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The Ministry of Justice of Russia exercises important coordinating functions in the legal field, but it is not a law enforcement agency like the US Department of Justice. It is an executive agency that provides administrative support for the courts with the formally stated purpose of improving the administration of justice and making judicial administration more efficient.

The Ministry is directly involved in systemization and codification of the laws. It directs the activities of notarial and official registry offices*, forensic centers* and laboratories. The Ministry promotes the development of legal science. The Ministry trains legal personnel for courts and runs courses of continuing legal education for judges.

The State Legal Department of the President* is an extra-constitutional body established a few years ago that functions as advisor to the President on legal policy. Since its formation it has become very active on issues involving reform of the judiciary and criminal law.

Law enforcement functions are performed by the Procurator General’s Office (procuratura) with subordinate agencies in cities and provinces, by the Ministry of Internal Affairs with subordinate agencies, and by the Federal Counterintelligence Service*. The Procurator’s office supervises the legality in the activities of all law enforcement agencies, investigates crimes and prosecutes criminals.

The Federal Guard Service (Russian FSO) is a federal agency of the executive branch, which, acting in accordance with laws and other legal instruments in force, is responsible for regulating, monitoring and overseeing the security of presidential, governmental and other forms of special communications and information.

The Federal Guard Service provides for the personal protection of the President, members of his family and other leading government figures, sees to the proper operation of the President’s communication channels, and also guards government facilities.

The judicial power in Russia belongs to courts. The Court structure in Russia is determined by the law. Justice in the Russia is exercised by courts on the basis of the Constitution and other standard laws adopted in conformity with it. The supervision over correspondence of laws in the State to the Constitution is exercised by the Constitutional Court of Russia.

The Federal Counterintelligence investigates organized crimes and terrorist acts.



notarial and official registry offices     – нотариальные конторы и официальные регистрационные учреждения
forensic centers – центры судебной экспертизы
the State Legal Department of the President – Государственная правовая комиссия при Президенте
the Federal Counterintelligence Service – ФСБ
"On State Safeguard" – "О государственной охране"


Task 2. Complete the dialogue using hints in brackets.


A: Could you say a few words about... (legal agencies of Russia)?

B: Sure. You are welcome. I know that there are... (the Ministry of Justice, the state Legal Department of the President, the Procuarator General’s Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSO and so on).

A: Is the Ministry of Justice a law enforcement agency?

B: I don’t think so. As far as I know... (an executive agency that provides administrative support for the courts)

A: Does it make judicial administration more efficient?

B: Certainly, besides the Ministry... (... in systemization and codification of laws and...)

A: It is well known that the Ministry trains legal personnel for courts, doesn’t it?

B: Yes, right you are, besides it … (run courses of continuing legal education for judges)

A: And what can you say about the state Legal Department of the President? Is it an ancient body?

B: No … (only three years ago), but has become... (... in reform of the judiciary and...).

A: Does it function as …(... to the President)?

B: Yes, it gives advises to... (on legal matters).

A: I know that the Procurator General’s Office performs... (law enforcement functions). What do they include?

B: … (the legality in the activities of all law enforcment agencies,...). Do you know what functions the Ministry of Internal Affairs has got?

A: Sure, it is … (... and performs some administrative functions).

B: And is the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation the legal agency?

A: I think, it is … (a federal agency of the executive branch of government, and its functions are...).

B: What do you think … (the court structure in Russia)?

A: The judicial power in Russia is exercised ….

B: Oh, we have been already talking for an hour…. Sorry, but I have to go to the Institute.

A: Thanks a lot.

B: Anytime.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-31; просмотров: 827. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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