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Read the article and do the tasks below.

While reading, find the words and expressions that mean the following:

1) как следует, надлежащим образом; 2) расщепляться; 3) овощи, не содержащие крахмал; 4) показывать, демонстрировать, раскрывать (суть явления); 5) получить рекомендации по здоровому питанию; 6) голодание; 7) избавиться от; 8) отсрочить начало (болезни).

Type 2 diabetes in newly diagnosed 'can be reversed'?

Newcastle researchers found that the low-calorie diet reduced fat levels in the pancreas and liver, which helped insulin production return to normal. 7 out of 11 people studied were free of diabetes 3 months later. More research is needed to see if the reversal is permanent, say experts.

Type 2 diabetes (adult-onset or non-insulin dependent) develops when not enough insulin is produced in the body or the insulin that is made by the body doesn't work properly. When this happens, glucose builds up in the blood and is not broken down into energy or fuel which the body needs.

The 11 participants in the study were all diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes within the previous 4 years. They cut their food intake for two months, eating only liquid diet drinks and non-starchy vegetables.

After 1 week of the diet, researchers found that the pre-breakfast blood sugar levels of all participants had returned to normal. MRI scans of their pancreases also revealed that the fat levels in the organ had decreased from around 8% - an elevated level - to a more normal 6%. 3 months after the end of the diet, when participants had returned to eating normally and received advice on healthy eating and portion size, most no longer suffered from the condition.

Prof. Roy Taylor said he was not suggesting that people should follow the diet. "This diet was only used to test the hypothesis that if people lose substantial weight they will lose their diabetes. Although this study involved people diagnosed with diabetes within the last four years, there is potential for people with longer-standing diabetes to turn things around too."

However, not everyone in the study managed to stay free of diabetes. Prof. Edwin Gale, a diabetes expert, said the study did not reveal anything new. "We have known that starvation is a good cure for diabetes. If we introduced rationing tomorrow, then we could get rid of diabetes in this country. He added: "If you can catch people with diabetes in the early stages while beta cells are still functioning, then you can delay its onset for years, but you will get it sooner or later because it's in the system."

But Keith Frayn, professor of human metabolism, said the Newcastle study was important: "It offers great hope for many people with diabetes, although it must be said that not everyone will find it possible to start the extremely low-calorie diet used in this study."

1. The article describes an experiment in which a group of patients were offered a diet to return insulin production to normal. Does the article suggest that…

1) the researchers wanted to increase fat levels in the patients’ livers?

2) the patients were not advised to eat potatoes?

3) only those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes took part in the experiment?

4) the experiment lasted 4 years?

5) after the experiment the patients could only eat liquid diet drinks?

6) to monitor the patients’ condition their pre-breakfast sugar levels were measured?

7) MRI was used to see the level of insulin produced?

A) Summarize the information about the experiment in the table below.

Low-calorie Diet and Diabetes
Aim of the study  
Tests and exams  

B) Present your summary to the class.

3. What do different researchers think about the experiment? Fill in the table. If any information is not available from the article, put “—“.

Name of the researcher Positive Negative

The article deals with Type 2 diabetes. Now read the passage about Type 1 diabetes and gestational diabetes and say 1) what the three types have in common, 2) what makes them different.

Type 1 diabetes, formerly called juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is usually first diagnosed in children, teenagers, or young adults. With this form of diabetes, the cells of the pancreas no longer make insulin because the body's immune system has attacked and destroyed them. Treatment for type 1 diabetes includes taking insulin and possibly another injectable medicine, making wise food choices, being physically active, taking aspirin and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol.

Some women develop gestational diabetes during the late stages of pregnancy. Although this form of diabetes usually goes away after the baby is born, a woman who has had it is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Gestational diabetes is caused by the hormones of pregnancy or a shortage of insulin.


5. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. Then, answer the questions: What methods of giving insulin to patients are there? Which method is the least efficient? Which method doesn’t work?

Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin and by eating a healthy diet. Insulin can't be taken by mouth because the digestive juices in the stomach destroy it. So it has to be given by injections. Insulin is given at regular intervals throughout the day, usually two to four times. Each injection may contain one, or a combination of different types of insulin, which act for a short, intermediate or longer period of time. Injections can be given using either a traditional needle and plastic syringe, or with an injection pen device.

An automatic insulin pump is available, which means that fewer injections are needed. The needle is sited under the skin, and connected to a small electrical pump that attaches to a belt and is about the size of a small box.

Inhaled insulin recently became available for treating people with a proven needle phobia. Researchers hoped that this would become a mainstay method of giving insulin, but initial results were not as impressive as hoped, and so this option is now usually reserved for those patients where all other treatment options have failed.

5. Make up dialogues. You suspect diabetes in your patient. Before doing a blood test ask him/her questions to find out the symptoms and details of the lifestyle:

1. A teacher of physics, 30 years old, 30 weeks pregnancy.

2. A student of economics, 20 years old, overweight.

3. An accountant, 43 years old, problems with eyesight and constant fatigue.

4. A saleswoman, 40 years old, dry and itchy skin of the hands, history of gestational diabetes.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 650. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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