Study the text and find sentences with the Participle. Translate them into Ukrainian.
2. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian: 1. A symbol is a mark, or a sign, or a word representing (or symbolizing) an object or an idea. 2. The mathematicians being invited to our University from abroad are well-known scientists. 3. The methods followed by the lecturer was not accurate. 4. Considered from this point of view the question will be of great interest. 5. Having picked out the products corresponding to these tables, we obtained a coordinate system for the place. 6. The value of 7. Given two points 8. Unless otherwise specified, the word “set” in this book will refer to a set of real numbers. 9. The notion of the limit of the function having so far been discussed rather informally, let us now give a precise definition. 3. Observe the time of occurrence, expressed by a Participle: 1. (When) solving the problem, we came across certain difficulties. 2. Having solved the problem, we verified our results. 3. Being solved in a hurry, the problem was difficult to comprehend. 4. The student solving the problem on the black-board made many mistakes. 5. The problem solved by comrade 6. Having been solved, the problem was analyzed. 7. The problem being solved sums to be very difficult. 8. The problem having been solved, we had a break. 9. The students solving the problem were first-year students. 10. Solved, the problem helped the students to master the theory. 4. Define the meanings of the following words by their affixes: manage – management; compute – computer; inform – information – informatics; active – activity; perfect – perfectly; wide – widely; deliver – delivery; use – useless; cease – ceaseless – ceaselessly; add – addition; divide – division; produce – production – productive – productivity – reproduce.
5. Look through the text and give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations: sequence of minute electrical pulses; occur; basic code; penetration; launch; multiply; assist; human intervention; subtraction; division; addition; application; refined and flexible techniques; evaluation; feedback; in terms of; living entity; endeavour; scrutiny. 6. Look through the text and give English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations: дані; послідовність; порізно; траплятися; дрібний; незнаний; удосконалювати; точність; зворотний зв’язок; бути зацікавленим; передбачати; керований снаряд; захоплювати; використовувати.
7. Study the text and find antonyms to the following words: absence; old; easy; past; narrow; low; stupid; artificial; rigid; subtraction; animal; regress; common. 8. Study the text and give synonyms to the following words: information; manipulate; general; area; enhance; benefit; finish; main; research; invasion. 9. Combine the words from the left-and right-hand columns to make word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian: