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Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets. 1. Mark is expecting a pay rise next summer


1. Mark is expecting a pay rise next summer. By then he _______________ (to manage) the office for full ten years.

2. I have no right to demand a holiday now but in May I _______________ (to be entitled) to it. I _______________ (to work) for eleven months.

3. We are sick and tired of this redecoration process. Next Monday the workers _______________ (to redecorate) our house for three months, and they _______________ (to complete) only the upper floor by then.

4. The materials for the conference won’t be ready in time, I’m afraid. By 5 o’clock the secretary _______________ (to type) them non-stop for 6 hours, and she _______________ (not to be through) by the end of the day, she _______________ (to do) only half.

5. My grandmother’s house is to be pulled down next year. I don’t know how to break this news to her. In March she _______________ (to live) there for 45 years.

6. Jack has a wonderful computer. Next month he _______________ (to use) it for three years without having any repairs or upgrades done.

7. Because of this traffic jam, we’ll be awfully late. Jessica will be furious. When we finally _______________ (to arrive) she _______________ (to wait) for an hour. – She _______________ (not to wait) already. I’m sure she _______________ (to leave) by then.

8. Mr Grimes has enormous experience and has always been indispensable. Next year he _______________ (to work) for the company for 50 years. – I don’t think he _______________ (to stay) here till next year. He has started forgetting things. I’m sure he _______________ (to retire) by December.

9. By the end of next month we _______________ (to collect) data for the survey for three months and still it _______________ (not to be) ready by then. The problem is too complicated.

10. Alison has bought a very expensive car for which she’s paying by installments. By January she _______________ (to pay) for it for 6 months and _______________ (to pay) only half.



Your Stars

AQUARIUS (Jan 21 – Feb 18) It’s going to be your birthday next week, right? You (1) _______________ (to get) the present you always (2) _______________ (to be) so eager to be given. But don’t rejoice too much. By the time you (3) _______________ (to get) it you (4) _______________ (to long) for it so long that you (5) _______________ (not to want) it any more.


PISCES (Feb19 – Mar 20) Cancel all your credit cards! Somebody (6) _______________(to steal) your money next week. If you (7) _______________ (not to do) it he (8) _______________ (to steal) everything by Saturday.


ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20) You are down now. Cheer up! Next week you (9) _______________ (to hear) from a long-forgotten friend. The old love affair (10) _______________ (to start) again, and by Saturday you (11) _______________ (to be engaged). However, think twice before you (12) _______________ (to accept). It might be a wrong person to marry.


TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 21) A friend (13) _______________ (to come up) with an interesting proposal. Beware! He (14) _______________ (to betray) you before? And what (15) _______________ (to happen) then? Remember, if someone (16) _______________ (to betray) you once, he certainly (17) _______________ (to do) it again. If you (18) ______________ (to accept) you (19) _______________ (to be) penniless by the end of the year.


GEMINI (May 22 – June 21) This time next week you (20) _______________ (to visit) the Queen of England. You (21) _______________ (to arrive) on time, but she (22) ______________ (to be busy). By evening you (23) _______________ (to wait) for 5 hours, but she (24) _______________ (not to arrive) yet. Don’t leave! First of all, it’s bad manners, and then you (25) _______________ (to derive) huge benefits from it.


CANCER (June 22 – July 22) Monday through Thursday will be a perfect time for travel. But beware of cats! If this nasty animal (26) _______________ (to look) into your eyes on Monday, you (27) _______________ (to be) in a mental hospital by Friday.


LEO (July 23 – Aug 23) Next week your strong willpower and exceptional talents properly (28) _______________ (to appreciate). You (29) _______________ (to start) a new career. By Friday you (30) _______________ (to work) in the new field for a few days only but (31) _______________ (to achieve) a lot. But don’t get arrogant! It may ruin you.


VIRGO (Aug 24 – Sept 23) Your next problem will be friends. They all (32) _______________ (to get) in trouble all the time. From Tuesday until Friday you (33) _______________ (to rush) about town trying to help them out. Don’t overdo it! By the end of the week you (34) _______________ (to get) so exhausted that you won’t be able to cope with your own problems. Remember! Nobody (35) _______________ (to help) you out!

LIBRA (Sept 24 – Oct 23) You (36) _______________ (to work) at a problem for months. On Monday you (37) _______________ (to solve) it. Don’t boast and talk too much or somebody (38) _______________ (to snatch) your bright idea before you (39) _______________ (to say) ‘Whoops!’ Be modest and discreet. Envy (40) _______________ (to ruin) millions of people much brighter than you!


SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 22) Next week you will make a great discovery. It will be a real breakthrough in science. By Wednesday you (41) _______________ (to be) world famous. You will get a huge pile of money, too. But you are extravagant! If you (42) _______________ (to go) on a spending spree you (43) _______________ (to spend) it by Saturday and you’ll regret it. Get some pills beforehand. A feeling of regret is bad for the liver.


SUGITTARIUS (Nov 23 – Dec 21) Somebody you are going to fall in love with will come into your life on Wednesday. Don’t let that person meet your mother! If you do, you (44) _______________ (to fall out) by the end of the week. Sometimes mothers are a nightmare, you know.

CAPRICON (Dec 22 – Jan 20) Some very unpleasant surprises are in store for you. Last month you got into a car accident involving a mafia chief. Do you think he (45) _______________ (to forget)? No such luck! He (46) _______________ (to be) after you by the end of the week. If you (47) _______________ (not to pay) by Friday, there (48) _______________ (to be) extra charges for teaching you how to behave.


Grammar in Speech

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 923. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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