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Exercise 16.

I. Say how managers and service people should behave and act when they work with partners and serve customers. Use the model and word combinations below.

Model: One must be honest in business. Необходимо быть честным в бизнесе.

One should speak to customers politely. Следует вежливо разговаривать с покупателями.

To be honest; to be reliable; to be attentive; to respect people; to help customers; to respond to customer requests, suggestions and complaints; to keep one's word; to speak to customers friendly, politely; to meet the demands of people; to satisfy the requirements of customers; to improve quality of a product; to increase reliability of a product; to protect customers' interests.

II. Say how managers and service people shouldn't behave and act when they work with partners and serve customers. Use the model and word combinations below.

Model: One mustn't be dishonest in business. Нельзя быть нечестным в бизнесе.

You shouldn't ignore customers' suggestions. Вам не следует пренебрегать предложениями покупателей.

To be indifferent to customers' needs; to demonstrate discourtesy; to be dishonest; to ignore customers' suggestions, ideas, requests, complaints; to neglect customers' wishes, interests.


Exercise 17. Imagine you're a manager in a shop. Write a code of salespeople for your department.


6.2. Managing Customer Service


Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

relationship manager [rI"leISqnSIp 'mxnIGq] менеджер по связям с клиентами

customer demand ["kAstqmq dI'mRnd] покупательский спрос

goods show выставка товаров

to suffer losses ["sAfq 'lPsIz] нести убытки

motto ['mPtqV] n девиз

representative ["reprI'zentqtIv] n представитель

to be in charge of smth [CRG] заведовать чём-л.

rude receptionists ['rHd rI'sepSqnIsts] грубые секретари, ведущие прием посетителей; грубые приемщики

pushy salesmen ['puSI 'seIlzmqn] напористые продавцы

a customer-assurance program ['kAstqmq q'Suqrqns 'prqVgrxm] программа качественного обслуживания покупателей

to appoint smb to a post / position [q'pOInt…'pqVst / pq'zISqn] назначать кого-л. на пост / должность

to hand smth over to smb ['hxnd…'qVvq] передавать что-л. кому-л.

issue ['IsjH] n спорный вопрос

to affect [q'fekt] v влиять, воздействовать

to arrange [q'reInG] v устраивать, подготавливать

shipment ['SIpmqnt] n отправка, погрузка (товаров)

parts n = spare parts ['speq 'pRts] запасные части

installation ["Instq'leISqn] n установка, монтаж, сборка

assembly process [q'semblI 'prqVses] сборочный процесс

substandard materials [sAb'stxndqd mq'tIqrIqlz] нестандартные материалы

scrap [skrxp] n металлический лом; v сдавать в лом

involvement [In'vPlvmqnt] n зд.: участие, вовлеченность

Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Suffer, suffering; push, pushy; provide, provider, provision; profit, profitable, profitability; cast, casting; divide, division; introduce, introduction; assure, assurance; ship, shipment; install, installation; facility, facilitate; assemble, assembly; friend, friendly; grade, high-grade, low-grade; need, needed; measure, measurement.


Exercise 3. Guess what these international words mean.

To balance the interests in business, a service policy, selection of personnel, organization of personnel training, corporate interests, general manager, the result of management, effective measures, management problems, bureaucrats, to affect the product, a position, authority, a phone, to stop the assembly process, to scrap materials, innovative technologies, client-oriented management, visitors, realistic dates, business organizations.


Exercise 4. Read the words with the suffix sub- (под-) and say what they mean.

Model: subheading подзаголовок

Subway, submarine, subheading, subsoil; subcommittee, subdivision, subspecies, subclass, subtype; subhuman, subnormal, substandard; subordinate, sub-editor.


Exercise 5. Find synonyms in List A and В, С and D.

Model 1: to hand – to give

A. To arrange; to issue, to hand, to deal with, to permit, to respond, to request, to install, to try, to complete, to call, to invite somebody to a party, to buy, to sell machines, to display.

B. To be related to, to let, to mount, to demonstrate, to answer, to ask, to attempt, to finish, to ask somebody to a party, to telephone, to give, to organize, to publish, to phone, to ring up, to trade in machinery, to purchase.

Model 2: honest – fair

C. Rude, angry, courteous, honest, bad, swift, ill-bread, attentive, important, mutually beneficial.

D. Poor, quick, ill-mannered, rough, considerate, significant, mutually advantageous, fair, cross, polite.


Exercise 6. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

To suffer losses; to satisfy people's needs; the main directions; remuneration of salespeople; respond to complaints; to cast in stone; corporate mottoes; to keep customers happy; poor management; a customer-service representative; a middle-level manager; a low-level manager; to deal with customer complaints; to solve problems; a manufacturing / sales facility; rude receptionists; pushy salesmen; to please customers; to pamper customers; a customer-assurance program; a customer-assurance executive; to be appointed to the post; to be responsible to the general manager; to hand suggestions over to the vice-president; to affect the quality of the product; to make changes; to arrange a shipment of parts; to complete an installation, to change attitudes of employees; to stop the assembly process; to scrap substandard materials; to keep product quality high; to introduce new technologies, to become company-oriented; involvement of employees.


Exercise 7. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets.

A. 1. I ___ (didn't inform / wasn't informed) of it. 2. Mr. White ___ (appointed / was appointed) as Customer Service Manager. 3. The hostess ___ (introduced / was introduced) me to Mr. Robinson. 4. The shop-assistant ___ (dismissed / was dismissed) for having been rude to a customer. 5. He ___ (neglected / was neglected) his duties and ___ (demoted / was demoted). 6. At that time I ___ (hoped / hope) for another promotion. 7. Mr. Chapman ___ (promoted / was promoted) from salesman to manager. 8. The visitor ___ (offered / was offered) a cigarette and a cup of coffee. 9. Realistic delivery dates ___ (set and met / were set and met) by the service people. 10. The secretary ___ (sent / was sent) the customer the latest catalogues and price-lists.

B. 1. How long ___ (have you been studying / had you been studying) management science? I ___ (have been taking / will have been taking) management for two years. I ___ (have been doing / had been doing) it since I was in my first year at university. 2. Mr. Benson ___ (is living / has been living) in London for a long time. 3. I was very tired because I ___ (have been working / had been working) all day. 4. By next year he ___ (will work / will have been working) in the company for twenty years. 5. Mr. Smith ___ (have been looking / had been looking) for a job for two years before he was employed by a private company. 6. I wondered how long the engineers ___ (will be working / would be working) at the project when I returned from abroad. 7. They ___ (have been trading / has been trading) in consumer goods for five years. 8. The visitor ___ (has been waiting / had been waiting) for the director for an hour when he came at last. 9. The experts ___ (have been working / has been working) at the contract for two days. 10. The student ___ (have been writing / has been writing) his term paper for a month.

Exercise 8. Work in pairs. Speak about actions which began in the past and are still in progress. Use the model and word combinations below.

Model. A: How long has your father been working in the service industry?

B: He has been working in the service industry for five years / since 2003.

To study management, to discuss the terms of payment, to serve the customer, to produce consumer goods, to consider the problem, to work for the company, to develop new products, to teach economics, to draft a contract, to speak at the meaning, to work in the service industry.

Exercise 9. Read the text and find out how to manage work with customers.

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