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Vocabulary Revision

29. Revise Vocabulary 1 p … Unit 1 and do the following multiple choice task.

1. This scheme will help homeless people at no ________ to taxpayers.

A) price B) cost

2. The ________ of living is really high in big cities.

A) price B) cost

3. If you use cheaper material it’ll reduce the production __________ of each item by 10%.

A) price B) cost

4. When you arrange a tourist trip, the _________ per person goes down for groups of more than ten people.

A) price B) cost

5. This week all our goods are sold at half __________.

A) price B) cost

6. Experts say outdated transportation systems are only __________ of the city’s problems.

A) part B) share

7. You won’t get on with your colleagues if you don’t do your __________ of the work properly.

A) part B) share

8. Britain’s _________ of world trade has been steadily declining of late.

A) part B) share

9. Schools are a vital ___________ of the education system.

A) part B) share

10. Bill didn’t invest a single penny in the project. He has no right to a _______ in the profits.

A) part B) share

11. I expect she had to pay a fat ________ to her divorce lawyer.

A) fee B) charge

12. Many tax advisers now offer fixed _______ interviews.

A) fee B) charge

13. There is no _________ for cashing traveler’s cheques.

A) fee B) charge

14. If you buy things at this shop you can have them gift wrapped, but remember that there may be a small __________ for that.

A) fee B) charge

15. There is a ________ of $50 if you are late with your payment.

A) fee B) charge

16. Max wasn’t good at all at maths. It took a lot of _______ for him to pass the exam.

A) coaching B) training C) tuition

17. The college provides vocational ____________ for actors, technicians and designers.

A) coaching B) training C) tuition

18. This school offers _________ in singing and dancing.

A) coaching B) training C) tuition

19. The problem of raising __________ fees is now being discussed at the ministry of education.

A) coaching B) training C) tuition

20. Martin is good at making computer programmes, although he has had no formal ________.

A) coaching B) training C) tuition

21. At universities such as this, students get expert ________.

A) coaching B) training C) tuition

22. New employees undergo six months’ basic ________ at this college.

A) coaching B) training C) tuition

23. Latin is no longer on the _________ at schools.

A) curriculum B) programme C) syllabus

24. Much has already been accomplished under the new housing _______.

A) curriculum B) programme C) syllabus

25. This teacher wants his students to know classics, so Shakespeare is always on the _________.

A) curriculum B) programme C) syllabus

26. In his lectures, this period of history was not examined under the old ____.

A) curriculum B) programme C) syllabus

27. Chelsea narrowly ________ defeat in their first match of the season.

A) avoided B) escaped

28. He had to brake hard to ___________ hitting her car.

A) avoid B) escape

29. I want to __________ speaking to him until I’ve got more details.

A) avoid B) escape

30. Two security guards _________ injury in the attack because they were wearing flak jackets.

A) avoided B) escaped


Unit 3

Reading and Speaking: Family Problems


Focus on Grammar 1:

Present Perfect Progressive

Past Perfect Progressive

Future Perfect Progressive


Grammar Training

Present Perfect Progressive


1. Look at the following examples and explain the meaning of the verb forms. See Grammar Reference p … first.

a) You, boys, look very guilty. What have you been doing since I left the room?

b) It’s a long time since I saw your brother Paul. What has he been doing lately?

c) The language of the text is very complicated. I’ve been translating it for the last three hours and have translated only one page.

d) I’m exhausted. I’ve been repairing the car since morning.

Why didn’t you answer the phone? – I was repairing the car.

e) Jason is having his apartment redecorated. He’s living in a hotel now.

Jason is having his apartment redecorated. He’s been living in a hotel for a week now.

f) Cooper knows his job very well. He has worked here for 10 years.

Chris wants to change his job. He has been working here for ten years and he is sick and tired of it.

g) George comes to this café for lunch every day.

Where is George? He’s been coming to this café for lunch every day, but I don’t see him any more.


Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.


1. It’s unbelievable! It just ____________ (to come out) that Steve ________ (to steal) money from the till all the time.

2. I ______________ (to have) problems with Madge lately. She ___________ (to call) at all hours of day and night and ________________ (to tell) me about her problems with David. I can’t stand that any more.

3. I ____________________ (to have) German lessons for 2 years but I ______________ (not to take) my exam yet.

4. What’s wrong with Amanda? She seems to be quite exhausted. – Really? So far I __________________ (not to notice) that, but I ______________ (not to pay) too much attention.

5. Something _______________________ (to happen) to the boss? I _______ (to try) to get him on his mobile for the past hour. – He must have left his phone somewhere.

6. Jack moved house last month and he ____________________ (to complain) about commuting to work ever since.

7. Your face seems familiar. Have we met before? – What do you mean? I ________________ (to live) next door. I _________________(to live) there for nearly a year, in fact.

8. Sorry, I ________________ (not to fix) the car. I _________________ (to mean) to get round to it since you told me, but I just ______________ (not to find) the time yet.

9. You must phone the Browns right now and tell them you aren’t coming. They _________________ (to expect) you all day.

10. Why didn’t you come round yesterday? I _______________ (to expect) you all day.

11. I _______________ (to phone) Justin at the office all morning, but I can’t get hold of him. – He _______________ (to work) at home today.

12. I _______________ (to phone) Judith at the office all morning but in vain. Do you think I should try again? – It’s too late. She always leaves at 4.30.

13. Scientists _______________ (to try) to discover a drug which would stop premature aging for many years, but they _______________ (not to achieve) any results worth mentioning.

14. Ethel _______________ (to take) these pills twice a day, but she is going to give them up since she doesn’t feel any better.

15. The local authorities _______________ (to work) hard to improve medical service in the region, and the system is now streamlined.

16. I _______________ (to watch) TV and just _______________ (to hear) that the police (to arrest) the escaped prisoner.

17. Would you like to see the 10 o’clock news? – No, thank you. I _______________ (to watch) TV the whole day and _______________ (not to hear) anything interesting.

18. Mrs Trendon doesn’t look her age at all. – That’s because she _______________ (to go) to a fitness club twice a week.

19. I feel exhausted. I _______________ (to visit) my fitness club much too often.

20. What’s up? You look very excited. – We _______________ (to play) tennis. It’s the first time that I _______________ (to beat) Ronald.



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