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A. Read the versions of the following letter and rewrite it selecting the appropriate forms.



30 St. Vincent Place

Glasgow G1 2HL



Ms G. Raynolds

6 Greenbound Drive December 2

Glasgow H 2 4GI

Re: Account No 08845 383 5 678


Dear Madam,

It is with regret | that we have to inform you | that your account

We are sorry | that we are obliged to give you a formal notice| that we have


has been closed. | Your credit limit has been exceeded by $600, | but according

closed your account. | You have exceeded your credit limit by $600,| but in


to the conditions of use | the copy of which we gave you |

accordance with the conditions of use, | the copy of which was given to you |


when we were opening your account, | we don’t allow our customers to overdraw

when your account was being opened, | customers aren’t allowed to overdraw their


their accounts by more than $100. | If you wished to have your credit extended |

accounts by more than $100. | If you wished us to extend your credit |


you should have written to us beforehand, | which was not done. |

you should have applied to us in writing, | which you didn’t do. |


You are requested to return your credit card |that you should cut in half for security

Please, return to us your credit card | that is to be cut in half for security


reasons.| A per-addressed envelope (not pre-paid) is enclosed.

reasons.| We are enclosing a pre-addressed (not pre-paid) envelope.


Your faithfully,

R.J. Binge

General Manager



Write a letter in the following situation. Be sure you observe the rules given above.


You are Ms G. Reynolds. You’ve been a client of the Yorkshire Bank for 2 years and you’ve never had any problems. However, last month you went on holiday to Singapore and got into a very unpleasant situation. You wanted to draw some cash using your credit card, but when you typed in your PIN code, the cash machine said it was incorrect. When you typed it in again, the machine didn’t give you any money and kept your credit card. You phoned the bank and explained the situation to them. You spoke to a certain Mr Redgrave who assured you that you would get a replacement card immediately. However, it didn’t arrive. The end of your holiday was ruined as you had to borrow money from a friend you were traveling with, which was extremely humiliating.

You’ve just come back home and found the above letter in your mail-box.

Write a reply to Mr R.J. Binge.


Grammar Revision

Grammar Training

Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.


Italian authorities arrested 28 men after a raid on a flat in Naples. About 1kg of dynamite, 70 meters of explosive fuse and a number of detonators (1) _____________ (to find) behind a false wall. Most of the men were illegal immigrants. They (2) ______________ (to live) in a complex of several flats (3) ______________ (to knock) into one in an area that traditionally (4) ______________ (to be) a hotbed of mafia activity. In addition to charges of terrorist activity they (5) ______________ (to accuse) of illegal possession of explosive materials, falsification of documents and receiving stolen goods.

The documents, (6) _______________ (to write) in Urdu, (7) _______________ (to translate) last night and detectives said they yet (8) _______________ (not to find) any link to al-Qaeda.

Pakistan’s ambassador to Italy denied the men (9) _____________ (to be) terrorists and said the arrests (10) _______________ (to appear) (11) _______________ (to form) part of a campaign of targeting innocent Pakistanis (12) _______________ (to live) in Italy. “This is not the first time such allegations (13) _______________ (to make). There are reasons these kinds of charges (14) _______________ (to level) against our people,” the ambassador told Pakistan TV.

Italian authorities also (15) _______________ (to work) with the CIA to investigate a possible al-Qaeda “sleeping cell” in the northern city of Turin, according to La Repubblica newspaper.

The investigations began 18 months ago when it (16) _______________ (to emerge) that al-Qaeda suspects, (17) _______________ (to hold) at the US Guantanamo Base, Cuba, (18) _______________ (to spend) a significant amount of time in the Italian city.

The report said authorities (19) _______________ (to suspect) some link between the Turin cell and militants in Afghanistan and Chechnya. No arrests yet (20) _______________ (to make).

Since September 11, Italian police (21) _______________ (to arrest) more than 100 suspected Islamic terrorists but most (22) _______________ (not to charge) due to lack of evidence.

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)




Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 539. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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