Questions to the text above. 1. What is a hotel? What does it provide for a traveler?
1. What is a hotel? What does it provide for a traveler? 2. In the age of travel by horse, how were inns and taverns related to travel? 3. Why did old-fashioned inns become symbols of hospitality? What kind of image do they bring to mind for many people even at the present time? 4. What is meant by modern means of transportation? When did it begin? 5. What new development in the location hotels did the rail-roads bring about? What is the surviving example? 6. Do many people travel by car? 7. From what words was the word “motel” derived? What kinds of accommodation were offered? 8. What are some of the attractions that a resort may offer? Give your examples. 9. What are four broad categories in which it is possible to place hotels? 10. Are there any firm distinctions between hotels in the different categories? 11. What is the other way of dividing hotels into categories? What kind of hotels are at the top? At the bottom? 12. Why are there comparable problems and opportunities in all hotels?
Reading comprehension Say what statements are true and what ones are false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones. Prove with the text. 1. By modern standards inns were a sort of luxury hotels with all kinds of recreational facilities. 2. The word “motel” was created by combining “motor” and “hotel”; it usually provides parking facilities for cars. 3. All hotels do not serve the same kind of guests. 4. There is a sharp distinction between different kinds of hotels. 5. Luxury hotels are at the bottom of the list comparing with the other kinds of hotels. 6. The services offered by a luxury hotel are far more restricted than those provided by a motel.
Find English equivalents from the text above to the following: 1. временный кров – 2. предоставлять возможности для отдыха – 3. средства передвижения – 4. разработаны для размещения путешественников – 5. индустрия размещения – 6. примитивны по современным стандартам – 7. отдаленные районы – 8. старомодные гостиницы – 9. символ гостеприимства – 10. относительно низкие цены – 11. требовать большего комфорта – 12. рукотворный – 13. предоставлять обслуживание – 14. банкетный зал – 15. качество обслуживания – 16. оборудования и обстановка – 17. работники– 18. вопрос первоначальной важности–
Fill in the spaces in the following sentences with the appropriate word or phrase: 1. The word “motel” is a combination of the words _____ and _____. 2. _____ include such things as shelter, food and special services for travelers. 3. _____ and _____ were places for the accommodation of travelers in Europe and America when most people traveled by horse. 4. A _____ is an establishment that provides not only accommodation for travelers but also parking space for their cars. 5. A _____ area is a place that people visit for recreational purposes. 6. A _____ hotel provides accommodation for people who do not wish to keep house themselves. 7. The accommodation industry is _____ because it employs a large number of people. 8. A hotel in the _____ category may employ as many as three staff members per guest room.
List several hotels and give them ratings from deluxe to one star hotel on the basis of their facilities and the quality of service that they offer. Briefly give the reason for your classification in each case.
Unit 3. Hotel Facilities and Other Services Topical Vocabulary 1. personnel / staff – персонал, личный состав, сотрудники 2. family room – комната, рассчитанная на семью 3. health club – фитнесс клуб 4. lounge – 1) салон; комната для отдыха с удобными креслами, диванами; гостиная в отеле; 2) вестибюль (в гостинице, ресторане); 3) бар первого класса (в некоторых пивных; также lounge bar) 5. packaged hotel – комплексный отель 6. auditorium – зрительный зал, аудитория, конференц-зал 7. casino – казино 8. catering – поставка продуктов, обслуживание обедов 9. exhibit area – выставочная площадка 10. gambling – азартная игра, игра на деньги 11. self-contained complex – самообслуживающийся, независимый, автономный комплекс 12. snack bar – закусочная, буфет 13. trend – общее направление, тенденция