Active Vocabulary.
Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises Study the text, and find sentences with the Gerund. Translate them into Ukrainian.
2. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian: 1. Asking him about it was useless. 2. Newton’s having discovered the law of gravitation contributed much to world science. 3. The trouble was his not coming in time. 4. Avoid making such bad mistakes. 5. We succeeded in accomplishing our task. 6. This is the method of solving such problems. 7. After discussing the point, we went on working. 8. The good results are due to his hard working. 9. It’s worth while discussing the phenomenon. 10. It’s no good arguing about it.
3. Observe the identical form of the Ukrainian translation of both the Participle and the Gerund as an adverbial modifier of time and manner:
4. Underline the affixes, state what part of speech they indicate and translate them into Ukrainian: seem – seeming; blur – blurred; sweep – sweeping; hold – holding; consolidate – consolidating; compare – comparatively. 5. Look through the text and give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations: recollection; blur; depend upon; receptacle; hold; chunk; consolidate; random; diverge; at first glance; in order for; although; rudimentary; pathway; stride.
6. Look through the text and give English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations: тримати; складний; тривалість; стрибок; вибраний навмання; крадіжка; дитинство; на відміну від; зберігати; тривалість; порівняння; низка; нечіткі контури; резервуар; залежати; порівняно.
7. Complete these sentences: 1. What makes memory so hard to understand is …. 2. Sometimes we recall things in …. 3. Short-term memory serves as a kind of holding pen for …. 4. The capacity of STM is limited to …. 5. STM capacity can thus be enhanced by …. 6. Long-term memory has a comparatively …. 7. A random license plate on a random car might be …. 8. Some suggest that the structure of a nerve pathway changes when data are preserved, forming ….
8. Combine the words from the left-and right-hand columns to make word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian:
Compose sentences in English using the word-combinations from Ex. 8.