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Match each word from column A (1-30) with its partner from column B (a-dd) to make a computing term definition from Basic English for Computing Units 5-6

1 system analysis     a) A list of options displayed on a computer screen
2 binary b) to put data into a system
3 touchpad     c) an input device for taking pictures that has an electronic lens and uses electronics for storing the images rather than chemical film    
4 analogue-to-digital converter     d) a cursor control input device with an upright arm. It is commonly used for controlling fast moving objects in computer games.  
5 webpage e) an electronic semiconductor camera device  
6 charge-coupled device f) a cursor control input device that senses the movement of a finger across a flat surface  
7 LCD(liquid crystal display)   g) beloning to the number system that has only two digits, i.e.1 and 0  
8 package     h) an electronic card that converts analogue sound signals into binary code to enable the computer to identify spoken words
9 programmer     i) an input device consisting of a flat, pressure-sensitive pad that the user draws on or points at with a special stylus, to guide a pointer displayed on the screen  
10 download   g) an optical input device that uses the reflection of light to copy text or graphics into a computer  
11 solid state memory     k) the study or use of systems (esp. computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information  
12 optical character recognition     l) a cursor control input device that has a ball on top that is moved by the user’s fingers  
13graphics tablet     m) an input device used for sound  
14 Information technology     n) The electronic circuit board inside a computer that is used to connect the computer to a network
15 joystick     o) A piece of equipment used for entering data or controlling a computer  
16 scanner     p) a display device that allows a user to interact with a computer by touching areas on the screen  
17 touchscreen     q) a process that enables the computer to scan and recognize printed characters using the reflection of light  
18 trackerball     r) to copy a file from a server to a client computer in a network  
19 microphone     s) electronic memory made from electronic chips
  20 digital camera     t) a combination of a number of computers and peripheral devices connected together
21 input device   u) the programs and data used in a computer
22 export     v) a multipurpose methodology providing analysis of complex problems as well as their alternatives. Primarily it was created for solving military missions  
23 input   w) a device for changing analogue signals into digital signals  
24 database   x) a hyperlinked page in a web network system  
25 menu     y) an electronic display device that uses liquid crystal cells to control the reflection of light  
26 MSDOS     z) to bring data out of a program in a form suitable for use by another program  
27 network     aa) an application program or collection of programs that can be used in different ways  
28 NIC (network interface card)     bb) a person who writes computer programs  
29 software     cc) a type of application program used for storing information so that it can be easily searched and stored  
30 speech recognition board     dd) trademark, abbreviation for Microsoft disk operating system  



Unit 7

Terms to learn

1 monitor, n монитор
2 printer, n принтер
3 dot-matrix printer, n матричный принтер
4 laser printer, n лазерный принтер
5 inkjet printer, n струйный принтер
6 dye sublimation printer, n принтер с термической возгонкой красителя (или термографический принтер с сублимацией красителя)
7 resolution, n разрешение
8 aperture grill pitch, n частота расположения отверстий на апертурной решетке
9 dot pitch, n шаг расположения точек
10 refresh rate, n частота регенерации
11display image, n визуальное отображение
12 laser, n лазер
13 workstation, n рабочая станция
14 flicker-free, adj немерцающий
15 flowchart, n блок-схема
16 output, n 1) вывод [данных]
17 file, n файл

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