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Text 1. At a Hotel.

The course book is based on the authentic materials from foreign scientific sources and media, that makes it possible not only to improve English skills but also learn a lot of useful information about current trends in tourism industry. The proposed material and tasks activate cognitive and creative activities of students and encourage them to participate in discussions, workshops, forums, project work. The course book will help students to organize the already gained knowledge about tourism industry and to enhance it.

The course book is addressed to the second year students majoring in «Hotel and Restaurant Business». It may also come in handy and be interesting for the first, third and fourth year students majoring in «Hotel and Restaurant Business».


Twin room - двухместный номер (с двумя одноместными кроватями)

suite – номер-люкс (несколько комнат)

triple – трехместный номер

quad – четырехместный номер

affordable price – приемлемая цена

rate – тариф, цена

inclusive of breakfast – завтрак входит в стоимость номера

beauty parlor – косметический салон

room service – сектор обслуживания

hairdresser’s – парикмахерская (женская)

barber’s – парикмахерская (мужская)

laundry – прачечная

dry cleaning – химчистка

make a wake-up call – разбудить по телефону

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the words given in bold type.

  1. What is the price of the double room?
  2. Will you pay cash or by credit card?
  3. When do you expect to be checking out?
  4. We have a reservation for a single room in your name.
  5. We are booked out.
  6. Where is the floor manager?
  7. Will you register your name, please?
  8. Is this room service?
  9. I would like to have my things washed and pressed.
  10. Would you wake me up at 6 o’clock?


Text 1. At a Hotel.


available – имеющийся в наличии

fill in – заполнять

sign – подписывать

in block letters – печатными буквами

valuables – драгоценности

When people travel they almost always stay at hotels or guest-houses. The first thing to do is to book a room in advance by letter, telephone or telegram, or you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there are no rooms available. On arrival at the hotel go to the reception desk and confirm your reservation. The clerk will then give you a registration form to fill in and sign (the form is usually filled in in block letters). Let the hotel manager know in advance the day and the time of your departure.

All the hotels run a special laundry service for their guests. You can have your laundry done and your clothes pressed. The maid who does your room will also make your bed. Some hotels also provide computerized safes for their guests’ documents and valuables. In all hotels you can make a request for an early call to wake you up.

Hotels offer a lot of facilities, such as 24 hours daily room service, coffee bars for quick meals and grill-rooms, beauty parlors, barber’s shop, laundry, beauty parlors, etc. For conferences and banquets some hotels can accommodate participants and guests, and there are smaller rooms for seminars and individual parties. Among other facilities, there are swimming pools, saunas, other recreation facilities. Hotels can organize car hire, sightseeing tours, entertainments.

Exercise 1. Translate from English into Russian:

guest-house, to book a room, in advance, available, reception desk, confirm your reservation, registration form, time of your departure, laundry service, computerized safes, documents and valuables, make a request, offer a lot of facilities, beauty parlors, beauty parlors, accommodate participants and guests, recreation facilities, car hire, sightseeing tours.

Text 2. What Is a Hotel?


provide – обеспечивать

short-term – краткосрочный

common features – общие черты

to be numbered – быть пронумерованным

offer meals – предлагать питание

derive – происходить

host – хозяин

frequent – частый

contemporary – современный

circumflex – циркумфлекс, диактрический знак (^) над гласной

A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite bathrooms and air conditioning or climate control. Additional common features in hotel rooms are a telephone, an alarm clock, a television, a safe, a mini-bar with snack foods and drinks, and facilities for making tea and coffee. Luxury features include bathrobes and slippers, a pillow menu, twin-sink vanities, and Jacuzzi bathtubs. Larger hotels may provide additional guest facilities such as a restaurant, swimming pool, fitness center, business center, childcare, conference facilities and social function services.

Hotel rooms are usually numbered (or named in some smaller hotels and B&bBs) to allow guests to identify their room.

Some hotels offer meals as part of a room and board arrangement. In the United Kingdom, a hotel is required by law to serve food and drinks to all guests within certain stated hours. In Japan, capsule hotels provide a minimized amount of room space and shared facilities. The word hotel is derived from the French hôtel (meaning host), which referred to a French version of a townhouse or any other building seeing capsule hotels, rather than a place offering accommodation. In contemporary French usage, hôtel now has the same meaning as the English term, and hôtel particulier is used for the old meaning. The French spelling, with circumflex, was also used in English, but is now rare. The circumflex replaces the “s” found in the earlier hostel spelling, which over time took on a new, but closely related meaning. Grammatically, hotels usually take the definite article – hence “The Astoria Hotel” or simply “The Astoria”



Exercise 1. Translate from English into Russian:

establishment, to provide, lodging, short-term basis, consist of, modern facilities, common features, alarm clock, luxury features, bathrobes, slippers, swimming pool, childcare, to allow, to be required by law, capsule hotels, capsule hotels, to take the definite article.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 1434. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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