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Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста.

Характеристика: комфорт вне времени, вся обстановка выдержана в едином стиле. Для тех, кому домашний уют и вечные ценности важнее, чем потребность удивлять.

Как создать:

Расставьте мебель, вазы и настольные светильники, расположите картины на стенах – руководствуясь принципом симметрии. Повесьте классические шторы с ламбрекенами, подшторниками и тюлем. Используйте декоративные подушки из гобелена или с классическим – растительным, дамасским – орнаментом. В мебели и аксессуарах приветствуются вставки из бронзы, натурального дерева, камня.

Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста.

Варианты ответа:

Начало формы

  1. Treatment of different kinds of cancers is available and effective only for the rich in developing countries.
  2. Observations all over the world show that cancer increase doesn’t depend upon people’s place of living.
  3. It is known that people’s gender, dietary habits and environment contribute to cancer increase very much.
  4. Most people in developing countries have incurable malignancies at diagnosis because their illness is diagnosed too late.

Задание № 24

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания
1. Low- and middle-income countries accounted for 53% and 56%, respectively, of the 10 million cases and 7 million deaths due to cancer in 2000. By 2020, the total number of new cancer cases will rise by 29% in developed countries and by 73% in developing countries. Also by 2020, overall mortality from cancer will increase by 104%, and the increase will be fivefold higher in developing than in developed countries. "Western" lifestyle changes will be responsible for the increased incidence of cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate, but historic realities, sociocultural and behavioral factors, genetics, and poverty itself will also have a profound impact on cancer-related mortality and morbidity.
2. While infectious causes are responsible for <10% of cancers in developed countries, they account for 25% of all malignancies in low- and middle-income countries. Infectious causes of cancer such as human papillomavirus (cervical cancer), hepatitis B virus (liver cancer), and Helicobacter pylori (stomach cancer) will continue to have a much larger impact in developing countries.
3. Environmental and dietary factors, such as indoor air pollution and high-salt diets, also help account for increased rates of certain cancers (e.g., lung and stomach cancers). Tobacco use (both smoking and chewing) is the most important source of increased mortality from lung and oral cancers. In contrast to decreasing tobacco use in many developed countries, the number of smokers is growing in developing countries, especially among women and young people.
4. For many reasons, outcomes of malignancies are far worse in developing countries than in developed nations. Health systems in poor countries simply are not capable of early detection; 80% of patients already have incurable malignancies at diagnosis. Treatment of cancers is available for only a very small number of mostly wealthy citizens in the majority of poor countries, and, even when treatment is available, the range and quality of services are often substandard.

Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста.
Some kinds of cancer …

Варианты ответа:

Начало формы

  1. can’t be cured due to their malignancy
  2. are very expensive to cure in developing countries
  3. exist only in developed countries
  4. affect people in developing countries more often

Задание № 25

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания
1. Low- and middle-income countries accounted for 53% and 56%, respectively, of the 10 million cases and 7 million deaths due to cancer in 2000. By 2020, the total number of new cancer cases will rise by 29% in developed countries and by 73% in developing countries. Also by 2020, overall mortality from cancer will increase by 104%, and the increase will be fivefold higher in developing than in developed countries. "Western" lifestyle changes will be responsible for the increased incidence of cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate, but historic realities, sociocultural and behavioral factors, genetics, and poverty itself will also have a profound impact on cancer-related mortality and morbidity.
2. While infectious causes are responsible for <10% of cancers in developed countries, they account for 25% of all malignancies in low- and middle-income countries. Infectious causes of cancer such as human papillomavirus (cervical cancer), hepatitis B virus (liver cancer), and Helicobacter pylori (stomach cancer) will continue to have a much larger impact in developing countries.
3. Environmental and dietary factors, such as indoor air pollution and high-salt diets, also help account for increased rates of certain cancers (e.g., lung and stomach cancers). Tobacco use (both smoking and chewing) is the most important source of increased mortality from lung and oral cancers. In contrast to decreasing tobacco use in many developed countries, the number of smokers is growing in developing countries, especially among women and young people.
4. For many reasons, outcomes of malignancies are far worse in developing countries than in developed nations. Health systems in poor countries simply are not capable of early detection; 80% of patients already have incurable malignancies at diagnosis. Treatment of cancers is available for only a very small number of mostly wealthy citizens in the majority of poor countries, and, even when treatment is available, the range and quality of services are often substandard.

Ответьте на вопрос:
Who suffers from lung and oral cancers more nowadays?

Варианты ответа:

Начало формы

  1. Females and young people with low income do.
  2. Poor people with «western» lifestyle do.
  3. All citizens of developing countries do.
  4. People living in developed countries do.

Задание № 26

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания
1. Low- and middle-income countries accounted for 53% and 56%, respectively, of the 10 million cases and 7 million deaths due to cancer in 2000. By 2020, the total number of new cancer cases will rise by 29% in developed countries and by 73% in developing countries. Also by 2020, overall mortality from cancer will increase by 104%, and the increase will be fivefold higher in developing than in developed countries. "Western" lifestyle changes will be responsible for the increased incidence of cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate, but historic realities, sociocultural and behavioral factors, genetics, and poverty itself will also have a profound impact on cancer-related mortality and morbidity.
2. While infectious causes are responsible for <10% of cancers in developed countries, they account for 25% of all malignancies in low- and middle-income countries. Infectious causes of cancer such as human papillomavirus (cervical cancer), hepatitis B virus (liver cancer), and Helicobacter pylori (stomach cancer) will continue to have a much larger impact in developing countries.
3. Environmental and dietary factors, such as indoor air pollution and high-salt diets, also help account for increased rates of certain cancers (e.g., lung and stomach cancers). Tobacco use (both smoking and chewing) is the most important source of increased mortality from lung and oral cancers. In contrast to decreasing tobacco use in many developed countries, the number of smokers is growing in developing countries, especially among women and young people.
4. For many reasons, outcomes of malignancies are far worse in developing countries than in developed nations. Health systems in poor countries simply are not capable of early detection; 80% of patients already have incurable malignancies at diagnosis. Treatment of cancers is available for only a very small number of mostly wealthy citizens in the majority of poor countries, and, even when treatment is available, the range and quality of services are often substandard.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 751. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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