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Have you thoroughly explored it?” said the wizard, who knew that caves up in the mountains were seldom unoccupied.

“Yes, yes!” they said, though everybody knew they could not have been long about it; they had come back too quick. “It isn’t all that big, and it does not go far back. ”

That, of course, is the dangerous part about caves: you don’t know how far they go back, sometimes, or where a passage behind may lead to, or what is waiting for you inside. But now Fili and Kili’s news seemed good enough. So they all got up and prepared to move. The wind was howling and the thunder still growling, and they had a business getting themselves and their ponies along.

Still it was not very far to go (в то же время, идти было не очень далеко), and before long (и вскоре) they came to a big rock (они подошли к большой скале) standing out into the path (выступающей на тропинку). If you stepped behind (если шагнуть за /нее/), you found a low arch (можно обнаружить низкую арку) in the side of the mountain (в поверхности горы). There was just room (там было как раз достаточно места) to get the ponies through (чтобы провести пони) with a squeeze (с трудом; squeeze — сжатие, теснота, давка), when they had been unpacked and unsaddled (когда они были разгружены и расседланы). As they passed under the arch (когда они прошли под аркой), it was good to hear the wind and the rain outside (то оказалось приятно: «хорошо» слышать ветер и дождь снаружи) instead of all about them (вместо того, чтобы слышать /их/ вокруг себя), and to feel safe from the giants (и /было приятно/ чувствовать себя в безопасности от великанов) and their rocks (и их скал). But the wizard was taking no risks (но волшебник не собирался рисковать). He lit up his wand (он зажег свой жезл/свою волшебную палочку) — as he did that day in Bilbo’s dining-room (как он сделал это в тот день в столовой Бильбо) that seemed so long ago (что казалось было так давно), if you remember (если вы помните), and by its light (и в ее свете) they explored the cave from end to end (они обследовали пещеру от одного конца до другого).

arch [ɑ: tʃ] squeeze [skwi: z] unsaddle [ʌnˈsædl]

Still it was not very far to go, and before long they came to a big rock standing out into the path. If you stepped behind, you found a low arch in the side of the mountain. There was just room to get the ponies through with a squeeze, when they had been unpacked and unsaddled. As they passed under the arch, it was good to hear the wind and the rain outside instead of all about them, and to feel safe from the giants and their rocks. But the wizard was taking no risks. He lit up his wand — as he did that day in Bilbo’s dining — room that seemed so long ago, if you remember, and by its light they explored the cave from end to end.

It seemed quite a fair size (она казалась достаточно большого размера), but not too large and mysterious (но не очень уж большой и таинственной). It had a dry floor (у нее был сухой пол) and some comfortable nooks (и несколько уютных укромных уголков). At one end there was room for the ponies (в одном конце было /достаточно/ места для пони); and there they stood (и там они и стояли) (mighty glad of the change (чрезвычайно довольные этой перемене)) steaming (взмыленные; to steam — дымиться, испускать пар; steam — пар), and champing in their nosebags (и громко жевали /траву/ из своих торб; nose — нос; bag — сумка). Oin and Gloin wanted to light a fire at the door (Ойн и Глойн хотели разжечь огонь у двери) to dry their clothes (чтобы высушить свою одежду), but Gandalf would not hear of it (но Гэндальф и слушать об этом не хотел). So they spread out their wet things on the floor (и тогда они разложили свою мокрую одежду на полу), and got dry ones out of their bundles (и достали сухую одежду из своих узелков); then they made their blankets comfortable (затем они поудобнее разложили свои одеяла), got out their pipes (достали свои /курительные/ трубки) and blew smoke rings (и выдували колечки дыма), which Gandalf turned into different colours (которые Гэндальф раскрашивал в различные цвета; to turn — поворачивать, вращать, менять) and set dancing up by the roof (и заставлял танцевать их вверх, к крыше) to amuse them (чтобы развлечь их). They talked and talked (они разговаривали и разговаривали), and forgot about the storm (и забыли о грозе; to forget), and discussed what each would do (и обсуждали, что каждый из них будет делать) with his share of the treasure (со своей долей сокровищ) (when they got it (когда они добудут его), which at the moment did not seem so impossible (что в этот момент не казалось таким уж невозможным)); and so they dropped off to sleep (и так они заснули) one by one (один за другим).

mysterious [mɪˈstɪ (ǝ) rɪǝs] champ [tʃæmp] bundle [ˈbʌndl]

It seemed quite a fair size, but not too large and mysterious. It had a dry floor and some comfortable nooks. At one end there was room for the ponies; and there they stood (mighty glad of the change) steaming, and champing in their nosebags. Oin and Gloin wanted to light a fire at the door to dry their clothes, but Gandalf would not hear of it. So they spread out their wet things on the floor, and got dry ones out of their bundles; then they made their blankets comfortable, got out their pipes and blew smoke rings, which Gandalf turned into different colours and set dancing up by the roof to amuse them. They talked and talked, and forgot about the storm, and discussed what each would do with his share of the treasure (when they got it, which at the moment did not seem so impossible); and so they dropped off to sleep one by one.

And that was the last time (и это оказался последний раз) that they used the ponies (когда они воспользовались пони), packages (тюками), baggages (багажом), tools (инструментами) and paraphernalia (и личными вещами) that they had brought with them (которые они привезли с собой). It turned out a good thing (это оказалось хорошим делом) that night (той ночью) that they had brought little Bilbo with them (что они взяли с собой маленького Бильбо), after all (в конце-то концов). For somehow (так как почему-то), he could not go to sleep (он не мог заснуть) for a long while (очень долго); and when he did sleep (и когда он, наконец, уснул), he had very nasty dreams (у него были очень мерзкие сны). He dreamed (ему снилось) that a crack in the wall at the back of the cave (что трещина в стене в задней части пещеры) got bigger and bigger (становилась все больше и больше), and opened wider and wider (и открывалась все шире и шире), and he was very afraid (и он был очень испуган) but could not call out (но не мог закричать) or do anything (или сделать что-нибудь) but lie and look (просто лежал и смотрел). Then he dreamed (затем ему приснилось) that the floor of the cave was giving way (что пол пещеры рушился: «поддавался»), and he was slipping (и он скользил), beginning to fall down, down (начиная падать куда-то вниз, вниз), goodness knows where to (Бог знает куда; goodness — доброта, великодушие /вместо god — «Бог», чтобы не употреблять это слово всуе/). At that he woke up (на этом он проснулся; towakeup) with a horrible start (с ужасным вздрагиванием), and found that part of his dream was true (и неожиданно для себя обнаружил, что часть его сна была правдой). A crack had opened at the back of the cave (трещина открылась на задней стороне пещеры), and was already a wide passage (и превратилась уже в широкий проход). He was just in time to see (он проснулся: «был» как раз во время, чтобы /успеть/ заметить) the last of the ponies’ tails (как хвосты последних пони) disappearing into it (исчезают в нем). Of course he gave a very loud yell (конечно же, он издал очень громкий пронзительный крик; yell — пронзительный крик), as loud a yell as a hobbit can give (такой пронзительный крик, которым только может закричать хоббит), which is surprising for their size (который удивителен для их роста).

paraphernalia [pærǝfǝˈneɪlɪǝ] afraid [ǝˈfreɪd] disappear [ˌdɪsǝˈpɪǝ] yell [jel]

And that was the last time that they used the ponies, packages, baggages, tools and paraphernalia that they had brought with them. It turned out a good thing that night that they had brought little Bilbo with them, after all. For somehow, he could not go to sleep for a long while; and when he did sleep, he had very nasty dreams. He dreamed that a crack in the wall at the back of the cave got bigger and bigger, and opened wider and wider, and he was very afraid but could not call out or do anything but lie and look. Then he dreamed that the floor of the cave was giving way, and he was slipping — beginning to fall down, down, goodness knows where to. At that he woke up with a horrible start, and found that part of his dream was true. A crack had opened at the back of the cave, and was already a wide passage. He was just in time to see the last of the ponies’ tails disappearing into it. Of course he gave a very loud yell, as loud a yell as a hobbit can give, which is surprising for their size.

Out jumped the goblins (оттуда выпрыгнули гоблины), big goblins (большие гоблины), great ugly-looking goblins (огромные, отвратительно выглядящие гоблины), lots of goblins (кучи гоблинов), before you could say rocks and blocks (в один момент: «до того, как ты смог бы сказать ‘скалы и глыбы’»). There were six to each dwarf, at least (было по шесть /гоблинов/ на каждого гнома, по меньшей мере), and two even for Bilbo (и даже двое для Бильбо); and they were all grabbed (и их всех быстро схватили) and carried through the crack (и унесли сквозь пролом), before you could saytinder and flint (также в один момент; tinder — сухое гнилое дерево; flint — кремень). But not Gandalf (но не Гэндальфа). Bilbo’s yell had done that much good (вопль Бильбо сделал хотя бы это доброе дело). It had wakened him up wide (он совершенно разбудил его; wide — широко, настежь) in a splintered second (за какую-то долю секунды; to splinter — расщеплять), and when goblins came to grab him (и когда гоблины подошли, чтобы сцапать его), there was a terrible flash like lightning in the cave (в пещере случилась ужасная вспышка, похожая на молнию), a smell like gunpowder (запахло /как/ черным порохом; gun — пушка; powder — порошок; порох), and several of them fell dead (и несколько из них упали замертво).

ugly [ˈʌɡlɪ] tinder [ˈtɪndǝ] splinter [ˈsplɪntǝ]

Out jumped the goblins, big goblins, great ugly-looking goblins, lots of goblins, before you could say rocks and blocks. There were six to each dwarf, at least, and two even for Bilbo; and they were all grabbed and carried through the crack, before you could say tinder and flint. But not Gandalf. Bilbo’s yell had done that much good. It had wakened him up wide in a splintered second, and when goblins came to grab him, there was a terrible flash like lightning in the cave, a smell like gunpowder, and several of them fell dead.

The crack closed with a snap (расщелина захлопнулась с лязгом), and Bilbo and the dwarves were on the wrong side of it (и Бильбо и гномы все были на неправильной стороне от нее)! Where was Gandalf (где же был Гэндальф)? Of that (об этом) neither they (ни они) nor the goblins (ни гоблины) had any idea (не имели ни малейшего представления), and the goblins did not wait to find out (и гоблины не стали ждать, чтобы выяснить это). It was deep, deep, dark (было очень: «глубоко», очень темно), such as only goblins (так /темно/, что только гоблины) that have taken to living in the heart of the mountains (которые привыкли к жизни в самом сердце гор) can see through (могут видеть: «могут видеть сквозь»). The passages there (проходы, которые были там) were crossed and tangled (скрещивались и переплетались: «были перекрещены и переплетены») in all directions (во всех направлениях), but the goblins knew their way (но гоблины знали свою дорогу), as well as you do to the nearest post — office (так же, как вы знаете /дорогу/ к ближайшей почте) and the way went down and down (и путь вел все ниже и ниже), and it was most horribly stuffy (и там было ужасно душно). The goblins were very rough (гоблины были очень грубы), and pinched unmercifully (щипались безжалостно; mercy — милосердие; жалость), and chuckled and laughed (и фыркали, и смеялись) in their horrible stony voices (своими ужасными каменными голосами); and Bilbo was more unhappy (и Бильбо был еще более несчастен) even than when the troll (даже чем тогда, когда тролль) had picked him up by his toes (подхватил его за ноги). He wished again and again (он мечтал снова и снова) for his nice bright hobbit-hole (о своей милой яркой хоббитовской норе). Not for the last time (и не в последний раз).

Now there came a glimmer of a red light (вскоре там появился слабый проблеск красного огня) before them (перед ними). The goblins began to sing (гоблины начали петь), or croak (или хрипеть), keeping time (выдерживая темп) with the flap of their flat feet on the stone (пошлепыванием своими плоскими ногами по камню), and shaking their prisoners as well (а также потрясая своими пленниками; prisoner — заключенный, арестант).

neither … nor [ˈneɪðǝˈnɔ: ] stuffy [ˈstʌfɪ] unmerciful [ʌnˈmǝ: sɪf (ǝ) l]

The crack closed with a snap, and Bilbo and the dwarves were on the wrong side of it! Where was Gandalf? Of that neither they nor the goblins had any idea, and the goblins did not wait to find out. It was deep, deep, dark, such as only goblins that have taken to living in the heart of the mountains can see through. The passages there were crossed and tangled in all directions, but the goblins knew their way, as well as you do to the nearest post-office and the way went down and down, and it was most horribly stuffy. The goblins were very rough, and pinched unmercifully, and chuckled and laughed in their horrible stony voices; and Bilbo was more unhappy even than when the troll had picked him up by his toes. He wished again and again for his nice bright hobbit-hole. Not for the last time.

Now there came a glimmer of a red light before them. The goblins began to sing, or croak, keeping time with the flap of their flat feet on the stone, and shaking their prisoners as well.

Clap (хлоп)! Snap (шлеп)! the black crack (мрачный треск; black — черный, мрачный)!

Grip (схвати), grab (захвати)! Pinch (ущипни), nab (задержи/поймай)!

And down, down to Goblin-town (и вниз, вниз в Город Гоблинов)

You go, my lad (ты отправляешься, паренек)!

Clash (лязг), crash (грохот)! Crush (давка), smash (внезапное падение, грохот; to smash — разбить вдребезги, сокрушить)!

Hammer (молот) and tongs (и щипцы)! Knocker (дверной молоток) and gongs (и гонг)!

Pound (бей), pound (колоти), far underground (далеко под землю /иди/)!

Ho, ho (эй, вперед)! my lad (паренек)!

Swish (удар розгой), smack (шлепок)! Whip crack (кнут — щелчок)!

Batter (колоти) and beat (и дубась)!

Yammer (вопи) and bleat (и мычи)!

Work (работай), work (работай)!

Nor dare to shirk (не смей увильнуть),

While Goblins quaff (пока Гоблины напиваются; to quaff — пить большими глотками; осушать залпом), and Goblins laugh (и Гоблины смеются),

Round and round far underground (вертись и кружись, далеко вниз)

Below (под землю: «вниз»), my lad (паренек)!”

hammer [ˈhæmǝ] knocker [ˈnɔkǝ] yammer [ˈjæmǝ]

Clap! Snap! the black crack! Grip, grab! Pinch, nab! And down down to Goblin-town You go, my lad! Clash, crash! Crush, smash! Hammer and tongs! Knocker and gongs! Pound, pound, far underground! Ho, ho! my lad! Swish, smack! Whip crack! Batter and beat! Yammer and bleat! Work, work! Nor dare to shirk, While Goblins quaff, and Goblins laugh, Round and round far underground Below, my lad!”

It sounded truly terrifying (это звучало действительно ужасающе). The walls echoed to the clap, snap! (стены отдавались отзвуком этим "хлопкам и шлепкам") and the crush, smash! (и "давке и грохоту") and to the ugly laughter of their ho, ho! my lad! (и уродливому смеху их "ей, вперед, паренек") The general meaning of the song (общий смысл этой песни) was only too plain (был слишком ясен); for now the goblins took out whips (так как теперь гоблины достали плетки) and whipped them with a swish, smack! (и хлестали их со свистом и шлепком), and set them running (и заставили их бежать) as fast as they could (так быстро, как они только могли) in front of them (перед собой); and more than one of the dwarves (и более чем один гном) were already yammering and bleating (уже ныли и мычали) like anything (изо всех сил), when they stumbled into a big cavern (когда они споткнулись и ввалились в большую пещеру). It was lit by a great red fire (она была освещена огромным красным костром) in the middle (по середине), and by torches along the walls (и факелами /установленными/ вдоль стен), and it was full of goblins (и она была полна гоблинов). They all laughed (они все смеялись) and stamped (и топали) and clapped their hands (и хлопали в ладоши), when the dwarves (когда гномы) (with poor little Bilbo (с бедным маленьким Бильбо) at the back (в самом конце) and nearest to the whips (и /который был/ самым близким к плетям) came running in (вбежали внутрь), while the goblin-drivers whooped (в то время как гоблины-надсмотрщики гикали) and cracked their whips behind (и щелкали за ними своими плетьми). The ponies were already there (пони были уже там) huddled in a corner (загнанные в угол); and there were all the baggages and packages (и там же был весь багаж и все тюки) lying broken open (лежали, вскрытые), and being rummaged by goblins (и уже были обысканы гоблинами), and smelt by goblins (и обнюханные гоблинами; to smell — нюхать), and fingered by goblins (и ощупанные /пальцами/ гоблинов), and quarreled over by goblins (и из-за них уже переругались гоблины).

echo [ˈekǝʋ] stumble [ˈstʌmb (ǝ) l] torch [tɔ: tʃ] rummage [ˈrʌmɪdʒ]

It sounded truly terrifying. The walls echoed to the clap, snap! and the crush, smash! and to the ugly laughter of their ho, ho! my lad! The general meaning of the song was only too plain; for now the goblins took out whips and whipped them with a swish, smack!, and set them running as fast as they could in front of them; and more than one of the dwarves were already yammering and bleating like anything, when they stumbled into a big cavern. It was lit by a great red fire in the middle, and by torches along the walls, and it was full of goblins. They all laughed and stamped and clapped their hands, when the dwarves (with poor little Bilbo at the back and nearest to the whips) came running in, while the goblin-drivers whooped and cracked their whips behind. The ponies were already there huddled in a corner; and there were all the baggages and packages lying broken open, and being rummaged by goblins, and smelt by goblins, and fingered by goblins, and quarreled over by goblins.

I am afraid (я боюсь) that was the last they ever saw (что это был последний /раз/, когда они видели) of those excellent little ponies (тех отличных маленьких пони), including a jolly sturdy little white fellow (включая того веселого маленького белого крепыша) that Elrond had lent to Gandalf (которого Элронд одолжил Гэндальфу; to lend (lent) — давать взаймы, на время), since his horse was not suitable (так как его лошадь не подходила) for the mountain-paths (для горных тропинок). For goblins eat horses (так как гоблины едят лошадей) and ponies (и пони) and donkeys (и осликов) (and other much more dreadful things (и много других более ужасных вещей)), and they are always hungry (и они всегда голодны). Just now however (прямо сейчас, однако) the prisoners were thinking only of themselves (пленники думали только о себе самих). The goblins chained their hands (гоблины сковали их руки) behind their backs (за их спинами) and linked them all together in a line (и сцепили их всех вместе в одну цепочку) and dragged them to the far end of the cavern (и отволокли их в дальний конец пещеры) with little Bilbo tugging at the end of the row (и маленький Бильбо тащился в самом хвосте /шеренги/).

excellent [ˈeks (ǝ) lǝnt] donkey [ˈdɔŋkɪ] hungry [ˈhʌŋɡrɪ] prisoner [ˈprɪz (ǝ) nǝ]

I am afraid that was the last they ever saw of those excellent little ponies, including a jolly sturdy little white fellow that Elrond had lent to Gandalf, since his horse was not suitable for the mountain-paths. For goblins eat horses and ponies and donkeys (and other much more dreadful things), and they are always hungry. Just now however the prisoners were thinking only of themselves. The goblins chained their hands behind their backs and linked them all together in a line and dragged them to the far end of the cavern with little Bilbo tugging at the end of the row.

There in the shadows on a large flat stone (в тени, на большом плоском камне) sat a tremendous goblin (восседал гигантский гоблин) with a huge head (с огромной головой), and armed goblins (и вооруженные гоблины) were standing round him (стояли вокруг него) carrying the axes (вооруженные секирами: «несущие секиры») and the bent swords (и гнутыми мечами) that they use (которые они используют). Now goblins are cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted (ведь гоблины — жестокие, злобные и злосердечные).

They make no beautiful things (они не создают никаких прекрасных вещей), but they make many clever ones (но они делают много ловких вещей). They can tunnel and mine (они могут прокладывать туннели и добывать руду) as well as any (не хуже любых /гномов/: «также хорошо, как и любые /гномы/»; any — в утвердительных предложениях — всякий, любой) but the most skilled dwarves (исключая лишь наиболее искусных гномов; but — за исключением, кроме), when they take the trouble (когда они постараются), though they are usually untidy and dirty (хотя, они обычно неопрятные и грязные). Hammers (молоты), axes (секиры), swords (мечи), daggers (кинжалы), pickaxes (киркомотыги), tongs (щипцы), and also instruments of torture (а также орудия пыток), they make very well (они делают очень хорошо), or get other people to make (или заставляют других людей делать их) to their design (по их чертежам), prisoners and slaves (узников и рабов) that have to work (которые вынуждены работать) till they die for want of air and light (до тех пор, пока они не умрут от нехватки воздуха и света). It is not unlikely (весьма возможно: «не невероятно») that they invented (что они изобрели) some of the machines (некоторые из машин) that have since troubled the world (которые с тех пор доставляли проблемы всему миру), especially the ingenious devices (особенно те изобретательные приспособления) for killing large numbers of people at once (для умерщвления большого числа людей одновременно), for wheels (так как механизмы; wheel — колесо) and engines (и орудия) and explosions (и взрывы) always delighted them (всегда восхищали их), and also not working with their own hands (а также /желание/ не работать своими собственными руками) more than they could help (больше, чем требуется: «чем они могли бы помочь /этому/»); but in those days (но в те дни) and those wild parts (и в тех диких краях) they had not advanced (они еще не развились; to advance — продвигаться, делать успехи) (as it is called (как это называется)) so far (так далеко = настолько).

tremendous [trɪˈmendǝs] axe [æks] axes [ˈæksi: z] pickaxe [ˈpɪkæks] torture [ˈtɔ: tʃǝ] ingenious [ɪnˈdʒi: nɪǝs] explosion [ɪkˈsplǝʋʒ (ǝ) n]

There in the shadows on a large flat stone sat a tremendous goblin with a huge head, and armed goblins were standing round him carrying the axes and the bent swords that they use. Now goblins are cruel, wicked, and bad — hearted.

They make no beautiful things, but they make many clever ones. They can tunnel and mine as well as any but the most skilled dwarves, when they take the trouble, though they are usually untidy and dirty. Hammers, axes, swords, daggers, pickaxes, tongs, and also instruments of torture, they make very well, or get other people to make to their design, prisoners and slaves that have to work till they die for want of air and light. It is not unlikely that they invented some of the machines that have since troubled the world, especially the ingenious devices for killing large numbers of people at once, for wheels and engines and explosions always delighted them, and also not working with their own hands more than they could help; but in those days and those wild parts they had not advanced (as it is called) so far.

They did not hate dwarves especially (они не ненавидели гномов как-то по—особенному), no more than they hated everybody and everything (не больше, чем они ненавидели всех и вся), and particularly the orderly and prosperous (и особым образом аккуратных и преуспевающих); in some parts (в некоторых краях) wicked dwarves (злобные гномы) had even made alliances with them (даже заключали с ними союзы). But they had a special grudge against Thorin’s people (но они имели особенный зуб против людей Торина; grudge — недовольство, зависть), because of the war (из-за той самой войны) which you have heard mentioned (о которой, как вы слышали, уже упоминалось), but which does not come into this tale (но которая не входит в эту историю); and anyway goblins don’t care (и, в любом случае, гоблинов не очень-то волнует) who they catch (кого именно они поймали), as long as it is done smart and secret (при условии, что все сделано хитроумно и скрытно), and the prisoners are not able to defend themselves (и пленники не имеют возможности защищать себя). “Who are these miserable persons (кто эти жалкие существа)?” said the Great Goblin (сказал Великий Гоблин).

“Dwarves (гномы), and this (и это)!” said one of the drivers (сказал один из надзирателей), pulling at Bilbo’s chain so (потянув за цепь Бильбо так) that he fell forward onto his knees (что он упал вперед, на свои колени).

prosperous [ˈprɔsp (ǝ) rǝs] alliance [ǝˈlaɪǝns] grudge [ɡrʌdʒ]

They did not hate dwarves especially, no more than they hated everybody and everything, and particularly the orderly and prosperous; in some parts wicked dwarves had even made alliances with them. But they had a special grudge against Thorin’s people, because of the war which you have heard mentioned, but which does not come into this tale; and anyway goblins don’t care who they catch, as long as it is done smart and secret, and the prisoners are not able to defend themselves.

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