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Ex. 41. Translate the following attributive groups.


Three main government branches; the legislative branch function; the executive branch powers; the federal government judicial branch; each Senator mission; the two stage presidential election; Cabinet members President’s appointment; any Cabinet member removal; nation’s elite law schools; the US Senate special powers limitation.


Ex. 42. Arrange the synonyms in pairs. Mind! Several variants are possible.


1. power 2. to establish 3. to legislate 4. legislator 5. to elect 6. house 7. to involve 8. to carry out 9. to divide 10. official (n) 11. department 12. state (n) 13. to adopt     1. officer 2. to fulfil 3. to separate 4. right (n) 5. to make laws 6. authority 7. to set up 8. nation 9. to choose 10. to execute 11. office 12. chamber 13. to contain 14. to perform 15. to accept 16. lawmaker 17. to include

Ex. 43. Match the meaning (A) with the correct word (B).


1. the group of people who govern (esp. a nation or state) 2. a law or set of laws 3. the choosing by vote of a representative to take an official (political) position 4. the choosing someone for a position or job 5. elected law-making body 6. the person who is the head of a government, committee, etc. 7. the carrying out or completion of an order, plan or work 8. a public official who has the power to decide questions brought before a law court 1. execution 2. chamber 3. judge 4. chairman 5. legislation 6. election 7. appointment 8. government  


Ex. 44. Make up word combinations and translate them.


to advise ~ legally; ~ officially; ~ strongly; ~ President on financial matters; ~ Speaker on a question;
to adopt   ~ formally; ~ the Constitution; ~ several amendments to the Constitution; ~ a candidate for election;
to appoint ~ officially; ~ a chairman; ~ a representative; ~ judges for life; ~ Cabinet members;
to approve ~ completely; ~ partially; ~ Vice-President’s report; ~ President’s appointment;
to carry out ~ quickly; ~ completely; ~ successfully; ~ governmental policy; ~ the election analysis; ~ President’s order;
to choose ~ carefully; ~ mistakenly; ~ by secret vote; ~ by election; ~ by show of hands; ~ by secret ballot; ~ between the candidates;
to represent ~ the queen; ~ District of Columbia; ~ a country; ~ a government; ~ a constituency; ~ a county (Am / Br).


Ex. 45. State the part of speech of the words in bold. Read and translate the sentences.


1. The number of Representatives depends on the population. The House of Representatives numbers 435 members.

2. The U. S. Supreme Court functions as a final appellate tribunal. Their functions are to make laws and finance the operation of the government.

3. Only the President appoints such high officials as Cabinet members, federal judges, etc. The Supreme Court begins its official work year on the 1st of October. The Supreme Court judges the constitutionality of law acts passed by the Congress.

4. The executive branch includes the President, Vice-President and the President's cabinet. The President is the chief executive of the State.

5. The secretaries of the major eleven executive departments form "the Cabinet". This form of management is rather effective.

6. In the USA the heads of departments are not members of the Congress. In Great Britain the monarch also heads the Established Church of England.

7. The US Congress cannot change the powers given to the Supreme Court by the Constitution itself. The Government has proposed major changes in tax policy.


Ex. 46. Fill in the blanks with the words / word combinations given bellow.


1. The United States of America was … by the Constitution in 1787.

2. The US federal government is divided into three …: the legislative, the executive and the judicial.

3. The legislative branch of the government … the Congress.

4. … of the Congress is for two years.

5. The … is responsible for administering and executing the laws.

6. Only the President can … Cabinet members for an indefinite term.

7. The third branch of the US government is the fedderal ….

8. The Supreme Court of the USA is … judging the constitutionality of acts of law.



1. the term; 2. responsible for; 3. appoint; 4. is vested in; 5. main branches; 6. judiciary; 7. executive branch; 8. established.


Text A


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