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Ex. 6. Define the types of the clauses.

1. The problem that the commander was speaking about was to investigate the case quickly. 2. A number of law institutes are functioning now where future lawyers are getting higher education. 3. Since the political regime of the country has changed, the law codes are to be changed to a new one. 4. In order that they can exercise the right to vote, American citizens at age of 18 must register as voters. 5. That the law regulates the conduct of the citizens is well known. 6. When defendants are found guilty of the crimes the judge must then determine the sentence. 7. After the detective had collected all the facts he could identify the criminal. 8. The Supreme Court determines whether the laws and acts are in accordance with the Constitution. a) придаточное подлежащее b) придаточное определительное c) придаточное дополнительное d) придаточное обстоятельственное времени e) придаточное обстоятельственное причины f) придаточное обстоятельственное условия g) придаточное обстоятельственное цели


Ex. 7. Choose the correct conjunction.


1. (Так как)he refused to pay money for the damages, the case was brought to court.

2. Law is a method of control (который) uses its own highly specialized procedures.

3. The bill doesn’t go to other house (до тех пор пока)it will be examined in details by a committee.

4. The prosecutor changed his decision (после того как)there had been arised other facts in the investigating process.

5. (Поскольку) a decision of the Supreme Court cannot be appealed to any other court neither the President nor Congress can change it.

6. We must study the law well (для того чтобы) we can use it in practice.

7.The case (о котором) the investigator is speaking about was very interesting.

8. It is well known (что) the highest judicial organ of the USA is the Supreme Court.



a) that; b) after; c) as; d) until; e) which; f) in order.

Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Mind! Some words are odd ones.


1. laws 2. President 3. establish 4. eight associate justices 5. decisions 6. involve 7. hear 8. branches 9. judiciary 10. appealed 11. chief justice 12. jurisdiction 13. lower courts 14. approved 15. Supreme Court


The third branch of almost every government, in addition to the legislative and executive branches is... (1). Its main instrument is the... (2), which watches over the other two branches. It determines whether its... (3) and acts are in accordance with the Constitution. The Supreme Court consists of a... (4) and... (5). They are nominated by the... (6) but must be... (7) by the Senate. A decision of the Supreme Court cannot be... (8) to any other court. Neither the President nor Congress can change its... (9). The Supreme Court has direct... (10) in only two kinds of cases: those involving foreign diplomats and those in which a state is a party. All other cases which reach the Court are appeals from the... (11). The Supreme Court chooses which of this it will... (12). Most of the cases... (13) the interpretation of the Constitution.




Topic:Entering the Profession

Text A:The Profession of a Lawyer

Text B:Types of Legal Professions in Great Britain

Text C: Jurisprudence as a Career

Phonetics:Sounds: [ʒ] [dʒ] [òn] [ŋk] [ŋg] [ŋ]

Grammar:Sequence of Tenses

Indirect Speech

Conditional clauses

Wordbuilding:Compound adjectives, compound nouns



Ex. 1. Practise saying.


[ʒ] divi s ion, deci s ion, occa s ion, mea s ure, lei s ure, presti g e;
[dʒ] le g ion, colle g e, a g ency, privile g e, re g ion, dan g erous;
[òn] profe ssion, vaca tion, ac tion, se ssion, rela tion, dic tion ary;
[ŋk] fu nc tional, ra nk, li nk, tru n k, thi nk, wi nk, rink, ink, pi nk;
[ŋg] lo ng er, stro ng er, a ng ry, hu ng ry, fi ng er, la ng uage, si ng ing;
[ŋ] wro ng, wi ng, ki ng, nothi ng, reflecti n g, includi ng, belong.


Ex. 2. Group the words according to the following sounds.


[ʒ] [dʒ] [òn] [ŋk] [ŋg] [ŋ]


Television, attraction, treasure, bringing, seizure, surgeon, sting, bank, English, patient, entering, discussion, single, imagine, sink, supervision, occupation, writing, strange, cleaning, investigation, song, agent, conclusions, thing, efficient, ring, during, strange, clink, legislature, range, unusual, age, officially, advantage, position, Georgian, commission, zink, apprehension, fingerprint, soldier, usually, treasure.


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