Problem solving
You are working for a committee which is collecting material for amending the existing labour law in the part concerning immigrants. You have just started doing this job, so you don’t know much. On the basis of the given article find contradictions in the existing law. Consider what consequences you will have if you introduce this or that amendment. To make your arguments convincing you’ll need concrete examples of lawsuits concerning immigrants, so study the information on Jose Castro’s case quite closely.
Vocabulary 2
Read the following article and try to guess the meaning of the words and word combinations given in bold type. Careers Ask Annie Dear Annie: How can I get out of attending casual but mandatory company events that end with everyone getting drunk and making idiots of themselves? I am the only woman in the organization. I don’t drink, and I don’t feel comfortable at these things. Wallflower Dear Wallflower: Casual or not, if these bashes are mandatory, then clearly you’ve got to show up. However, there is no law that says you have to stay until the last dog is hung. If you don’t have a cell phone, get one. Then ask a friend to call you at a prearranged time – after you’ve had a chance to do some schmoozing but before the festivities reach the Bacchanalian crescendo that bugs you so much – and let your “urgent” call take you gracefully away. For better or worse, people have become so accustomed to the tyranny of cell phones that your colleagues are unlikely to think twice about your exit. It does seem to me, though, that your problem goes beyond parties. Like it or not, “getting drunk and making idiots of themselves” is an important bonding ritual at some companies. If it is at yours, your wallflower status may eventually do real damage to your career there. Perhaps it’s time you looked for a job at some organization with a more congenial culture. Just a thought. Annie (From ‘Fortune’) A great many of our readers sent comments on a letter from someone signed ‘Wallflower’, who resented mandatory company parties where she was the only one to stay sober. The consensus is that instead of leaving early, Wallflower might do better sticking around a while. “At these bonding rituals, it’s always nice to have at least one designated driver in the group,” writes a reader at a high-tech company, famous for its beer bashes. “I gave my career a big boost a couple of years ago by sipping Snapples while everyone else got sloshed – and then giving my boss, and his boss, a ride home. It was the first chance I’d had to talk to them about some of my ideas for new products. Amazingly, the next day, they both remembered everything I said.” (From ‘Fortune’) A) Now discuss your ideas about the meaning of the words given in bold type and think of ways to express the same thing by using a synonym. b) What do you think of the problem raised in Wallflower’s letter and the given replies? Expressions with ‘get’. Wallflower asks: ‘How can I get out of attending … company events?’ Remember other expressions with ‘get’. To get one’s own back, to get away with smth, to get at smb, to get smb down, to get down to smth Choose one of the given expressions to translate the words and word combinations given in italics in the following sentences. 1. My neighbour is a nightmare. She’s always (ругает) her children for one thing or another. 2. Don’t try to cheat on your income tax. (Это тебе с рук не сойдет). 3. I don’t suppose I’ll ever be able to (выпутаться из) debt. 4. It’s time you stopped playing computer games and (взялся за) work. 5. John could have got a prison sentence. It was only because of his lawyer that he (отделался) a warning. 6. There are always some unpleasant jobs I would like to (избегать). 7. Will it ever stop raining? The weather is really (угнетает меня). 8. Jack is eager to (отомстить) on the man who got him into trouble. 9. You can’t (уклониться от) accompanying your boss to parties even if you loathe it. 10. If I were you I wouldn’t annoy Roy so much. You’ll be sorry if he tries (взять реванш) on you.