Match each word from column A (1-29) with its partner from column B (a-cc) to make a computing term definition from Basic English for Computing Units 13-14
| B
| 1 router
| a) text that is not written in code
| 2 chevron
| b) an Internet discussion group made up of people with a common interest who use an area on a server computer to display messages about their interest
| 3MUD(multi-user dialog)
| c) the unique address that is used to access a website
| 4 e-mail
| d) a computer-based text or virtual reality game that several players play at the same time, interacting with each other as well as with characters controlled by the computer
| 5 newsgroup
| e) the common name for electronic mail, i.e. messages sent electronically using a computer/to send an email message
| 6 programming language
| f) an extra part or extension of any paper or document that may be attached to a letter or another document
| 7 Internet service provider
| g) a website used for finding the email addresses of registered users
| 8 attachment
| h) the unique address code used to contact someone using electronic mail
| 9 (UFO) unidentified flying object
| i) a row of icons displayed on a screen that start common program functions when clicked with a mouse
| 10 email address
| j) a file that is attached to an email message
| 11 email attachment
| k) an organization that provides Internet connections for a fee
| 12 multiuser
| l) to display a message in a computer newsgroup or bulletin board
| 13 subscriber
| m) a line or stripe in the shape of a V or an inverted V
| 14 browser
| n) a computer language used for coding computer programs
| 15 download
| o) mysterious object seen in the sky for which it is claimed no orthodox scientific explanation can be found, often supposed to be a vehicle carrying extraterrestrials
| 16 search engine
| p) a dialog box component that takes the form of a rectangular icon that causes a program command to be carried out when clicked with a mouse
| 17 command button
| q) a hyperlinked page in a web network system
| 18 menu bar
| r) an order of backing up data on magnetic tapes (once a month, once a week and daily)
| 19 toolbar
| s) capable of being used by many people at the same time
| 20 address box
| t) a user who becomes a member of a newsgroup
| 21 graphics package
| u) to copy a file from a server to a client computer in a network
| 22 White Pages
| v) the area in a web browser program where the web address is displayed
| 23 website
| w) connected to a system and able to be used
| 24 website address
| x) a program used for displaying web-pages
| 25 webpage
| y) a set of pages on the World Wide Web
| 26 post
| z) a program designed to find information on the World Wide Web according to data entered by the user. It is usually accessed from special websites
| 27 grandfather, father, son method
| aa) a row of icons on a display screen that open up menus when selected
| 28 plain text
| bb) a type of applications program that is used for creating and editing images and drawings
| 29 online
| cc) an electronic device that links different networks or parts of a network. It determines the path that a signal should take to reach its destination
Unit 15
Words to know
1 bookmark, n
| закладка
| 2 website, n
| веб-сайт
| 3 SIMM (single in-line memory module), n
| модуль памяти с односторонним расположением микросхем, SIMM-память, модуль SIMM
| 4 read-only memory, n
| постоянное запоминающее устройство, ПЗУ
| 5 home page, n
| базовая (исходная, начальная, главная) Web- страница
| 6 animation, n
| анимация, (компьютерная) мультипликация
| 7 sophisticated, adj
| сложный, усложненный, усовершенствованный
| 8HTML (hypertext markup language), n
| язык гипертекстовой маркировки, язык HTML
| 9 hyperlink, n
| гиперссылка, гиперсвязь, гипертекстовая связь
| 10 layout, n
| схема размещения; размещение; расположение; компоновка
| 14 web designer, n
| специалист или группа специалистов по оформлению Web-сайта, веб-дизайнер
| 15 navigation icon, n
| навигационная иконка
| 17 browse, v
| просматривать, пролистывать
| 18 add-on, n
| дополнение, добавляемый для расширения (напр., возможностей системы)
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