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Past Simple regular and irregular verbs

1. We use the Past Simple to talk about finished action in the past. We went on holiday

2. We use the infinitive after. Did …? And didn’t for negatives and questions.

Did you go on holiday?

I didn’t go on holiday.

3. To make the past simple + of regulars verbs we add + ed

Many common verbs are irregular for example: go – went


  I You He She It We They stayed went   in a hotel on holiday
  Ididn’t stayin a hotel He didn’t goon holiday You didn’t stayin a hotel  
  Did I You He She It We They stayin a hotel goon holiday



Did you stayin a hotel? Yes, I did. Did you goon holiday? No, I didn’t


+ P +V2 (ed)+ …..- P + did not+ V1+…? Did + P+ V1+…


Grammar test

1.Выберите правильный вариант:

We ____ pupils two years ago

a) were b) was c) is d) are

2. Выберите правильный вариант ответa:

Today the weather ____ nice, but yesterday it ____cold.

a) is/is b) was/was c) is/were d) is/was

3. Выберите правильный вариант перевода:

I was not there.

a) Я тaм не был b) Я сейчас там c) Я буду там d) Меня нет

4. ______ some the after in out city two years ago.

a) Are they b) there were c) are there d) there was



Great progress has been made in radio engineering, radio communications, radio broadcasting and television since the day when the Russian scientist Alexander Popov demonstrated his “storm indicator” which was the prototype of modern radio receivers.

In the modern world, radio and television play an important role as mass media of information, and as a means of people`s political and cultural education. Radio and television like no other information media enable millions of Soviet people to feel like immediate participants in events occurring far away from their homes.

The Central Radio Broadcasting Station has seven channels for the Soviet Union which operate for a total of 140 hours a day.

The voice of Soviet radio is heard all over the world. Programmers to other countries are conducted in 79 Languages and total 210 hours a day.

Modern means of radio engineering cover the greater part of the world with long, medium and ultra-short radio-waves. Nevertheless, the technical means are begin perfected. The number of radio stations in our country is growing constantly. The inter-town lines for programmers which are to be relayed via local radio stations and radio centers are to double. The number of receivers will be increased from 86 million to 132 million (including 80 million radio sets and 52 million radio receivers)

In connection with the growth of radio broadcasting and with the ideas of perfecting its quality, it is planned to build for Moscow`s Central Radio Broadcasting Station another technological-studio unit with 56 broadcasting studios and a large concert studio. This unit will be housed in a thirty-storey building which will de connected with the central building of the USSR Radio House in Pyatnitskaya Street. The new technological studio unit will be fitted with the most modern transistor devices.




Choose the proper word and put it into the blank space:

1. Radio is a popular … of communication.

2. Radio receivers … millions of people to learn about events occurring in different parts of the world.

3. Modern studio units are … transistor devices.

4. Modern means of radio engineering are of high …

5. The Central Station operates for a … of 140 hours a day.


1. double, enable

2. total, period

3. means, channel

4. medium, quality

5. perfected with, flitted with


Put questions the answers given in the right-hand column:

1. What mass media …?

2. In what range …?

3. With what waves …?


1. In the modern word, radio and television are the most popular mass media of information.

2. The voice of the Soviet radio is heard all over the world

3. Modern means of communication cover the world with long, medium and ultra-short radio waves.

SIWT Student’s individual work with teacher

Discussing about mass media

Talk about your favorite mass media

3. Literature: English File by Clive Oxenden Intermediate Oxford University Press.

Additional Literature: R. Murphy “Essential Grammar in Use” Cambridge University Press


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 599. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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