on it. You can use that credit to buy something.
E: Good morning. I'd like to buy a ______, please. S: Certainly. Here you are. (He gives him a Frisbee.) E: No, not a Frisbee. A _____. I'd like to buy a CD, please. S: Oh, right. Yes. A CD. Which one would you like? We have __________________. (He shows him three.) E: Have you got "__________________" by Nigel and the Plates? S: No, but I could ____________it for you. E: No, it's all right, thanks. I'd really like the original. S: The way I sing it, it is __________! Really! I mean, how can you come to a CD shop and not expect to find ________ __________? E: Erm, OK. You're right. Well, do you have "____________________" by Soul Sneezers? S: Do I ever! You know, I used to play that song on the harmonica. It got me through a lot of _________________ You know, high school... and university, and the time since then. E: Yeah, it's a ______________________. I can definitely understand that. S: Listen. How about this one? (He starts singing a song.) I could put that on a CD for you if you like. It wouldn't_________you much. I could definitely arrange something with ______________ and my new _______________. It's got all kinds of synthesized voices and ________________... E: Wait! Were you just singing "Help me Now" by Peanut Butter and the Jelly? I love that song. I'm in a band, and every time we play that song, it ___________________! S: Do you need any more people in your band? People tell me I sing like _________ __________________. E: No, thanks. OK, have you got "Ding Dong" by the Twinkles? (The shopkeeper starts laughing.) ____________________? S: Oh, nothing. E: No, come on. ___________________? S: It's just, no one ever asks for that song any more. E: ___________________. S: Hey, Frank. This guy here asked for "Ding Dong" by the Twinkles. F: Really? _______________? Like about 5 or something? E: But it's a great song. And it's _______________________. S: Oh, is it now? Let's see then. We'll _______________and you can dance. Ethan: OK. Watch. (He starts dancing.) S: Actually, it is quite good. And it looks like a lot of fun. E: Oh, it is. I'll buy two if you sell them for ________________.
Make a list of films you have downloaded recently from the Internet.