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Ex. 25. Make up word combinations using verbs from the above exercise. Translate them into Russian.


The proceedings,permanent clients,the cases in courts,thedocuments and evidence, of a crime, justice, a lot of investigations, the trials, the accused person,legal assistance, private business, law firms,a wide range of services, any kind of human activity, on legal matters, questions between enterprises, the interests of the plaintiff, correct law interpretation.


Ex. 26.* Make up phrases and give their Russian equivalents.


to carry to bring to drop to close to initiate to argue to prove to fight to delay     a case     to give legal advice evidence opinion notice time opportunity testimony



    to hold a position of   a judge a prosecutor a defending counsel a notary a legal adviser an arbitrator an investigator a procurator’s assistant an officer of the court     to work at (in) the Bar the law court the Procurator’s Office the state arbitration the enterprise militia organs the Law Institute the Notary Office


Ex. 27. Find the word / word combination with the most general meaning in each section.


1. a legal adviser, a notary, legal profession, a judge, a state arbitrator, an investigator, a counsel for the defence, a prosecutor, a jurist, a lawyer;

2. to maintain order in the courtroom, to function as a judge, to interpret the law, to conduct the proceedings, to put questions to the parties and witnesses, to examine the documents and evidences, to pass a sentence;

3. to give people legal advice, to prepare all the necessary documents, to take business for ordinary people, to help legally, to write legal letters, to appear for the client in court;

4. Office of Public Prosecutor, Notary, legal offices/institutions, Law Court, State arbitration, organs of the militia, juridical bodies, colleges of advocates;

5. a subject at the Law Institute, Theory of Law, State and Law, Criminal and Public Law, Criminalistics, Crime Psychology, Administrative law;

6. law enforcement activity, maintaining law and order, providing security for the society, safeguarding people’s property, fighting crime.

Ex. 28. Translate the following word combinations.

Decision-making judgement, communicative abilities, regular legal assistance, additional professional examinations, police officer career, law enforcement officer functions, military justice officer, public inspection units, long term supervision, law faculty graduate, commercial enterprise work, professional law exams, specific criminal speciality, instructions legallity control, crime-solution rate.


Ex. 29. Arrange the synonyms in pairs. Mind! Some variants are


1. assistance 2. specialist 3. process 4. society 5. to perform 6.to maintain 7. to participate 8. legal advisor 9. to arbitrate 10. investigation 11. legal aid office     1. to conduct 2. advisory office 3. to take part 4. inquiry, examination 5. to settle a dispute 6. to support 7. expert 8. procedure 9. aid 10. to execute 11. community 12. to keep 13. help 14. to decide a dispute 15. juristconsult 16. to provide

Ex. 30. Match the meaning (A) with the correct word (B).


1. a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes decisions on legal matters; 2. a legal representative who officially accuses someone of committing a crime in a court of law; 3. a lawyer who can settle questions between commercial enterprises; 4. an advice or help basing on this or that law; 5. proper administration of laws; title given to judges; 6. an employment that requires a learned education; 7. a place where legal assistance is offered and where professional lawyers work; 8. the decision of a jury; 9. a lawyer who prepares an official paper by which the right to ownership of one’s property is given by one person to another. 1. state arbitrator 2. legal advice 3. profession 4. judge 5. advisory office 6. verdict 7. notary 8. prosecutor 9. justice  


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