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Ex. 56. Make the dialogues complete.


A: How many states are there …?

B: There are 50 ….

A: When was the US Constitution …?

B: … in 1787.

A: What branches is the federal government of the USA divided into?

B: … into three main branches: ….

A: What is the legislative …?

B: … the Congress.

A: The Congress is bicameral, isn’t it?

B: Yes, it contains two ….

A: And what does the executive …?

B: … includes the President, ….

A: What does …?

B: …the US Supreme Court and the system ….

A: How many Justices are there in …?

B: … nine Justices – … and eight Associate Justices.



A: How many states did the USA begin as a nation of?

B: … as a nation of 13 states.

A: Who was the first …?

B: George ….

A: What Houses does the US Congress …?

B: … is composed of ….

A: What is the total number of …?

B: … 100 members and it is a fixed ….

A: And what is the total …?

B: … 435 ….

A: What does the number of the Representatives …?

B: … depends on the states’ population.



A: Does each state have …?

B: Yes, … its own government and its own capital city.

A: How many members are there in … and in …?

B: … 435 in … and 100 members in ….

A: How is each Senator …?

B: … chosen by a majority of voters in the entire state.

A: How are the Representatives …?

B: … by state election.

A: What … is the President elected for?

B: … for four years of service and may be reelected for ….

A: And how are federal judges …?

B: … appoints them for life … but approval of the ….


Ex. 57. What would you say if you took part in the dialogues bellow?



A: …?

B: The US federal government is composed of three main branches.

A: …?

B: The legislative, the executive and the judicial.

A: …?

B: Yes, each state has its own government and its own capital city.

A: …?

B: The legislative branch of the government is vested in the Congress.

A: …?

B: Its function is making laws and financing the operation of the government.

A: …?

B: The judicial branch of the US government consists of the Supreme Court of the United States and the system of federal courts.

A: …?

B: It has the responsibility of judging the constitutionality of acts of law.



A: Who was the US capital named after?

B: ….

A: How many states were there when the Constitution was written in 1787?

B: ….

A: The Congress is bicameral, isn’t it?

B: ….

A: What person must a Representative be?

B: ….

A: What person must a Senator be?

B: ….

A: Who can be elected President?

B: ….

A: What is necessary after the Presidential appointment of federal judges?

B: ….

A: Thank you very much. ButI must be going now.

B: See you soon.

A:So long! Bye!



Ex. 58. Listen to the text and do the tasks given below.

Task I. Make sure you know these words.


1. in this sense – в этом смысле

2. to draft – разрабатывать, делать черновик

3. Founding Fathers – Отцы-oснователи (группа политических деятелей времен Американской революции 1776, возглавивших борьбу против британской короны и сыгравших решающую роль в образовании США, стоявших у истоков государственных и политических институтов и традиций страны, в том числе деятели, подписавшие Конституцию 1787)

4. to propose – предлагать

5. to abolish slavery – отменить рабство

6. suffrage – избирательное право

7. amendment – поправка


Task II. Decide what the following stands for. Match the two


a) on May 25, 1787 b) 12 c) 55 d) in 1791 e) in 1865 f) in 1870 g) on March 4, 1789 h) 26   1. the adoption of the first 10 amendments 2. the abolishment/abolition of slavery 3. the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia 4. the ratification and enforcement of the Constitution 5. the number of the delegates creating the Constitution 6. the guarantee of the universal suffrage 7. the number of pages in the Constitution 8. the number of adopted amendments


Task III. Answer the following questions.


1. How may a constitution be defined as?

2. Whom did the 55 delegates include?

3. What was George Washington?

4. What did the Constitution set up?

5. Why were the American people dissatisfied with the adoption of the Constitution?

6. What was Congress forced to do?

7. What is called the "Bill of Rights"?

8. What civil liberties does the "Bill of Rights" include?



Text 1

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