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Read the article again and choose the correct word.

1. Glastonbury is going to celebrate its 30th/40th birthday.

2. More than 170,000 people attended the festival in 2006/2007.

3. The first Glastonbury festival was in 1960/1970

4. Glastonbury became really popular in the 1980s/1990s.

5. The first festival cost£1/£2.

6. The tickets for the 2010 event sold out in less than 24/48 hours.

Music festivals are popular all over the world. The UK's most famous event is Glastonbury, which is going to celebrate its 40th birthday.

Glastonbury is the largest outdoor music festival in the world. It's best known for music, but the festival also includes dance, comedy, theatre, circus and cabaret acts.

In fact, the full title of the festival is The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, but most people just call it Glastonbury or Glasto. More than 170,000 people attended the festival in 2007, and watched over 71 stages. 2010 is the 40th anniversary of the first festival and event, which is going to be between 23rd and 27th June, is going to be the best yet.

The first Glastonbury festival was in 1970. Back then, it was called the Pilton festival. It was started by a local farmer, Michael Eavis. He had been to a blues festival in nearby Bath to see Led Zeppelin play. Eavis liked the festival so much he decided to start his on his farm in Pilton, a small village in South-West England about 6 miles east of the town of Glastonbury.

Glastonbury became really popular in the 1990s. Security was improved, so the event became safer, and as a result more families began to attend. In addition, the festival began to include many different types of music and not only mainstream rock. The festival's dance music area became extremely popular and attracted a large audience.

Ticket prices to Glastonbury have changed over the years. The first festival cost £1 (about €1.12), plus free milk from the farm. The second festival was free. But the 2010 festival costs £194.95 (about €218.35). That's per person! Incredibly, however, the festival usually has no trouble selling the tickets. The tickets for the 2010 event sold out in less than 24 hours, although no one knew who was going to play. Glastonbury is that popular.

Of course, most people are certain that there are going to be some big names playing at the festival. Glastonbury always attracts the most popular acts. In 2009 Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young and Blur were headliners.The year before saw Jay-Z and The Kings of Leon play r g on the famous Pyramid Stage. Others who've played there include Paul McCartney, The Killers, The Arctic Monkeys, Robbie Williams, REM, Coldplay, Radiohead... the list is endless. Everyone has "done" Glastonbury.

So, who's going to play in 2010? The biggest news is that U2 are going to headline on the Friday night. They've never played at Glastonbury before, so the organisers are very excited. Michael Eavis

has said, "The 26-year-old rumour has finally come true. At last, the biggest band in the world are going to play in the best festival in the world! Nothing could be better for our 40th anniversary party."

However, one thing the organisers can't control is the weather. The Glastonbury Festival is famous for its bad weather. In 1997 and 1998, there was heavy rain (and lots of mud), and again in 2004, 2005, and 2007 (there wasn't a Glastonbury in 2006 when the weather was hot and sunny). It's too early to say what the weather is going to be like for Glasto 2010. Let's hope, however, that the organisers get blue skies and sunshine for their 40th birthday party!

63) Look at this extract from the article, "So, who's going to play in 2010?" The writer is referring to the future with "going to". We can use "going to" for future plans. Complete the sentences below with your own ideas.

1. Next week, I'm going to...

2. I'm going to eat... tonight.

3. I'm going to play... this weekend.

4. I'm going to have lunch at... today.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 1528. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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