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Read the passage about the causes of hepatitis C and fill in the gaps with the verbs in the box.

lead to transmitted catch injecting screened passed on

Intravenous drug users often get the hepatitis C virus when they share needles (1) recreational drugs. Having a tattoo or body piercing with equipment that has not been properly sterilised can (2) infection. In the past, blood transfusions were a common route of infection. Now all blood is (3) for the virus and is only used if it is not present. Hepatitis C can be sexually (4), so a person who has sex with an infected partner or has multiple sex partners is at risk. It can be (5) through sharing toothbrushes and razors, but not by everyday contact such as kissing, hugging, and holding hands - you can't (6) hepatitis C from toilet seats either.


Use the text in Task 4 to ask questions your patient might ask about the causes of hepatitis C and ways of transmitting the virus.

Talk to your patient about ways of preventing hepatitis C and its complications. Try to avoid specific medical terms.


Read the article and do the tasks below.

While reading, find the words and expressions that mean the following:

1) доступ к; 2) кашлять с кровью или мокротой; 3) появляться, выходить из (какого-л. состояния); 4) прорыв (напр., в науке); 5) главный недостаток; 6) источник болезни; 7) передавать (инфекцию) / передача (инфекции).

New protection against tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (or TB) is a huge global problem, especially in developing countries, where access to antibiotics to treat the disease is limited.

TB is usually a disease of the lungs (although it can attack any part of the body). Pulmonary TB causes a bad cough, chest pains and weight loss. Some patients cough up blood or sputum. Untreated, it can be deadly. However, only in a small number of cases - fewer than 5% - do the symptoms develop immediately after infection. In more than 90% of cases, when Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium which causes the disease, has invaded the body it changes its chemical signature, and lives in a latent state.

Usually the bacterium never emerges from this latent state, but in around 10% of cases it reactivates - often years or even decades later - to trigger severe symptoms.

Current vaccines, such as the BCG vaccine, do not prevent infection, but do prevent acute symptoms and disease from emerging.

Developed at the Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen, the new vaccine combines proteins that trigger an immune response to both the active and latent forms of Mycobacterium.

Professor Peter Davies said: "A vaccine which can both protect against initial infection and protect from its turning into disease is a major breakthrough.

"One of the main disadvantages of BCG was that it could only prevent infection going on to disease in the initially uninfected individual. It was therefore of no use in protecting infected adults who would become an infectious source of disease. Protecting children, though it is important, does not protect against transmission, as children with active disease do not usually transmit disease.

"With over 9 million new TB cases globally each year and increasing levels of drug resistance, new diagnostics, drugs and especially effective vaccines are really needed."


1. Extract the necessary information from the article and fill in the table. If any information is not available, put “—“.

Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Organs affected  
Pain—character, location  
Tests and exams  
Risk factors  
Outlook (Prognosis)  
Possible complications  

Answer the questions about the research project described in the article.

1. Looking for new ways of preventing TB is of vital importance. Why?

2. Are there any TB vaccines available?

3. Do they prevent infection? Why / why not? Explain the mechanism.

4. How about the new vaccine developed in Sweden? What does it protect from?

Summarize the information about the new vaccine project and present it to the class.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 453. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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