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The Right Way of Treating Customers

Is it possible to earn a lot of money and at the same time to be a decent person and a good citizen of your country? Yes, if a businessman works hard and honestly. If his business supplies his customers with quality goods or services. If people need his products. If the interests of business match with the interests of customers.

Excellent companies have not only "market orientation"; they have a habit of living for their customers. Many execu­tives are concerned about getting their organization "closer to the customer".

In the book A Passion for Excellence, which was a bestseller in the USA, Tom Peters and Nancy Austin identify some of the ways of "treating the customer like a king". They have sorted out several aspects of a true customer-first orientation in companies that have a "smell" for the customer. Here are some of their ideas.

Customer-oriented companies issue special bulletins and annual reports dealing exclusively with customer service. They feature stories about working with customers. Interests of a company and its customers are considered to be joint.

In a host of ways, unique respect for salespeople is demonstrated. Celebrations for salespeople are special and taken very seriously. They are attended by almost all of general management. When the salesman talks, the engineer, manufacturer or manager jumps. The company's "Hall of Fame" consists of salespersons or marketers.

Customer-support people are showered with attention. Receptionists who answer telephone calls, dispatchers and people on the loading dock get special training. At celebrations, they are awarded for good customer service.

The importance of the customer can be seen in every function of the organization. One can see it through display of letters (good and bad), film clips and visits. People of all departments work for customers directly or indirectly.

There is a special friendly and respectful language associated with customers. In particular, contemptuous language is simply not permitted.

Visits with customers are exchanged regularly, at all levels in the company and customer organization. Customers are invited to visit all facilities, especially plants or back room operations. They are invited to celebrations and policy meetings and are encouraged to produce their views.

Discussions, celebrations of heroes focus on support for the customer. The customer-support stories are about particular people and circumstances. That is the customer is treated as a unique person, not as a statistical abstraction.

Companies have a lot of devices for customer listening. There are "iron laws" about time-to-respond to customer requests and information (for example, 8 to 48 hours).

There are devices to connect sales, engineering and manufacturing departments. It helps to respond to customers suggestions quickly.

Customer satisfaction is measured very often - monthly at least, and perhaps weekly. Surveys are reviewed by top management.

Complaints are responded very swiftly. Mistakes are corrected.

Promises to customers are kept. Achievable delivery dates are set, and then met. Top management analyzes the reason for missing a promised date and takes severe measures. Customers respect the ability to keep promises.

The organization works at improving quality and increasing reliability of product and service. Almost all in the company use the product themselves, if possible. Samples are always around for all to see.

The customers perception is viewed as most important. Good companies respond to the customer's view – even if it costs them a substantial amount of money.

People in all departments have a passion for customer-related improvements. They want to do things just a little bit better.

Exercise 10. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Интересы бизнеса соответствуют интересам клиентов; ежегодные отчеты; исключительно; прямо или косвенно; производитель; совещания по стратегическим вопросам; высказывать свою точку зрения; определенные люди и обстоятельства; отдел сбыта, технический отдел, производственный отдел; быстро реагировать на предложения покупателей; сдержать обещания; улучшение качества и повышение надежности продукции; значительная сумма денег.

Exercise 11. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. What important aspects of management is T. Peters and N. Austin's book A Passion for Excellence devoted to?

2. What orientation do excellent companies have?

3. Can you name the priorities of customer-oriented companies?

4. How is work with customers organized?

5. How is work with sales-people and customer-support people organized?

6. Do all the departments in the organization contribute to treating the customer like the king? Prove it.

7. Is the "royal" treatment of customers so important, in your opinion?


Exercise 12. Summerize the text "The Right Way of Treating Customers". Consult the Writing Language section.


Exercise 13. Complete the text about customer service with the words from the box.


a) customer service b) applied c) to record d) satisfied e) computer software f) monitor

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